What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of star pickets manufacturer

26 Aug.,2024


What Are The Pros And Cons Of Composite Fencing?

When you&#;re planning to install a fence in your garden there are plenty of options to choose from in terms of the material you use. There are traditional materials such as timber and iron, or more modern ones like composite and vinyl.

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Although all of these materials have upsides and downsides, composite fencing has great advantages over all of them.

In this article, we&#;re going to explore the many benefits of composite fencing as well as some of its downsides to get you up to speed on this amazing product.


What Is Composite Fencing Made Of?

Composite fencing is made from a combination of recycled plastic and reclaimed wood fibres. The composite material in our synthetic wood panels is 95% recycled and the wood that we use is FSC-certified.

Composite materials are created through a process called co-extrusion. During this process, the composite material is melted down and then passed through a die to mould it into the shape of our modular composite fence panels.

The unique composition of composite fencing materials has so many advantages over other fencing materials such as vinyl fencing and wood fencing. This is why composite fencing has become so popular in recent years.


The Pros Of Composite Fencing

There are many reasons to install a composite fence in your garden. Some of them are fairly obvious but there are a few benefits to composite fencing that may surprise you. So, let&#;s take a look at the pros of composite fences.

Longevity & durability

Due to the plastic component in composite fencing materials, composite fence panels are very water-resistant. Unlike standard wooden fence panels, water can&#;t penetrate the core of composite fencing panels. This means that rot is unable to form.

As they&#;re rot-resistant, composite fence panels don&#;t need to be repaired and last much longer than wood fence panels. On average, composite fencing will last for between 25 to 30 years.

All of the composite fence panels in our range come with a 20-year warranty to give you peace of mind that your composite fencing will be around for a very long time.

The fact that composite fencing doesn&#;t need to be repaired and won&#;t need to be replaced for a long time will save you money in the long term. This makes it a more cost-effective option than a traditional wood fence.


Composite fences are also incredibly low-maintenance and require very little care over the course of their service lives. If you have another fencing material such as wood you will have to spend a lot of time sealing, treating, staining, and painting it.

This is not only time-consuming but also costs quite a lot of money as the products used to do this are fairly expensive.

Composite fencing doesn&#;t require any of these things and only needs to be cleaned occasionally to keep it looking its best.

The plastic content in composite fencing materials also means that it&#;s inedible to insects which makes it naturally insect-repellant. This means that you don&#;t need to use any chemicals to protect it from insects.

Once your composite fence has been installed you don&#;t need to worry about caring for it. The quality of the material means it will essentially look after itself.

Easy installation

Installing composite fences is very easy and doesn&#;t take much time. Due to the honeycomb structure of the panels, they&#;re really light which means they&#;re easy to carry around and install.

Unlike wood fence panels, our composite fencing panels come in small modules that simplify and speed up the installation process.

This means that they can simply slot in between existing concrete fence posts at your property. Or, you can install some of our composite fence posts and have a full composite fencing system.

Installing wooden or vinyl fences is a big job that often requires the help of several people to complete. This is largely due to the fact that the panels come as one unit and are hard to manoeuvre.

If you&#;re looking for fencing panels that are quick and easy to install then composite fencing is definitely the best choice for you.


When compared to other fencing materials, composite fencing is very environmentally-friendly. The fact that it&#;s made with reclaimed wood and recycled plastic means that no new trees are felled to create it, and less plastic ends up in landfills.

There are also no toxins released into the environment during its production. This is not the case for other synthetic materials such as vinyl fences.

When vinyl fences are produced there are many harmful toxins released which contribute to land, air and water pollution.

Unlike real wood, composite fencing doesn&#;t need to be replaced often which makes it a more sustainable option.

As it requires very little maintenance, you don&#;t need to use sealants, stainers, or paints. These products are often harmful to the environment and can leak into the water table.

In the current climate, we all think more and more about the products we use and how they impact the environment. Choosing composite fencing from Ecoscape is one way that you can reduce your carbon footprint and help contribute toward a more sustainable future.


One of the main reasons that some people still prefer to use wood as a fencing material is that they like its traditional appearance. As composite fencing is a synthetic material it&#;s often assumed that it doesn&#;t look as good as wooden fencing.

However, contemporary composite fencing sports a natural wood finish and composite fences are often indistinguishable from wooden ones.

Composite fencing is also very versatile and there are many different colours and styles available. Our range of composite fencing boards comes in 5 different colours including silver birch, spiced oak, and walnut.

This means it&#;s easy to find a colour that will suit your home. As we&#;ve already discussed, there&#;s no need to paint composite fencing materials as the colour of the boards or panels will be added during the manufacturing process.


The Cons Of Composite Fencing

As with any other fencing material, there are also some slight downsides to using composite fencing. It&#;s important for you to know as much as possible about a material before you decide to use it in your garden.

However, the cons of composite fencing are far outweighed by its many positives. With that in mind, let&#;s take a look at some of the downsides of composite fencing.


Composite fencing is still more expensive than other popular types of fencing materials such as wood. Generally, wood still tends to be the cheapest of all materials in terms of upfront costs.

However, although the initial price may be higher, composite fencing is less expensive over the course of its service life than wood. This is mostly due to the fact that it requires very little maintenance which reduces its overall costs.

The amazing longevity of composite fencing also means that it will cost you less in repairs and replacements during its lifespan.

Are you interested in learning more about star pickets manufacturer? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

Our range of composite fencing boards starts at £15.31 per board making it a very affordable option for most budgets.

Fading over time

Although composite fencing is resistant to UV light and fading the darker coloured boards can still be prone to fading over time. How much the boards fade depends largely on the quality of the product, and it shouldn&#;t be much of an issue with our boards.

If your composite fencing boards do fade significantly over time then they may need to be replaced. This is because composite materials are non-porous and so adjusting the colour with paint is quite difficult.

If you&#;re very concerned about fading then it may be best to choose composite fencing in a light colour. This will make it less likely to fade over time, and if it does fade the results will be less noticeable.

Variable durability

Depending on the supplier and manufacturer that you use the longevity and durability of your composite fencing may vary. Suppliers and manufacturers who create poor-quality products should be avoided as it&#;s likely that their products won&#;t last as long as they should.

Our composite fence boards come with a 20-year warranty which should assure you of the quality of our products. They&#;re manufactured to be as durable and long-lasting as possible, and we&#;re confident that they&#;ll be with you for a very long time.

Expansion and contraction

Composite fencing is less susceptible to changing shape and size during temperature fluctuations than other materials. However, it will still contract and expand during changes in the weather.

In higher temperatures, it will undergo the process of thermal expansion and in lower temperatures, it will experience shrinkage. Unlike wooden fencing, these changes should not cause the boards to warp or crack.

As long as the boards have been installed in the correct way then contractions and expansions shouldn&#;t cause any issues for your fence.



Is composite the best material for fencing?

There are many different types of materials that can be used for fencing which all have certain pros and cons. Apart from composite, the other most popular materials are vinyl, wrought iron, and wood.

Vinyl fences are similar to composite fences in that they require little maintenance but they are much less environmentally friendly. Iron fences have good longevity but require quite a lot of maintenance and aren&#;t very aesthetically pleasing.

Overall, when compared with other materials, composite is the best one to use for fencing.

Is composite fencing resistant to wind?

Composite is a very strong and durable material, and composite fence boards can withstand windy conditions. They&#;re sturdy but also have some flexibility to allow them to bend slightly in high winds without breaking.

Being weather resistant is one of the ways in which composite fencing is so long-lasting, and it is much less susceptible to being damaged by high winds than wooden fencing.

Is composite fencing the longest-lasting material?

Although composite is very long-lasting and a composite fence will usually last between 25 and 30 years, aluminium fencing tends to last longer. If an aluminium fence is properly maintained it can last for over 50 years.

However, as it&#;s a metal it is prone to rust and an aluminium fence will require far more maintenance than a composite one. This will increase the costs over the course of its lifespan and may reduce its longevity if it&#;s not properly maintained.

Can I drill into my composite fencing boards?

It&#;s fine to drill into composite boards if you&#;d like to use nails or screws to attach something to them, it can somehow interfere with the structural integrity if it&#;s not done correctly. It&#;s always best to pre-drill the holes before you attach the nails or screws as this will reduce the risk of the boards cracking or splitting.


Explore Ecoscape&#;s Amazing Range Of Composite Fencing Today

Now that you&#;ve seen all of the incredible benefits of composite fencing it&#;s time to browse our range and choose the right boards for you. Our fencing boards come in a wide range of colours and are really easy to install.

They&#;re scratch-resistant, fade-resistant, water-resistant, and highly durable. They&#;re also very affordable and won&#;t need to be replaced for a long time. So, there&#;s nothing stopping you from revitalising your own garden with composite fencing today.

Pros & Cons of Aluminum Fences for Your Backyard

If you want a fence that's attractive and practically maintenance-free, an aluminum fence might be right for you. When comparing materials, such as wood vs. aluminum vs. vinyl, it helps to weigh the pros and cons of each type. For many homeowners, the pros of installing an aluminum fence outweigh the cons. Take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of aluminum fencing to see if it's the best option for your backyard.

Pro: Durability

Aluminum fences are known for having long lives. With the proper treatment, an aluminum fence can last for up to 50 years, which might be longer than you plan on living in your home.

Several factors contribute to the durability of aluminum fences. The material doesn't rust, unlike other types of metal, which prolongs its life. Aluminum is also relatively strong compared to its weight, making it likely to withstand winds and severe weather.

Pro: Ease of Maintenance

When choosing a fence, one crucial thing to consider is how difficult it will be to maintain. Some homeowners are willing to install a fence that requires a lot of care and attention if they think it's attractive and will enhance their home. Others prefer a fence that's a little more hands-off but still good-looking.

Aluminum delivers on that front. The material resists rust, so it doesn't require a lot of preparation or sealing. After it rains, you don't have to frantically run outside and dry the fence off to keep corrosion away.

Cleaning an aluminum fence is also usually a breeze. It might need cleaning a few times a year. You can use soap and water to wipe away any signs of dirt or debris. You don't need to scrub hard or use special cleaners to keep your fence looking good.

Pro: Eco-Friendliness

It's not just the beginning of a fence's life that's important &#; what happens to it at the end matters, too. Many homeowners these days are concerned about the environmental impact materials will have. If you're looking for a fence that's easy to recycle, aluminum is a good pick.

Aluminum is infinitely recyclable. The metal used to make your fence will most likely come from recycled aluminum, as 75% of aluminum ever produced is still in use today. Should you decide to remove or replace your fence later on, you can bring the aluminum to a recycling center, giving it another life.

Pro: Follows the Grade of Your Yard

If you have a sloped yard or uneven terrain, aluminum is an excellent pick for a fence. Aluminum fences are rackable, which means the rails are adjusted to follow the slope of the land. If you try to install a non-rackable fence on a hill, there will likely be gaps between the bottom and the ground.

Pro: Available in a Range of Styles

Whatever your taste and style preferences, there is likely an aluminum fence to match it. The fences come in a range of picket styles. You can choose spiked or flat pickets, for example. You can also choose a fence with bars that are more closely spaced together along the fence's bottom. The closely spaced bars add a decorative touch that's also functional, as they help to keep small pets inside your yard.

Con: Not Great for Privacy

An aluminum fence in your backyard is not the best option if you're concerned about privacy. Other fence materials, such as vinyl and wood, can have pickets placed right next to each other, creating a solid panel.

The pickets on an aluminum fence usually have gaps between them, so it's possible to see through them. The fence creates some sense of privacy and can help define your property's border, but it won't keep your neighbors from seeing what's happening next door.

Con: Can Be Costly

Some fences are more expensive than others. Aluminum can cost more than a wood or chainlink fence. It might cost slightly less than a vinyl fence, though.

Although the upfront cost of an aluminum fence can be higher than other options, it's worth considering how its initial cost compares to its lifespan. You'll likely need to replace a wood, vinyl, or chainlink fence before you have to replace an aluminum fence. An aluminum fence could be the more cost-effective choice in the long run.

HOA Affordable Fence Builders specializes in finding the most cost-effective and affordable way to install a fence. If you're ready to install an aluminum fence around your property in the Greater Indianapolis area, contact us today for a quote and to learn more.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website ODM portable chain link fence panels.