How to Choose Standard Rail?

10 Jun.,2024


Rail Standards - Trains Magazine

 rjemery wrote:

What kind of standards exist for certain weight rails?  Given 136-lb rail, what kind of traffic can run over it, and at what speed?

Rail Standards - Trains Magazine

 rjemery wrote:

What kind of standards exist for certain weight rails?  Given 136-lb rail, what kind of traffic can run over it, and at what speed?

Also, what dictates the choice of rail weight?  What not use heavier or lighter rails?

RJ, the specifications for rails are very detailed, and include detailed specs for the chemical make up of the steel used in rolling the rail, and every detail of the  cross-section  at all points on the rail. AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Assoc.) is the Professional Association which publishes recommended practice for all relevant parts of the railway, like the IEEE does for Electrical Engineering. AREMA has a committee that sets the standards for Rails, and for example a 136RE rail is rolled to an AREMA 136-lb Rail standard. Back in the 60's and earlier many railroads had their own favorite crossections, so for example a Pennsy 133 lb rail and a UP rail of the same weight would not be identical. Before the Schism Railroad Engineers were members of ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), and a committee of ASCE set the standards. 

The foot of the rail serves to anchor the rail to the ties and helps to prevent the rail from being rolled over by forces from the locomotives and railcars. The web functions as a micro or mini-bridge spanning the ties, a taller web section makes the rail stiffer and spreads the load of a train over more ties, ballast and roadbed. The head is the portion that the wheels roll on, its thickness determines how much can be worn away by the wheels rolling over it before the rail must be replaced. So the Railroad Engineer looks at the amount traffic the Operating Department wants to run over the track in a given time frame, consults his budget given to him by the cheap bastards in the financial department, uses up his vocabulary of 4 lettered words, and orders the best rails he can afford, using a mixture of "premium" rails on the tightest curves, and cheaper rail where the track is straight, using every trick he and his brother Engineers at AREMA have devised to balance the two opposing desires.

Speed is more determined by Track Geometry, than by rail size. The recent TGV world rail speed record was set on UIC60 (60kg per metre, about 121lb rail).

The most popular current rails are 136RE and 141RE, they have the same size foot and web, but the 141RE has more metal in the head, so more can be worn away before the rail must be replaced. As to why you choose either a lighter or heavier section of rail. Its always a question of money, how much to buy the rail, how much to install it, how much cost from the disruption to traffic caused by the act of replacing the rail. 141RE rail was developed by Engineers from the UP and BNSF on the AREMA rail committee looking for a rail to use on lines carrying heavy coal traffic out of the PRB. The cost of replacing the rail and disrupting traffic justified the cost of a better ($$$$$) rail. They weren't having problems with rails rolling (foot), or ballast and ties deteriorating too quickly (web), so the answer was to increase the amount of metal in the head to allow more wear and more grinding of the surface. The result was the 141HA rail (HA being the last initials of the two UP Engineers who devised it). In time after the 141HA rails proved themselves in service the 141HA section was approved by the AREMA rail committe and it became the 141RE (kind of like the Good Houskeeping seal for rails). 

What are standard railroad rail sizes? - AGICO Rail

Railroad rails are essential components of the transportation industry, providing a safe and efficient means of transporting goods and people across vast distances. However, their importance is not limited to their functionality alone. Understanding the standard sizes of railroad rails is crucial for manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users, as it ensures consistency and safety across the entire railroad system.

Railroad rail sizes refer to the dimensions and measurements of the rails used in railway tracks. They play a vital role in ensuring that trains can travel safely and efficiently over long distances. Understanding the standard sizes is crucial for manufacturers as it allows them to produce rails that meet industry standards, ensuring their products can be used by railway companies worldwide. Similarly, suppliers need to know the standard sizes to provide the correct rails to their customers. End-users, such as railway companies, need to understand the standard sizes to maintain their tracks and ensure the safety of their passengers and cargo. In the following sections, we&#;ll discuss the different types of railroad rails, their standard sizes, and why they&#;re essential for the transportation industry.

What Are Railroad Rails?

Railroad rails are long, narrow bars made of steel, designed to support and guide the wheels of a train as it moves along the tracks. The rails&#; primary purpose is to provide a smooth and stable surface for trains to travel on, while also withstanding the tremendous weight and pressure exerted by the rolling stock.

There are three primary types of railroad rails: jointed rails, continuously welded rails, and ribbon rails. Jointed rails are made up of short segments bolted together, while continuously welded rails are made up of longer sections that are fused together using specialized welding equipment. Ribbon rails are similar to continuously welded rails, but they&#;re made up of flat bars that are shaped into an &#;S&#; curve to provide additional strength.

Railroads are constructed by laying rails on a bed of crushed rock or ballast, which provides a stable foundation for the tracks. The rails are then secured to the ties, which are wooden or concrete blocks that hold the rails in place. Finally, the tracks are aligned and leveled to ensure that trains can travel smoothly and safely.

Rail sizes play a crucial role in the construction and maintenance of railroads. Standard sizes are used to ensure consistency across the entire system, allowing trains to travel safely and efficiently. Different rail sizes are used depending on the weight and speed of the trains that will be traveling on them. In the next section, we&#;ll discuss the standard sizes of railroad rails in more detail.

Why Are Standard RailStandard Railroad Rail Sizes Important?

Standardization is critical in the railroad industry to ensure the safe and efficient movement of goods and passengers. It ensures that all components of the railroad system are compatible and can function together, regardless of their origin. This is particularly important for railroad rails, as they play a significant role in ensuring the stability and safety of the entire system.

Using standard sizes for railroad rails provides numerous benefits, including consistency, cost-effectiveness, and safety. Standard sizes allow manufacturers to produce rails that meet industry standards, ensuring their compatibility with the entire system. This consistency means that suppliers can provide the correct rails to their customers, eliminating the need for custom orders, which can be costly and time-consuming. Additionally, using standard sizes reduces the amount of waste generated during the manufacturing process, making it more environmentally friendly.

End-users, such as railroad companies, benefit from using standard sizes as well. It makes it easier for them to maintain and repair their tracks, as they know precisely which size rails to use. This consistency also ensures that trains can travel safely and efficiently, regardless of where they are in the world.

Standard Railroad Rail Sizes

There are various standard sizes for railroad rails used around the world. These sizes vary depending on the region and the specific needs of the rail system. In North America, the standard rail size is 115RE. In Europe, the most common rail sizes are 46E1 and 54E1. Meanwhile, in Asia, the standard rail size is 50kg/m.

Railroad rails are typically designated by their weight per unit length, measured in pounds per yard (lbs/yd) or kilograms per meter (kg/m). The standard rail sizes for North America, Europe, and Asia are designated as follows:

North America: 115RE &#; This rail size is used primarily in North America and is designated as 115 lbs/yd. The rail is 6 inches wide at the base, 5.5 inches tall, and 5.5 inches wide at the top.

Europe: 46E1 and 54E1 &#; These rail sizes are the most common in Europe, with the 46E1 rail weighing 46.2 kg/m and the 54E1 rail weighing 54.77 kg/m. Both rails are 8.27 inches tall and 5.91 inches wide at the base.

Asia: 50kg/m &#; This rail size is used in Asia and weighs 50 kg/m. The rail is 6.299 inches tall and 5.905 inches wide at the base.

Each standard size of railroad rail has its advantages and disadvantages. The 115RE rail size used in North America is durable and can withstand heavy loads, making it ideal for transporting goods over long distances. However, it is more expensive than other standard sizes and can be more challenging to install and maintain.

In Europe, the 46E1 and 54E1 rail sizes are widely used due to their durability and compatibility with a wide range of track components. They are also easier to install and maintain than the 115RE rail size used in North America. However, these rails are not as well-suited for heavy loads as the 115RE rail size.

The standard rail size used in Asia, 50kg/m, is less expensive than the European and North American rail sizes, making it a popular choice for rail systems in developing countries. However, it may not be as durable as the other standard sizes, and it is less compatible with some track components.

How Are Railroad Rails Manufactured?

The manufacturing process for railroad rails involves several steps. It begins with the selection of high-quality raw materials such as steel, which is the most commonly used material for rail production due to its strength and durability. The steel is melted down and poured into molds to create rail billets. These billets are then heated and rolled to create long steel rails.

The rolling process is critical to ensuring that the rails meet the required specifications, including size, strength, and straightness. During rolling, the rails are subjected to high pressure and heat, which helps to refine the steel&#;s grain structure and improve its strength.

Quality control is a critical aspect of the rail manufacturing process. Rail manufacturers implement several quality control measures, including non-destructive testing, to ensure that the rails meet the required specifications. Non-destructive testing methods, such as ultrasonic testing, are used to detect internal flaws in the rails that may compromise their strength and durability.

In addition, rail manufacturers conduct periodic inspections of their production facilities and equipment to ensure that they are functioning correctly and producing high-quality rails. The manufacturing process is also subject to regulatory oversight to ensure that rails meet the required safety and performance standards.

How Are Railroad Rails Maintained?

Regular maintenance of railroad rails is essential for ensuring their longevity and safety. Rails are subject to wear and tear from the constant pressure and impact of trains passing over them, as well as exposure to environmental factors such as temperature changes and moisture. Failure to maintain rails can result in safety hazards, including derailments and accidents.

Maintenance methods for railroad rails include visual inspections, ultrasonic testing, grinding, and replacement. Visual inspections are performed by trained personnel who examine the rails for signs of wear and defects, such as cracks or deformation. Ultrasonic testing involves using sound waves to detect internal flaws in the rails that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Grinding is a maintenance method that involves smoothing out the surface of the rail to reduce wear and tear and improve ride quality. Replacement is necessary when rails become too worn or damaged to be safely repaired.

Regular maintenance can significantly impact the lifespan and safety of railroad rails. Proper maintenance can extend the life of the rails, reducing the need for replacement and lowering costs. It also helps to ensure that the rails are operating safely, reducing the risk of accidents and derailments.


In conclusion, understanding standard railroad rail sizes is crucial for manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users. Standardization helps to improve safety, reduce costs, and increase efficiency in the transportation industry. The different standard sizes of railroad rails in North America, Europe, and Asia have unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right size depends on various factors such as the type of train and track. Additionally, regular maintenance is vital to ensure the longevity and safety of railroad rails. Overall, standard railroad rail sizes play a significant role in the transportation industry and have a significant impact on safety and efficiency. For further information, readers can refer to resources such as industry publications, websites, and government regulations.

Also, what dictates the choice of rail weight?  What not use heavier or lighter rails?

RJ, the specifications for rails are very detailed, and include detailed specs for the chemical make up of the steel used in rolling the rail, and every detail of the  cross-section  at all points on the rail. AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Assoc.) is the Professional Association which publishes recommended practice for all relevant parts of the railway, like the IEEE does for Electrical Engineering. AREMA has a committee that sets the standards for Rails, and for example a 136RE rail is rolled to an AREMA 136-lb Rail standard. Back in the 60's and earlier many railroads had their own favorite crossections, so for example a Pennsy 133 lb rail and a UP rail of the same weight would not be identical. Before the Schism Railroad Engineers were members of ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), and a committee of ASCE set the standards. 

The foot of the rail serves to anchor the rail to the ties and helps to prevent the rail from being rolled over by forces from the locomotives and railcars. The web functions as a micro or mini-bridge spanning the ties, a taller web section makes the rail stiffer and spreads the load of a train over more ties, ballast and roadbed. The head is the portion that the wheels roll on, its thickness determines how much can be worn away by the wheels rolling over it before the rail must be replaced. So the Railroad Engineer looks at the amount traffic the Operating Department wants to run over the track in a given time frame, consults his budget given to him by the cheap bastards in the financial department, uses up his vocabulary of 4 lettered words, and orders the best rails he can afford, using a mixture of "premium" rails on the tightest curves, and cheaper rail where the track is straight, using every trick he and his brother Engineers at AREMA have devised to balance the two opposing desires.

Speed is more determined by Track Geometry, than by rail size. The recent TGV world rail speed record was set on UIC60 (60kg per metre, about 121lb rail).

The most popular current rails are 136RE and 141RE, they have the same size foot and web, but the 141RE has more metal in the head, so more can be worn away before the rail must be replaced. As to why you choose either a lighter or heavier section of rail. Its always a question of money, how much to buy the rail, how much to install it, how much cost from the disruption to traffic caused by the act of replacing the rail. 141RE rail was developed by Engineers from the UP and BNSF on the AREMA rail committee looking for a rail to use on lines carrying heavy coal traffic out of the PRB. The cost of replacing the rail and disrupting traffic justified the cost of a better ($$$$$) rail. They weren't having problems with rails rolling (foot), or ballast and ties deteriorating too quickly (web), so the answer was to increase the amount of metal in the head to allow more wear and more grinding of the surface. The result was the 141HA rail (HA being the last initials of the two UP Engineers who devised it). In time after the 141HA rails proved themselves in service the 141HA section was approved by the AREMA rail committe and it became the 141RE (kind of like the Good Houskeeping seal for rails). 

What are standard railroad rail sizes? - AGICO Rail

Railroad rails are essential components of the transportation industry, providing a safe and efficient means of transporting goods and people across vast distances. However, their importance is not limited to their functionality alone. Understanding the standard sizes of railroad rails is crucial for manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users, as it ensures consistency and safety across the entire railroad system.

Railroad rail sizes refer to the dimensions and measurements of the rails used in railway tracks. They play a vital role in ensuring that trains can travel safely and efficiently over long distances. Understanding the standard sizes is crucial for manufacturers as it allows them to produce rails that meet industry standards, ensuring their products can be used by railway companies worldwide. Similarly, suppliers need to know the standard sizes to provide the correct rails to their customers. End-users, such as railway companies, need to understand the standard sizes to maintain their tracks and ensure the safety of their passengers and cargo. In the following sections, we&#;ll discuss the different types of railroad rails, their standard sizes, and why they&#;re essential for the transportation industry.

What Are Railroad Rails?

Railroad rails are long, narrow bars made of steel, designed to support and guide the wheels of a train as it moves along the tracks. The rails&#; primary purpose is to provide a smooth and stable surface for trains to travel on, while also withstanding the tremendous weight and pressure exerted by the rolling stock.

There are three primary types of railroad rails: jointed rails, continuously welded rails, and ribbon rails. Jointed rails are made up of short segments bolted together, while continuously welded rails are made up of longer sections that are fused together using specialized welding equipment. Ribbon rails are similar to continuously welded rails, but they&#;re made up of flat bars that are shaped into an &#;S&#; curve to provide additional strength.

Railroads are constructed by laying rails on a bed of crushed rock or ballast, which provides a stable foundation for the tracks. The rails are then secured to the ties, which are wooden or concrete blocks that hold the rails in place. Finally, the tracks are aligned and leveled to ensure that trains can travel smoothly and safely.

Rail sizes play a crucial role in the construction and maintenance of railroads. Standard sizes are used to ensure consistency across the entire system, allowing trains to travel safely and efficiently. Different rail sizes are used depending on the weight and speed of the trains that will be traveling on them. In the next section, we&#;ll discuss the standard sizes of railroad rails in more detail.

Why Are Standard Railroad Rail Sizes Important?

Standardization is critical in the railroad industry to ensure the safe and efficient movement of goods and passengers. It ensures that all components of the railroad system are compatible and can function together, regardless of their origin. This is particularly important for railroad rails, as they play a significant role in ensuring the stability and safety of the entire system.

Using standard sizes for railroad rails provides numerous benefits, including consistency, cost-effectiveness, and safety. Standard sizes allow manufacturers to produce rails that meet industry standards, ensuring their compatibility with the entire system. This consistency means that suppliers can provide the correct rails to their customers, eliminating the need for custom orders, which can be costly and time-consuming. Additionally, using standard sizes reduces the amount of waste generated during the manufacturing process, making it more environmentally friendly.

End-users, such as railroad companies, benefit from using standard sizes as well. It makes it easier for them to maintain and repair their tracks, as they know precisely which size rails to use. This consistency also ensures that trains can travel safely and efficiently, regardless of where they are in the world.

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Standard Railroad Rail Sizes

There are various standard sizes for railroad rails used around the world. These sizes vary depending on the region and the specific needs of the rail system. In North America, the standard rail size is 115RE. In Europe, the most common rail sizes are 46E1 and 54E1. Meanwhile, in Asia, the standard rail size is 50kg/m.

Railroad rails are typically designated by their weight per unit length, measured in pounds per yard (lbs/yd) or kilograms per meter (kg/m). The standard rail sizes for North America, Europe, and Asia are designated as follows:

North America: 115RE &#; This rail size is used primarily in North America and is designated as 115 lbs/yd. The rail is 6 inches wide at the base, 5.5 inches tall, and 5.5 inches wide at the top.

Europe: 46E1 and 54E1 &#; These rail sizes are the most common in Europe, with the 46E1 rail weighing 46.2 kg/m and the 54E1 rail weighing 54.77 kg/m. Both rails are 8.27 inches tall and 5.91 inches wide at the base.

Asia: 50kg/m &#; This rail size is used in Asia and weighs 50 kg/m. The rail is 6.299 inches tall and 5.905 inches wide at the base.

Each standard size of railroad rail has its advantages and disadvantages. The 115RE rail size used in North America is durable and can withstand heavy loads, making it ideal for transporting goods over long distances. However, it is more expensive than other standard sizes and can be more challenging to install and maintain.

In Europe, the 46E1 and 54E1 rail sizes are widely used due to their durability and compatibility with a wide range of track components. They are also easier to install and maintain than the 115RE rail size used in North America. However, these rails are not as well-suited for heavy loads as the 115RE rail size.

The standard rail size used in Asia, 50kg/m, is less expensive than the European and North American rail sizes, making it a popular choice for rail systems in developing countries. However, it may not be as durable as the other standard sizes, and it is less compatible with some track components.

How Are Railroad Rails Manufactured?

The manufacturing process for railroad rails involves several steps. It begins with the selection of high-quality raw materials such as steel, which is the most commonly used material for rail production due to its strength and durability. The steel is melted down and poured into molds to create rail billets. These billets are then heated and rolled to create long steel rails.

The rolling process is critical to ensuring that the rails meet the required specifications, including size, strength, and straightness. During rolling, the rails are subjected to high pressure and heat, which helps to refine the steel&#;s grain structure and improve its strength.

Quality control is a critical aspect of the rail manufacturing process. Rail manufacturers implement several quality control measures, including non-destructive testing, to ensure that the rails meet the required specifications. Non-destructive testing methods, such as ultrasonic testing, are used to detect internal flaws in the rails that may compromise their strength and durability.

In addition, rail manufacturers conduct periodic inspections of their production facilities and equipment to ensure that they are functioning correctly and producing high-quality rails. The manufacturing process is also subject to regulatory oversight to ensure that rails meet the required safety and performance standards.

How Are Railroad Rails Maintained?

Regular maintenance of railroad rails is essential for ensuring their longevity and safety. Rails are subject to wear and tear from the constant pressure and impact of trains passing over them, as well as exposure to environmental factors such as temperature changes and moisture. Failure to maintain rails can result in safety hazards, including derailments and accidents.

Maintenance methods for railroad rails include visual inspections, ultrasonic testing, grinding, and replacement. Visual inspections are performed by trained personnel who examine the rails for signs of wear and defects, such as cracks or deformation. Ultrasonic testing involves using sound waves to detect internal flaws in the rails that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Grinding is a maintenance method that involves smoothing out the surface of the rail to reduce wear and tear and improve ride quality. Replacement is necessary when rails become too worn or damaged to be safely repaired.

Regular maintenance can significantly impact the lifespan and safety of railroad rails. Proper maintenance can extend the life of the rails, reducing the need for replacement and lowering costs. It also helps to ensure that the rails are operating safely, reducing the risk of accidents and derailments.


In conclusion, understanding standard railroad rail sizes is crucial for manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users. Standardization helps to improve safety, reduce costs, and increase efficiency in the transportation industry. The different standard sizes of railroad rails in North America, Europe, and Asia have unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right size depends on various factors such as the type of train and track. Additionally, regular maintenance is vital to ensure the longevity and safety of railroad rails. Overall, standard railroad rail sizes play a significant role in the transportation industry and have a significant impact on safety and efficiency. For further information, readers can refer to resources such as industry publications, websites, and government regulations.

For more information, please visit P43 Rail.