The Benefits of Using Brandt VSM300 Primary Composite Screen Replacement

10 Mar.,2025


Replacement Scalping Screens for Top Deck of Brandt VSM 300 ...

SJ-VSM 300S scalping shale shaker screen is manufactured as the replacement screen for Brandt VSM 300 shale shaker. It is installed on the top deck of the VSM 300, which are used to scalp off large volumes of solids. Thus protecting the finer mesh of the lower deck (primary) screens. The scalping screen is usually sized from API 10 to API 325, ShengJia promises you high quality VSM 300 screen at reasonable price. And there are steel frame and composite screens optional.

For more information, please visit Shengjia.

Adaptable Shale Shaker Model

SSJ-VSM 300S scalping shaker screens are used as the substitute screen for:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Brandt VSM300 Primary Composite Screen Replacement.

Replacement Shaker Screen for Brandt

This shaker screen is the replacement shaker screen of Brandt King Cobra BHX screen,is a kind of steel frame screen,they are popular with most users since they can be replaced quickly and clamped by wedge block,King Cobra series screen are adaptable for NOV Brandt Cobra and King Cobra series shaker and mud cleaner

This shaker screen is the replacement shaker screen of VSM 300 SCALPING, is a kind of steel frame screen.Used on the first layer of deck ,SCALPING screen are adaptable for Brandt VSM 300 series shaker and mud cleaner.

For more information, please visit Scomi Prima 3G/4G/5G Screen.