What are the advantages of rolling benches?

10 Jun.,2024


Choosing the Right Bench Makes All the Difference

Choosing the right bench for your crop is vital to plant quality and further reducing labor costs. GGS has been designing, improving, manufacturing, and building quality benches for growers for over 35 years. Here are a few options:

For more information, please visit Metal Rolling Benches.

Flood Benches:

Flood benches are great for helping to control irrigation and fertilization costs. By re-circulating water, fertilizer not used by the plants is available for the next cycle. It&#;s environmentally friendly. Also, flood benches help lower disease by keeping leaves dry.

GGS produces ebb and flood benches with either aluminum trays or plastic liners depending on the crop and the grower&#;s preferences. Hot dipped galvanized adjustable stands enable you to install your flood benches with the perfect pitch for quickly draining irrigation water away from the plants. Your pots never need to sit in water longer than you want.

Expanded Metal Tops:

These tops offer the advantage of lower costs and greater flexibility for crop variety. Ideal for garden centers as well as growers, the mitered corners on GGS sides won&#;t snag your employees&#; or customers clothing.

Like all GGS benches, our steel stands are hot dipped galvanized after manufacturing to ensure optimum protection against corrosion.

Trough Benches:

Troughs, like flood benches are ideal for bottom watering your pots. Troughs are rolled out on site so each trough is a continuous piece the length of your bench. GGS adjustable stands enable growers to slope the trough from one end of the bench to the other so water flows continuously under your pots.

While troughs reduce your flexibility in adjusting pot sizes, the gap between each irrigation trough improves vertical air flow and helps dry the crop evenly. Irrigation troughs like flood benches allow a grower to reduce fertilizer consumption by re-circulating water.

Rolling versus Stationary Benches:

Rolling Benches

The main advantage of rolling benches is the ability to gain additional production space by eliminating walkways. In a typical production greenhouse bench layout, rolling benches will give you 24% &#; 33% more production space, in some greenhouses they may even allow as much as 50% more production space.

Rolling benches roll on 2 inch diameter roll tubes, the diameter ensures a smooth roll for long benches. GGS has provided customers with benches in excess of 200 feet long.

Stationary Benches

A lot of stationary benches we see tend to be wooden although initially they may be less expensive the long term cost maintaining them costs more. Wooden benches are also harder to disinfect. Even if your stationary benches are metal you loose the flexibility that rolling benches offer, loosing valuable crop space that could be more profit and increased labor costs.

Check out our rolling benches in the video below to see the benefit of switching from stationary wooden benches to metal rolling benches:

Display Benches:

Garden centers require something different from their benches. Benches should add to the style of a garden center as well as provide accessible storage and display of your plants.

Multi-tiered benches are perfect for displaying plants, and they can be designed to be freestanding, or we can build them to attach to the greenhouse walls.

Whatever your benching needs, GGS is here to help growers grow!

If you want to learn more, please visit our website metal rolling benches for sale.

6 Benefits of Rolling Benches for Commercial Growing ...

To stay competitive, commercial cannabis growers should take every opportunity to maximize the performance of their growing and harvesting endeavors. Improving your growing operations begins with developing and designing your grow room or greenhouse so that your space is efficient in terms of energy and resource consumption. To increase your crop yield, optimize the temperature of your indoor environments, and boost the profitability of your efforts, you should consider installing rolling benches for growing.

If you&#;re looking for professional design and installation services for your greenhouse or grow room, MJM Install is here to help. Our team brings more than ten years of experience to every project, along with a background in horticulture and an industry-leading approach to upgrading your operations. We offer customized design solutions and support to ensure that everything from your lighting to epoxy flooring is industrial-grade quality.

In this article, we&#;ll review the key benefits of rolling benches and discuss how to maximize the value of your growing space. The best benches for your indoor growing rooms integrate your existing tools and methods, from overhead lighting to drainage and water control systems.

Building a Grow Space With Rolling Benches

MJM&#;s commercial grow room and greenhouse projects integrate systems that standardize day-to-day crop maintenance while cutting a significant portion of overall costs. Our project managers can help you select the right bench size, height, and materials for your arrangements, allowing you to set up the foundation for your industry-leading operation.

1. Space Efficiency

If your grow room or greenhouse uses fixed benches or tables, rolling benches will significantly increase the number of plants you can fit within your space. Fixed benches are set up in either a longitudinal or peninsular layout, which means that there are aisles between each platform. In most grow room operations, this is an inefficient use of greenhouse space. With rolling benches, you can simply move the platforms apart to create a single lane for crop maintenance, upgrading your growing capacity by up to 40%.

Rolling benches are lightweight, allowing the grower to move them with a simple push or pull. The increase in available growing space alone is usually enough to justify the use of the rolling system. With a higher plant volume, you&#;ll have higher profits. However, there are a handful of other benefits that you may also want to consider before purchasing and installing.

2. Improved Airflow

Using benches or grow tables ensures that all of your crops receive optimal airflow, which can help to increase plant health while reducing the likelihood of mildew or disease affecting your yield. The airflow beneath your rolling benches also provides an even distribution of warmth for the plant&#;s roots, minimizing the impact of any temperature fluctuations within your space. For commercial operations, growing at ground level simply doesn&#;t cut it anymore.

3. Alignment With Lighting

In arrangements with stationary grow tables, it can sometimes be tricky to align your lighting grid with your plants. A longitudinal or peninsular layout often requires you to build a lighting grid that bridges the gap between aisles, which is considerably less efficient than it could be with rolling benches. The movability of your plants beneath a uniform grid ensures that each plant receives an equal opportunity to flourish. When you need to perform lighting maintenance, you can simply move the benches apart to create a lane directly below the light so you don&#;t have to reach over the grow table.

4. Integration With Irrigation Systems

Rolling benches come in various sizes and designs, ensuring integration with your existing irrigation systems is a breeze. Ebb and flow systems help reduce the impact of excess water, ensuring that dehumidifying systems don&#;t need to operate overtime shifts. Depending on the configuration, you can easily collect the excess water or drainage on the sides or end of the bench. Most bench frames also feature unobtrusive slots for adding trellises and drip irrigation without interfering with your aisles or other nearby growing platforms.

5. Easy Cleaning and Maintenance

Rolling benches make cleaning your grow room or greenhouse a straightforward process. Instead of cleaning beneath your fixed grow benches, you can simply move your plants out of the way. If you&#;re upgrading to rolling benches after growing plants at ground level, you&#;ll find that managing floor irrigation and cleaning up excess moisture is significantly easier. The railing or sidewalls of the bench can also help ensure that there are no leaks or spills.

6. Scalability and Configuration

Rolling benches make configuring your grow room or greenhouse a straightforward and cost-effective process. Most bench systems allow the grower to change the height of the plants, improving the efficiency of your lighting grid and drainage systems. Multiple tray widths and drainage slope angles are also advantageous features that help to optimize your operations. The length of the bench is also configurable, allowing you to open up the maximum amount of space possible for new plants relative to the size of your grow room or greenhouse.

As your operation continues to grow, your greenhouse rolling benches can scale upwards to allow for more plants without additional expensive investments. While rolling benches might seem like a minor component in the construction and design of your growing space, they are essential for improving crop yields and profitability regardless of the size of your commercial efforts.

Durability in Design

The design of your grow room&#;s infrastructure should always be built to last, which means your rolling benches are no different. It&#;s essential to invest in materials that can withstand the humidity within the room, the weight of your plants, and any shifts in temperature. High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) and steel are two of the most common frame materials for rolling benches, though the latter is usually a preferable option for commercial growing. If possible, check the arrangement of the rollers beneath the bench to make sure they won&#;t come into contact with each other.

Commercial Cannabis Grow Room and Greenhouse Construction

Rolling benches are just one piece of the puzzle when you begin creating a customized grow room or greenhouse. Rolling benches allow you to maximize your space and improve the performance of your operations. MJM Install offers modular construction and design services for growers seeking to create a reliable, cost-effective indoor growing environment. Our experience, project management skills, and unrivaled professionalism ensure your new space allows you to increase crop yield, resource efficiency, and overall profitability.

Coordinate with our team of design and horticultural experts who understand what it takes to succeed in the cannabis industry. Contact us today for a free consultation.

The company is the world’s best greenhouse benches metal for sale supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.