Is glass for a pool filter worth it?

29 Jul.,2024


Why should I use a Glass Media Filter instead of Sand?

Health Benefits

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Glass media filters offer an ultra-fine filtration that removes particles up to 3 micron in size, resulting in crystal clear water. As compared with traditional sand filters, which only remove those particles above 10 micron. Due to this electrostatic mechanical filtering process, you will save on chemical usage as this removes most bacteria growth in the filter. Using less chemicals is also gentler on the skin and eyes, giving you a cleaner, healthier pool. In fact, having a glass filter can reduce your chemical usage by up to 50%!

Cost Benefits

Glass media filters can last up to 3 times longer than traditional silica sand. Sand filters usually have a life expectancy of less than 5 years, whereas glass media filters can last longer than 10 years. Not only this, but the overall maintenance cost can be far less than a sand filer. There are no pre-coats required and no separate tanks, plus you will not need to re-change the filter every 2 years like other traditional filters. The other savings you can expect from a glass media filter come from the water and electricity usages. Glass media filters can go quite awhile between backwashing cycles and the backwash duration is short, saving up to 40% of water through fast backwashing and saving you time and money on water costs. Also, due to the low-pressure loss in a glass media filter, you can save on power usage and electricity costs too. This is why an investment like a glass media filter, will pay off in the long run.

If you are looking for a new experience in your own backyard, something that make you feel secure in your family&#;s safety whilst also enjoying fresher, cleaner water, then a filter change may be the right option for you.  You will notice the difference, and you can feel sure that this investment will pay off in the long run. Many glass media filters are also 100% recycled and environmentally friendly, just another benefit of switching from the traditional sand filters to the more advanced glass media filter.

Filtration sand or glass: which one to choose?

You&#;ve been using sand in your pool filter for years, but you&#;re wondering about filtration glass? More and more people are turning to glass as a replacement for sand, but does it meet your needs? Choosing between these two filtration media may seem difficult, but our experts have looked into the subject to help you make an informed decision! 

Please note that it is perfectly possible to use filtration glass in a sand filter. You won&#;t have to change your equipment if you switch from sand to glass.

Find out which filtration medium gets the edge based on the main selection criteria.


When comparing sand and filtration glass, be aware that they look and feel very similar. When we think of filter glass, we tend to imagine pieces of glass that could be harmful if touched or stepped on, but this is not the case! In fact, filter glass is as safe to touch as filter sand.

Cleaning Ability

Filtration glass retains 4 times smaller particles than some traditional sand filtration media. This allows, among other things, to obtain a much clearer and crystalline water. It is easily visible to the naked eye. 

  • The sand will filter down to approximately 25-30 microns.
  • Glass can trap particles as small as 5 microns.

Glass is also known for its ability to reduce bacterial growth in water and in the filter. 

Advantage: glass

Environmental Responsibility

If reducing your environmental footprint is an important issue for you, glass has several advantages. First of all, the product itself is made of 100% recycled glass! 

Secondly, since glass greatly diminishes bacterial growth in the pool, the use of chlorine can be greatly reduced.

Finally, backwash is much faster with the use of filtration glass. Each backwash uses about 25% less water thanks to glass properties. 

Advantage: glass


In general, filtration sand is less expensive than glass. However, since glass is more efficient, it is possible to get a better result without filling the filter to its maximum capacity, thus saving money. 

Nevertheless, sand remains the most accessible and affordable product in the short term.

The company is the world’s best glass filter media for swimming pools supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Advantage: sand

Service Life

Filtration sand should be replaced every 3 to 5 years, depending on water and debris load passing through the filter.

Glass lasts about 2 to 3 times longer than sand, about 10 to 15 years. 

Advantage: glass


Sand requires a longer backwash to clean dirt from the system.

Glass filtration media allows for faster backwashing because it is lighter and less dense. Faster cleaning means less water consumption.

Advantage: glass

Product Safety

Both sand and glass are safe for you and your pool. They do not react to cleaning chemicals.

It is important to note that glass is very safe to handle and does not present any risk of injury or damage to your equipment (filter and pool). 

Advantage: tie


Cleaning Ability Glass Environmental Responsibility Glass Service Life Glass Backwash Glass Price Sand Product Safety Tie

If you plan to enjoy your pool for more than 5 years, glass is a better investment, despite the slight price difference. Its service life, eco-friendliness and ability to obtain a crystal-clear water make it the best choice in this case. 

However, if you are looking for an economical short-term solution, filtration sand can very well do the job. 

No matter what type of filtration medium you choose, it is essential for the filter to continue to clean the pool water properly, as many contaminants can get into it. If you wait too long between changes or if the media is poorly maintained, the filter can get clogged or fail to function properly, leaving your pool vulnerable to cloudy water, imbalances or poor circulation. For more details on this topic, here&#;s when and why to change your pool&#;s filtration medium.

Criteria to help you make a choice

Pool Size: Filtration sand is often recommended for large pools due to its ability to treat large volumes of water at a lower cost.  Glass is preferable for small pools (residential pools) because it provides better filtration quality with reduced maintenance.

Frequency of use: For a pool with infrequent or standard use, sand may be sufficient. However, for a family, condominium or frequent use swimming pool, filtration glass is recommended.

Budget: Consider not only the initial cost, but also the long-term savings on maintenance and water consumption before making your decision.

How to switch from chlorine to salt?

Of the additional options that exist, salt is often a popular choice.  If your pool is currently filtered with chlorine, here is a guide to helop you make the change easily.

Buy quality products

Now that you&#;ve made your choice, all you have to do is get the best product on the market! At Groupe Bellemare, we produce sand and glass for pool filters that respect the environment while being super efficient. 

If you have any other questions about filtration media, contact one of our experts!

If you want to learn more, please visit our website fire glass in gas fireplace.