BPVC Section X-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

06 Aug.,2024


BPVC Section X-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

About the BPVC

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Since its first issuance in , ASME&#;s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) has pioneered modern standards-development, maintaining a commitment to enhance public safety and technological advancement to meet the needs of a changing world.  More than 100,000 copies of the BPVC are in use in 100 countries around the world. 

Product Scope / Abstract

This Section provides requirements for construction of an FRP pressure vessel in conformance with a manufacturer's design report.  It includes production, processing, fabrication, inspection and testing methods required for the vessel.  Section X includes three Classes of vessel design; Class I and Class III - qualification through the destructive test of a prototype and Class II - mandatory design rules and acceptance testing by nondestructive methods.  These vessels are not permitted to store, handle or process lethal fluids.  Vessel fabrication is limited to the following processes: bag-molding, centrifugal casting and filament-winding and contact molding.  General specifications for the glass and resin materials and minimum physical properties for the composite materials are given.

Intended for manufacturers, users, constructors, designers and others concerned with the design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection and testing of pressure vessels, plus all potential governing entities.

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Click here for a printer-friendly version of a Brochure, which details all 12 BPVC- Sections, plus ASME&#;s portfolio of related BPVC offerings.

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Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels and ASME RTP ...

In Chapter 25, Peter J. Conlisk covers Section X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, and ASME RTP-1, Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment. Peter mentions that this chapter is tailored for engineers and designers whose experience with vessels is primarily with metal equipment, although he adds that those with experience using fiberglass equipment but not using Section X or RTP-1 will also find this chapter useful, especially its discussions on fiber-rein-forced plastic (FRP) technology. Section X has been enacted into law in 37 jurisdictions in the United States and Canada, whereas RTP-1, although usable as a Code, has not been enacted into law anywhere; therefore, at present, it is a voluntary Standard. Both Standards govern vessels constructed of thermosetting resin rein-forced with glass fibers, but Section X addresses vessels rein-forced with carbon or aramid fibers as well. The pressure scope of Section X is 15 psig internal pressure and greater, the upper limit depending on the size and construction of the vessel. RTP-1 covers tanks and vessels with design pressures of 0 to 15 psig. Both Standards have provisions for vessels with external pressures of 0 to 15 psig.

Neither RTP-1 nor Section X is meant to be a handbook or textbook on FRP vessel design. Chapter 25 is intended to be a manual on the use of these documents. An engineer who specifies an FRP vessel does not need to understand FRP to the same extent that a vessel designer does; however, in specifying the vessel, an engineer necessarily makes many design choices. Peter discusses the basics of FRP technology; the fabrication methods and stress analysis of FRP vessels; the scope of Section X and RTP-1; the design qualification of Section X, Class I, Class II, and RTP-1 vessels; the design qualification overview; Section X example of a Design Specification and its calculations; RTP-1 design examples; and quality assurance of Section X and RTP-1. He provides equations, tables, and figures as well as annotated bibliographical notes indicating the relevance of the cited references.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipe.