10 Things to Consider When Buying double wire mesh fence

19 Aug.,2024


Considerations When Buying Wire Mesh Fencing

When you&#;re looking for fencing to keep your property secure, you have a lot of options to choose from. One popular choice is wire mesh fencing, which comes in a range of styles and prices. Before you buy mesh fencing, it&#;s important to consider what you need the fence to do, how much maintenance you&#;re willing to do, and the climate where you live.

Why wire mesh fencing is so popular

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Unlike aluminium or vinyl options that come in panels which can crack over time, wire mesh fencing features an unbroken surface. This means there are no separate pieces to replace and the fence itself is corrosion resistant so it will last longer than other materials like wood fences with rusting nails holding them up.

Wire mesh fencing is also lightweight, so it can be installed in any kind of barrier setup. It likewise has a variety of uses; apart from being a security barrier, it can also be used as a divider to utilise mixed-use spaces, or as a frame for urban and vertical gardens.

What to look at when getting wire mesh fencing

Wire mesh suppliers offer different types of wire mesh fencing, and with their wide range of options it may be confusing for you to choose the right one to use. Among the things to look at are:

1. Welding quality.

The quality of the welded wire mesh will largely depend on its diameter and strength. To produce it, manufacturers usually choose wires that are suitable for welding before going through this process with their chosen machine or method in order to ensure proper functioning when put into use.

You may want to ask the wire mesh supplier how their fences are welded. Mass-produced fences are usually machine-welded; on the other hand, custom or artisan wire mesh fences (for specific purposes) are welded by hand.

2. Product framework.

The choice of wire mesh for a product largely affects how it will be used. For example, if you want to keep pets or children from accessing certain areas then an angled steel framework would suit your needs perfectly. However, this type of framework may not be suitable for high level security measures or fire protection.

Meanwhile, round angle wire mesh is a popular option that works well in applications such as security fencing because its resilience makes them last longer than other builds. This type of wire mesh fence is also designed to withstand high traffic areas without getting damaged easily over time.

3. Finishing.

Lastly, when looking for wire mesh fencing, make sure to check how it is sprayed. The finishing spray helps protect the fence material and allows it to withstand the risks of wear and tear. Try to check if the fence is uniformly coated with finishing spray, and if its links are even (no big and small holes in between).


By looking at these considerations, you are able to find the right wire mesh fencing to use for your space. At the same time, you are able to enjoy the long-term benefits of this fencing material, regardless of where or how you are going to use it.

Hebei Jinbiao is a leading company in Noise Barrier products and Fencing products in Singapore. We guarantee to provide you with the most high-quality Noise Barrier and Fencing products along with our dedicated assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to helping you solve your noise issues, safety issues and protecting you from noise pollution as well as ensuring your safety.

How to Choose a Wire Mesh Fence? - Hebei Jinbiao

The wire mesh fence is one of the most durable and effective ways to protect your property or garden. The majority of the properties in Singapore have some sort of fencing. Choosing the right type of wire mesh Singapore is a tricky decision especially when you are a first-time buyer.

The famous saying of &#;good fences make good neighbors&#; seems accurate in situations where you need to protect the boundaries. Every homeowner needs appropriate arrangements to protect his privacy and property.

What is a wire mesh fence?

Wire mesh in Singapore is widely used as a protection barrier. The fence is basically made of electrically welded wire strands. These wire strands form a mesh-like structure that is installed around the garden or any other space.

How to choose a wire mesh fence?

There are certain factors in wire mesh that determine the durability and quality of the fence. In this article, we are going to explore the different aspects from an expert&#;s view. Here are the most important things that you need to notice while choosing the wire mesh for your property. 

  • Quality of the welded material-The durability of the wire mesh fence depends upon the quality of the material that is welded in form of mesh. The welding process may vary depending upon the selection of the manufacturer. Either the welding process is done manually or with heavy machines, the end product should be of premium quality.
  • Product framework-The use of material depends upon the manufacturer. Some companies use angled steel while some stick to round steel. Different factors like the type of metal used, welding procedure, thickness of the mesh, and wire diameter keep varying for different applications.
  • Application of the fence-There are different applications of the fence. You can only buy the right product if you have clear requirements about the installation. Are you going to use the fence as a security barrier, or as a perimeter fence? Do you want better durability or aesthetic values? Consider different points for a more informed decision.
  • Spray process-Apart from the security purpose, wire mesh Singapore installation is meant to add value to the aesthetics too. The end product is still not worth it if high-quality material is sprayed with cheap paint. Little details are overlooked in the spraying process and you can easily identify poor spray jobs. Always check the paint quality along with other inspection points. High-quality products come with consistent and uniform paint patterns.

Cost of wire mesh fence

The cost of the product still remains an important part of the buying process. The quality of the product defines the price. Analyse the different options available in the market and inspect the fence for all mentioned points. Get estimates from different manufacturers and always go for the best and most affordable product for higher ROI.

Final note

These are only a few points that can help you to choose the right wire mesh fence. The final decision is purely based on your personal choices. Invest your time and money in products that are durable and offer a better sense of security.

Hebei Jinbiao is a leading company in Noise Control products and Fencing products in Singapore. We guarantee to provide you with the most high-quality Noise Control and Fencing products along with our dedicated assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to helping you solve your noise issues and protect you from noise pollution.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of double wire mesh fence. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.