What is the disadvantage of a hybrid solar system?

21 Oct.,2024


Stand-alone power system - Wikipedia

Schematics of a hybrid system

A stand-alone power system (SAPS or SPS), also known as remote area power supply (RAPS), is an off-the-grid electricity system for locations that are not fitted with an electricity distribution system. Typical SAPS include one or more methods of electricity generation, energy storage, and regulation.

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Electricity is typically generated by one or more of the following methods:

Storage is typically implemented as a battery bank, but other solutions exist including fuel cells. Power drawn directly from the battery will be direct current extra-low voltage (DC ELV), and this is used especially for lighting as well as for DC appliances. An inverter is used to generate AC low voltage, which more typical appliances can be used with.

Stand-alone photovoltaic power systems are independent of the utility grid and may use solar panels only or may be used in conjunction with a diesel generator, a wind turbine or batteries.[1][2]





The two types of stand-alone photovoltaic power systems are direct-coupled system without batteries and stand alone system with batteries.

Direct-coupled system




The basic model of a direct coupled system consists of a solar panel connected directly to a dc load. As there are no battery banks in this setup, energy is not stored and hence it is capable of powering common appliances like fans, pumps etc. only during the day. MPPTs are generally used to efficiently utilize the Sun's energy especially for electrical loads like positive-displacement water pumps. Impedance matching is also considered as a design criterion in direct-coupled systems.[1][3]

Stand alone system with batteries




Schematic of a stand-alone PV system with battery and charger

In stand-alone photovoltaic power systems, the electrical energy produced by the photovoltaic panels cannot always be used directly. As the demand from the load does not always equal the solar panel capacity, battery banks are generally used. The primary functions of a storage battery in a stand-alone PV system are:

  • Energy Storage Capacity and Autonomy: To store energy when there is an excess available and to provide it when required.
  • Voltage and Current Stabilization: To provide stable current and voltage by eradicating transients.
  • Supply Surge Currents: to provide surge currents to loads like motors when required.




Hybrid system




The hybrid power plant is a complete electrical power supply system that can be easily configured to meet a broad range of remote power needs. There are three basic elements to the system - the power source, the battery, and the power management center. Sources for hybrid power include wind turbines, diesel engine generators, thermoelectric generators and solar PV systems. The battery allows autonomous operation by compensating for the difference between power production and use. The power management center regulates power production from each of the sources, controls power use by classifying loads, and protects the battery from service extremes.[5][6]

System monitoring




Monitoring photovoltaic systems can provide useful information about their operation and what should be done to improve performance, but if the data are not reported properly, the effort is wasted. To be helpful, a monitoring report must provide information on the relevant aspects of the operation in terms that are easily understood by a third party. Appropriate performance parameters need to be selected, and their values consistently updated with each new issue of the report. In some cases it may be beneficial to monitor the performance of individual components in order to refine and improve system performance, or be alerted to loss of performance in time for preventative action. For example, monitoring battery charge/discharge profiles will signal when replacement is due before downtime from system failure is experienced.[7]

IEC standard




IEC has provided a set of monitoring standards called the "Standard for Photovoltaic system performance monitoring" (IEC ). It focusses on the photovoltaic system's electrical performance and it does not address hybrids or prescribe a method for ensuring that performance assessments are equitable.[8]

Performance assessment




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Performance assessment involves:

  • Data collection, which is a straightforward process of measuring parameters.
  • Evaluation of that data in a manner that provides useful information.
  • Dissemination of useful information to the end user.







The wide range of load related problems identified are classified into the following types:

  • Wrong selection: Some loads cannot be used with stand-alone PV systems.
  • House wiring: Inadequate or low quality wiring and protection devices can affect the system's response.
  • Low efficiency: Low efficiency loads may increase energy consumption.
  • Stand-by loads: Stand-by mode of some loads waste energy.
  • Start-up: High current drawn by some loads during start-up Current spikes during the start-up can overload the system temporarily.
  • Reactive power: The circulating current can differ from the current consumed when capacitive or inductive loads are used.
  • Harmonic distortion: Non-linear loads may create distortion of the inverter waveform.
  • Mismatch between load and inverter size: When a higher rated inverter is used for a lower capacity load, overall efficiency is reduced.







See also








Pros and cons of off-grid vs hybrid - World Solar

With a new-build home, you&#;re overwhelmed with decisions... location, heating, flooring, materials, and much more.

If you&#;re thinking about long term sustainability and energy efficiency - you&#;ll want to explore the ins and outs of  renewable energy system. If you're considering solar, you next need to decide between the three types of solar systems: off-grid, grid-tied or hybrid. Choosing the right system means minimising power costs and good return on your investment in the long run. 
While one system type is perfect for some homeowners, it could be bad for others. All systems are beneficial in their own ways, so knowing the facts and benefits of each will help you decide which is right for you. 

In this blog, we&#;ll dive deeper into the pros and cons of our most common system: the hybrid set-up, and compare it with going off-grid.

Hybrid solar systems: What is it, and what does it mean for homeowners?

A hybrid solar system is grid-tied with battery storage. They come with a special &#;smart&#; inverter that can transmit direct current (DC) power to and from your batteries, and channel alternating current (AC) power between the grid and your home when necessary.

Hybrid systems allow for full control over your power, while keeping you grid-connected in case of emergency. 

Key benefits of hybrid systems

Here are some of the perks of a hybrid solar system:

  1. You&#;ll use less grid electricity than you would with a traditional grid-tied system. While hybrid setups are grid-tied, they come with solar battery storage, which means you can maximise consumption of the power generated from the panels.
  2. A hybrid system is possibly the most expandable, future-ready home solar setup. With some customisable hybrid systems, you can expand capacity by buying more panels or batteries. Hybrid systems may also be compatible with newer solar technologies &#; for example, an electric vehicle (EV) might function as one of the &#;batteries&#; in a hybrid setup. 
  3. For even lower costs, you can use a power management system. These technologies can automatically optimise your power usage. (For example, larger appliances like dishwashers can be switched on during peak daylight hours.) The result: bigger utility savings and a quicker ROI.
Some cons of hybrid systems:

  1. There&#;s a lot to install upfront, making the initial investment bigger. While you can budget for a smaller battery bank than with an off-grid setup, the cost still needs some thought. Specialised equipment, such as a smart hybrid inverter, adds to the price tag. 
  2. Lots of space might be necessary for the required parts. With grid access, you&#;re likely not in an isolated rural area - even so, you&#;ll need space for hybrid solar equipment, including the battery bank and inverters.

Off-grid - what is it, and what does it mean for homeowners?

An off-grid solar system is a solar installation that isn't connected to the utility grid. This means you have to rely on your solar panels to generate all your power, all the time.

With an off-grid system, solar batteries are necessary for storing energy. It&#;s also smart to budget for a backup generator for extended periods of bad weather in case solar battery storage runs out.

Considering going off the grid? Here are some of the benefits:

  1. You&#;ll have complete energy independence. No grid connection means freeing yourself from the risk of power outages or fluctuating power costs. As you&#;re a producer of your own power you get a great amount of freedom... as long as your energy needs are low.
  2. It can be the most eco-friendly and sustainable home energy setup. Without the grid, you can minimise your carbon footprint. Your system won&#;t contribute to water pollution and greenhouse gases (except rarely, when you might depend on a generator).

Here are some of the cons of going off-grid:

  1. There&#;s no &#;security&#; from using the grid as backup. You can&#;t rely on grid power during bad weather or if your system needs servicing.
  2. You&#;ll need more panels and a large capacity batteries if you intend to power an entire home. Batteries and generators are important to have, but they represent higher initial costs. Batteries have limited lifespans and can require maintenance, so those expenses factor in as well.
  3. You&#;ll have to tightly monitor your energy usage and lifestyle. With off-grid solar, you must use power sparingly. This might require big lifestyle changes, such as using most of your power in the daytime or tightly restricting night-time activities.

Both off-grid and hybrid systems are great ways go solar, but the right choice depends on your unique situation. Clearly, there are many details to consider... which is a lot to handle while you&#;re busy building your dream home. 

To make it easier, talk to a solar expert who can help you navigate all the issues involved. It&#;s the most effective way to learn whether off-grid or hybrid solar is best for you. Contact the expert consultants at World Solar today.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Wall Mounted Lithium Battery.