What is high purity silica sand?

08 Jul.,2024


Silicon Dioxide, High Purity (SiO₂) - Reade Advanced Materials

Typical Applications

CHIDA Product Page

Silicon Dioxide has a variety of industrial uses depending on the formulation and size. Some applications include silicone adhesives, paints and coatings, rubber & silicones, epoxy & plastics, traffic paint, residential, architectural paint, and industrial coatings.

The applications for high-purity silica nanoparticles include semiconductors, fiber optics, and solar panels. It can be an additive for manufacturing rubber and plastics; a strengthening filler for concrete and other construction composites; and a stable, non-toxic platform for drug delivery and theranostics.

The company is the world’s best High Purity Silica Sand supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

High Purity Silica | Fine & Specialty Chemicals

High purity Silica, also known as Silicon dioxide, is one of the most subtle yet prominent materials in the world. It is the main filler in a lot of products, including semiconductor molding compounds, optical fibers, coating powder but also in building materials, solar panels and high performance ceramics. The list doesn't stop here. Adhesives, cosmetics, printing inks, epoxy mold compounds; all of them use Silica in varying purities and in huge quantities. The reliability requirements of these applications have raised the need for innovative extraction processes that remove impurities and contaminants and result in quartz with SiO2 content up to 99.99%.

Different applications require different silica formulations and can accept ranging purity tolerances, always in the range of 99+%. This varying need lead us to create and promote a large portfolio of Silica sub-products such as Quartz sand, Crystalline Micro Quartz powders and Spherical / Angular Micro Quartz powders. All of them compatible with the IOTA standards and with the ability to adjust Particle density based on the customer requirements.

Within our developmental projects, we are also conducting trials to commence production of high purity low alpha spherical silica micro powders to supply the premium end of the spherical silica markets.

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