Questions You Should Know about Cold-rolled automotive steel Manufacturer

02 Sep.,2024


Cold Drawn Steel Common Questions

Cold drawn steel can be found in many consumer products that we use on a daily basis, as it has the physical and appealing characteristics that make it useful for many products. We&#;ve answered some common questions asked when it comes to cold drawn steel, also known as cold finished steel.

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What is Cold Drawn Steel?

Steel that is drawn passes through a series of dies to achieve a desired shape is known as drawn steel. Dies apply specified amount of pressures with the help of a machine press, and the steel starting stock typically has to be passed through the die or a series of dies more than once. Cold refers to the drawn steel being manufactured at room temperature, which requires additional pressure to shape the steel, but gives the steel extra qualities and visually aesthetic appearance.

What&#;s the Cold Drawn Steel Process?

Initially, a steel manufacturer starts with a starting stock of steel product &#; either hot rolled straight bars or hot rolled steel coils &#; that is brought down to room temperature. Regardless if the end product is bar, tube or wire, the undrawn steel product is drawn through a die, which stretches the starting stock into the desired shape and size. This is done with the help of a grip that attaches to the steel stock and pulls the steel through the die. To the naked eye, the steel does not change much in shape through a single pass through the die, and usually takes multiple passes before it takes on the desired end shape.

What Sizes Does Cold Drawn Steel Come In?

Cold drawn steel can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but it is commonly manufactured as bar or wire. The diameter of steel bars varies, and shapes of the bars are often determined by how you look at them straight on, which may include flat, square, round and hex bar shape. Steel wire is often manufactured to the customer&#;s specifications, and may come in different types of finishes.

What are the Benefits of Cold Drawn Steel?

There are a few noticeable benefits that make cold drawn steel desirable over hot rolled steel products.

  • Cold drawn steel can be manufactured to more precise measurements than other forms of steel, along with sharper corners. This is due to the fact that hot formed steel products will change in shape during the cooling process.
  • Cold drawn steel has an improved yield strength and tensile strength over hot rolled steel products.
  • Cold drawn steel has an improved surface finish than hot rolled steel, which makes it more appeasing to the eye.

What is Cold Drawn Steel Used For?

The automotive industry demands a large amount of cold drawn steel products, including vehicle axles, spokes, and wheel spindles. Cold drawn steel is used to make fasteners, hand tools, cables, bolts and paper clips.

For more information, visit our cold drawn steel capabilities page, or visit our bar or wire pages for additional information on the Capital Steel & Wire&#;s products.

The Pros and Cons of Cold Rolled Steel

We&#;re one of Utah&#;s top steel suppliers at Wasatch Steel, and we&#;re here to provide you with all the custom steel you need to complete your next project. Steel sheets of all shapes and sizes are some of our most popular products, and we provide them at industry standard quality.

For more Cold-rolled automotive steel Manufacturerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

There are dozens of different styles and variations of steel sheets. One of the most common ways to classify them is by the temperature at which they were rolled &#; cold rolled or hot rolled. Let&#;s look at the pros and cons of cold rolled steel for your next project.

What is It?

When steel is rolled out to form a coil during its production, this is done at varying degrees of temperature. In all cases where this temperature is considered at or below the room temperature, this is considered cold rolled steel.

Cold rolled steel will be smooth to the touch, strong and not particularly flexible. It&#;s generally found in flat, square or round shapes.


There are a couple distinct benefits to cold rolled steel:

  • Strength: Cold rolled steel is up to 20 percent stronger than typical hot rolled steel. Using heat to roll the steel can weaken it, but keeping it above room temperature holds its structural integrity. This makes it perfect for your biggest and toughest projects.
  • Surface finish: Cold rolled steel also looks better than hot rolled. It&#;s the preferred technique for furniture, cars and other aesthetic areas for this reason, and has a modern look.


There are also a couple downsides to cold rolled steel for some people:

  • Price: Because of its advantages over hot rolled steel, cold rolled steel is more expensive. Also, because cold rolled steel is tougher to manipulate, it&#;s takes more time and can cost more to take it through similar processes.
  • Width: Shaving down a hot rolling metal sheet is very due to the temperature, but it can&#;t be done with cold rolled steel. This means you have to be more careful about measuring width in advance &#; you won&#;t have any leeway once you get started.
  • Time: As we mentioned above, the difficulty in manipulating cold rolled steel can make projects take longer to complete than the equivalent project using hot rolled steel.

Want to learn more about cold rolled steel, or any of our steel services? The experts at Wasatch Steel are standing by.

The company is the world’s best ar400 steel hardness supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.