How high should greenhouse benches be?

13 May.,2024


Greenhouse Benches Selection Guide – 5 vital types to know

For more information, please visit Wire Greenhouse Bench.

Benches are useful accessories to organise plants in greenhouses. They can help maximise space in this structure. Aside from that, they add some decorative touch to greenhouse interior. With their ergonomic height, they usually provide convenience to most gardeners and improve WHS in horticultural and nursery workplace.

Greenhouse benches come in different types. To know which one suits for growing your plants, five types of benches are described below. Read on below to learn more.

1. Slatted Benches

This is the traditional form of benches. Most slatted benches are elevated for at least 2 and a half ft. above the ground. This type of bench provides good aeration to the plants.

Good air circulation is relatively important to plant growth. It minimises the risk of root rot and other foliar diseases especially during winter. On top of that, good aeration dries the plant rapidly after watering.

Slatted type of bench is often made from metal slats or wood. Learn the differences between wood and metal benches below.

  • Wood Benches

Generally, wood benches are more popular not only for slatted but also for other types of benches. They are chosen by most people for their aesthetics and affordability.

Treated lumber is the best option when it comes to wood. Other wood alternatives are locust, cedar, redwood and cypress. These woods are durable. They are also high-resistant to humid environment.

However, wooden benches are more susceptible to insect infestations. They also swell, decay and crack when exposed to humidity, daily watering, and sunlight.

To prolong the lifespan of wooden benches, paint them with copper naphthenate. It can protect wooden benches from decay, fungi and insects.

  • Metal Benches

Metal benches are ideal when growing weighty plants like large ferns and potted trees. But they are more expensive compared to other benches. Even though they are costly, it is more practical to use them. This is because of their low maintenance costs and longevity.

The two common metal materials used for benches are aluminium and steel.

a.  Aluminium - Most aluminium staging is durable, lightweight and slatted. They are also maintenance-free and rust-resistant. Apart from that, they provide plants with drainage and good air circulation.

b.  Galvanized steel - Since benches that are solely made from aluminium are not suited for large and heavy pots, manufacturers improved their design with galvanized steel. This type of material is resistant to rot and decay. Moreover, it is known for its durability. It is expensive to install but it’s a one-time cost only.

2. Netted Benches

These are benches that usually have a wire top. Aside from wire, they can be made from plastic materials. Among these two materials, netted benches with wire top are most preferred by gardeners since they are is easy to disinfect.

Like the slatted type, netted benches allow good air circulation to the plants. Even though air can circulate well on these benches, they still have some drawbacks. Both are not suited for automatic watering. Moreover, they are not ideal as a workstation for potting plants.

Another disadvantage of using this type of bench is that it sags because of its pot’s weight. They also tend to corrode over time. So it is suggested to paint a netted bench with rustproof paint to protect them from rust.

3. Solid Benches

This type of bench typically has a corrugated or flat sheet of metal on top. It can also be made of wood and plastic.

Solid benches that are made from plastic materials are lightweight, portable, durable and won’t rust. These benches are also easy to work with and require low maintenance.

Furthermore, solid benches have the ability to conserve heat during winter. Hence, they are ideal to hold compost for potting plants.

However, solid plastic benches are usually hard to disinfect. Another disadvantage is that they are not fireproof. It is also worth noting that potting plants can’t be kept on solid benches for a long time. This is because its metal top can’t allow air circulation.

4. Rolling benches

Rolling benches are moveable benches. It helps workers move plants to any sections in the greenhouse. Using rolling benches can reduce the risk of plant diseases since it allows good airflow.

The primary advantage of using rolling benches is that they eliminate walkways. This can help gain additional production space in greenhouses. In fact, they can give about 24%-33% more production space on a typical greenhouse layout. Additionally, rolling benches improve crop efficiency.

5. Flood benches

This type of bench can help control irrigation. Apart from that, diseases on plants can be minimised since it keeps the leaves dry.

Fertilizer consumption can also be lessened when using flood benches. This can be done by re-circulating the water in it.

To bring more comfort for workers, selecting the best size of greenhouse benches is necessary. Consider these two factors below when choosing.

  • Height of the person working

Commercial houses mostly require more people working with plants. Therefore, the height and width of benches should be on average size. This means that the bench size must be suited to all workers.

Generally, a convenient bench height for workers is about 32-36 inches tall. As for the width, it should be 42-48 inches wide if the gardener can work from both sides. But if they are only accessible from one side, about 30-36 inches wide is the ideal one.

  • Types of growing plants

Tall flowering plants must be grown on lower benches. This is to allow workers to reach their stems and flowers easily. Contrarily, small plants can be grown on higher benches. This is to reduce injuries to workers since they don’t need to stoop or bend while working.


In order to grow plants inside a greenhouse, gardeners must use benches to provide enough surface area for storing plants and seedlings. Aside from maximising space, using benches can provide plants with good aeration that is necessary for their growth. They can even help gardeners and workers to work comfortably in greenhouses.

For those who are looking for quality greenhouse benches, check out a leading and trusted nursery equipment manufacturer in your local area. They have been in the market for over 50 years.

How to Build a Greenhouse Potting Bench or Table

Last Updated on August 10, 2023

I need to start off by apologizing. When I first released our Beginner’s Guide to Using a Hobby Greenhouse, I enthusiastically promised that a tutorial on how to build a greenhouse potting bench was “on the way soon!” Welp… that was over a year ago now. My bad! So, I’m very sorry it has taken me this long to write this up for you.

See, I was waiting because we had planned to build a new potting bench and document the step-by-step process for this tutorial. We haven’t done that yet, so I put off sharing. However, a college buddy of mine recently reached out to ask how we built our greenhouse benches (after he saw my unfulfilled promise on the greenhouse article… lol). I admitted I was slacking, but sent him some tips along with many photos of our completed redwood benches to use as a guide. Not only did he nail the design, but he took a bunch of progress pics for us to share here. Thank you Luke!

Follow along to learn how to build a greenhouse potting bench, or several! We’ll go over a list of supplies needed, size considerations and suggestions, our design and alternative variations, and instructions on how to put it all together. For all you visual learners, I’ve included ample photos to go along with this simple design.

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December 2016, when we built our greenhouse benches.

DIY Greenhouse Bench Design: General Notes and Alternatives

What type of wood should I used to build a greenhouse potting bench?

Our greenhouse potting benches or tables are constructed with redwood lumber (a combination of heart and common), which has excellent natural rot-resistance. Cedar is another great choice. In general, hardwoods like redwood and cedar have superior durability, termite-resistance, and an increased lifespan than softer woods like pine. Since your greenhouse benches likely won’t be in direct contact with food and soil, you could use treated lumber if you desire (unlike constructing a raised garden bed, where I advise against that).

Should I seal the wood?

As you can see in the photos, the tops of the benches are slotted with space between the wood planks to allow water to freely drain. Even so, our benches don’t get super wet very often. We keep the majority of our greenhouse seedlings and plants nestled inside 10×20 trays or with other saucers below, so there isn’t water running onto the benches on a regular basis. Because of this we chose not to seal the redwood and simply left it raw, as-is from the store.  

If you happen to live in a very humid environment, or if you plan to water in a manner that is always draining onto the benches, you may want to apply a sealer or wood oil to help protect them. Or, if you’re concerned about maintaining their appearance. When our greenhouse benches get wet (especially with dirty water) it does leave water marks or light stains on the wood. But we don’t mind, and the marks could also easily be sanded away.  

Other options

As an alternative design, you could also build a greenhouse potting bench with a wire top instead. Use our design to create a similar frame/base, and then secure sturdy galvanized (rust-proof) wire on top of the bench instead of wood slats.  Be sure to include the horizontal top supports so the wire won’t sag though! This general design can also be used to create benches or tables for other applications. For instance, we used a very similar process to build our DIY potting bench – just a bit taller, deeper, and with a solid wood top. (Photos of our potting bench are included below)

Greenhouse Bench Sizes

Our greenhouse is 6 feet wide and 8 feet long. So, we built two benches that are 68 inches long (just shy of 6 feet), 22 inches wide, and 28 inches tall to fit along the side walls, and one bench that is a tad wider but shorter to fit along the back wall (66″ long and 24″ wide). See the photo below.

Use this general design to build a greenhouse potting bench of any size. Measure your space, and do whatever best fits your greenhouse! Here are some considerations when choosing dimensions:


We designed our benches to maximize every inch of usable space inside. Together, the three benches (just under 6 feet long each) create a U-shape that lines the three sides of our greenhouse, with just enough space to work between them and the entryway. My buddy Luke followed a similar layout as ours, but on a larger scale. In his 8×12′ greenhouse, he built a bench that is just under 8 feet for the back wall, and one just under 9 feet for the side. Do keep in mind that the longer they are, the heavier and more awkward they’ll be to move or rearrange.

Our 6×8′ greenhouse and bench measurements

Luke’s 8×12′ greenhouse


We opted for 22-inch wide (deep) benches for a couple of reasons. One, that is what fit best in our fairly small greenhouse while still providing room to move around. Also, we considered the size of average seedling supplies since that is what we primarily use our greenhouse for – raising veggie, flower, and herb seedlings for the garden. Most seedling heat mats are just under 2 feet wide, designed to fit common 10×20 trays used for holding containers of seedlings. (10×20 trays get their name from their dimensions). Finally, about 2 feet is a comfortable width to reach across. Yet if our greenhouse were wider than 6 feet, we may have made the benches a tad wider like Luke’s too.

A full house!


Our greenhouse benches are about 28 inches tall (28.5″ once the final top boards are installed). Standard table height is 28 to 30 inches. This height works perfectly for raising seedlings and is comfortably ergonomic to work around. Luke is a tall dude and also has a taller greenhouse, so he constructed his potting benches at 34 inches tall.

Take into account the types of plants you intend to grow, and the overall height of your greenhouse. I have also seen much shorter greenhouse benches, which will provide more headroom above for tall plants – such as potted tomato plants, cannabis plants, or similar lanky friends. Of course, large potted plants could also be set right on the floor of the greenhouse.

Additionally, our greenhouse is located in a tight spot between our house and a fence. Keeping the plants up off the floor provides them the most natural light and less shade. We also built and installed our greenhouse on top of a 12” tall homemade concrete block foundation, which gave us an additional foot of headroom inside.  

Tall babies. Good thing we kept our benches fairly short, and gained that extra foot of headroom from the foundation!

Supplies Needed to Build a Greenhouse Potting Bench

  • Four 4×4’s for legs, cut at the desired bench height. You could also use 2×4’s, but we prefer the added stability that 4×4’s provide.
  • 2×4’s boards. You’ll need two equal-length boards for the long sides of your bench, and two shorter equal length boards to create the top rectangular frame, plus extra pieces for leg and frame supports. Again, ours varied between 66 or 68″ long, and 22 to 24″ wide.
  • Thinner finishing boards for the top. We used 2.5″ x 0.5″ redwood planks similar to these ones (but not exactly) and found them in the interior finishing lumber section of our local Home Depot. Each bench required 7 planks, spaced about 1 inch apart. Luke used 8 planks since his benches are a couple inches wider than ours.
  • 2.5 or 3-inch long deck screws or wood screws for frame assembly, like these ones 
  • 1.25 or 1.5 inch trim head finishing screws to attach the bench top slats like these (you could potentially use up to 2″, if your top planks are thicker than 0.5″)
  • A power drill
  • An electric saw, such as a circular saw or miter saw (unless you have the lumber pre-cut to size at the hardware store, or feel like taking on this project with a hand saw)
  • Measuring tape
  • Optional: a carpenter square, to help you keep everything straight.
  • Optional: a wood sealer, such as this non-toxic Garden Seal or Hope’s Natural Tung Oil


1) Plan & Prep

I suggest working on a flat and level surface, such as a table, workbench, concrete patio, or garage floor to build your greenhouse potting bench. Make a sketch of your design if that helps you, and jot down the measurements.

Start by cutting the four 4×4 legs and table top frame lumber (four pieces) to your desired dimensions. In our design, the four 4×4 legs measure 28” tall, and the top frame consists of two 68” 2×4’s and two 21.5” 2x4s. We waited to measure, cut, and insert the additional table top and leg supports until after the main frame was assembled.

Note: Keep in mind that depending on how you line up your outer frame boards, the bench could gain or lose a couple inches in either direction. See the photos below to see what I mean. Most 2×4” boards actually measure 1.5” by 3.5”. So, if you cap the ends of your longest boards with the shorter ones, the bench will end up being 3” longer (1.5” on each end). This matters if you’re working with a very tight space/fit like we were, and could also change how long your slatted benchtop boards need to be cut. Therefore, cut your longest board at 69” inches rather than 72” if you want to build a greenhouse potting bench that is exactly 6 feet long once complete.

An area you may lose or gain a couple inches in your design, depending on the order and way you attach the top frame boards to the legs.

2) Assemble the Bench Frame and Legs

Secure a 4×4 leg (for total of 2) at each end of your longest 2×4 board. It’s easiest to lay the 2×4” on top of the legs. See the photo below. The 2×4″ should be flush at the top of the 4×4” legs, and arranged perpendicular to one another. Use a carpenter square to make sure everything is square. Or, measure the distance between the top and bottom of each opposing leg to ensure they’re equal (straight). 

We secured the lumber together with deck screws (two screws per junction), which we find can be easily screwed in with an electric drill without making pilot holes first. Repeat with the second long 2×4” board and remaining two legs.

Next, stand the two long sides of the bench upright and attach the short ends to complete the rectangular frame. You could do this right-side up, or upside down with the frame on the ground and legs in the air. Whatever is easiest for you. Before securing the short sides, ensure that the legs are all straight and evenly spaced as you did before. Now, attach the shorter 2×4 boards to each leg in the corners.

Note: You could also do this whole operation in reverse, and attach the shorter sides to the legs first, then attach the long front and back. Your call! Truth be told, I think that is what we did. It was over 4 years ago now…

3) Add Leg Supports

Now we need to give this thing some extra stability with three horizontal supports. First, add a board between the legs across the backside of the bench, about halfway down the legs. Next, do the same on the two shorter sides. Depending on how you assembled the top of the bench, the side supports may be slightly shorter (1.5 inches shorter) than the top frame piece on the same side because you want to keep it flush with the front side of the leg. There will not be a support across the front of the bench, which leaves the underside easily accessible for storing items below your bench. Secure the supports to the legs in the same manner as the top frame. 

Variation: You could also secure the side supports along the inside of the 4×4 legs, making it easier to create a lower shelf if you so desire. This is what I did when we built our potting bench (photo below).

When Luke built his benches, the side leg supports needed to be 1.5″ shorter than the top frame.Our DIY potting bench, built with a similar design. Note the side leg supports are installed on the inside of the legs (and closer to the ground), creating an area for a lower shelf. The potting bench is also several inches taller and deeper than the greenhouse benches.

4) Add Benchtop Supports

Next, insert several horizontal supports inside of the benchtop frame. One support every 13 to 18 inches is sufficient, so simply play around with your bench dimensions to see what works best. For our 68-inch long benches, we added a total of four supports, about every 13 to 14 inches. Luke’s longest bench was 106″, so he added a total of 5 supports every 16 inches on that one.

Measure and cut the supports to fit the interior space between the long top boards. I always err on the long side – it’s better to have a tight fit (or have to shave a little more off) than end up with too-short of support boards. If needed, gently knock the supports into place with a rubber mallet. We installed our support pieces with the wide flat side of the 2×4” facing up. Secure them to the outer frame with deck screws (or similar).

5) Install Benchtop Slats

Now it’s time for the final finishing step! Cut your slender top boards to the same length as your benchtop. We kept ours flush with the top frame since we were after a precise and tight fit. Or, you could make them a few inches longer – with a slight overhang on each end. 

Place the boards on top and decide on the spacing you like between them. We left approximately 1 inch of space between each board. Once you figure out the layout, I suggest attaching the very front and back edge boards first, and then evenly space and secure the interior boards between them. 

Secure the top slats to the frame below using trim head finishing screws. Install the screws so that they’re flush or sunk just inside the surface of the wood, creating a smooth and snag-free finish. 

One trim head screw per board, per support intersection. This photo was taken recently, four years after we originally built our benches. You can see some light staining from water, but otherwise they’re in like-new condition!

Luke used larger-head screws than we did to secure his top planks.

And… you’re done!

Now, all you need to do is move your greenhouse potting benches into their new home. Our benches are slightly wider than the doorway itself, so we had maneuver them in sideways and legs-first… pivot, anyone? Finally, sit back to admire your beautiful craftsmanship with a nice frosty brew! Or, homemade kombucha. Or a cup of delicious gourmet loose-leaf tea. Whatever suits your fancy. You deserve it!

I hope this tutorial on how to build a greenhouse potting bench was helpful and easy-to-follow, and will enable you to smoothly construct your very own kick-butt benches. Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to spread the love by sharing this post. Thank you so much for tuning in. Happy building!

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