What Are the Advantages of Palisade Fence For Schools?

19 Aug.,2024


Fencing Schools: What Are The Security Options? - Barkers

Ensuring the safety and security of students and staff is an ever-present concern for educational institutions.

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From preserving the historical charm of centuries-old buildings, to managing the challenges presented by challenging student behaviour, the right choice of fencing can significantly impact a school&#;s overall security and reputation.

Furthermore, as schools are often large sites, there are multiple purposes for fencing, from perimeter fencing, to fencing used to close off certain areas of the premises.

In an era where security is not one-size-fits-all, this blog aims to guide educational institutions in making informed decisions when fencing schools.


Types Of Fencing


Due to the different needs of each individual school, and the various purposes for a fence within a school site itself, the type of fencing that you need to specify will differ.

This can depend on many factors, from the age of students you&#;re teaching, to the location of the school in comparison to nearby roads.

For example, a school that specialises in educating students with specific behavioural needs might need a different fence to a school needing to specify fencing around a play area.

Here are 3 different types of fencing, and their differences you should consider when specifying your school fencing.

Fencing Schools: Railings


Comprising horizontal or vertical bars, this fencing option offers both visibility and protection. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for diverse school environments.

When specifying for a school with historical buildings, where architectural integrity is crucial, railing fencing, such as Barkers Fencing&#;s Styleguard range, provides security without compromising the charm of these structures.

Vertical bar railings are built to last &#; both in terms of their classic aesthetic and the high quality, durable materials they&#;re manufactured from.

If your school has a history of break ins, but you would like to maintain its aesthetics, Barkers Fencing would recommend HeritageGuard, our heritage railing, with a solid bar and scalloped rails.


Mesh Fencing

Since its inception mesh fencing has been very popular for securing schools. Its metal wires create a robust yet see-through barrier, making it suitable for various applications within school premises. Mesh fencing is specifically mentioned in the Secured By Design guidelines for schools and the UK Governments Site Guidance for Schools, which reflects the popularity of this product.

If your threat is mild anti-social behaviour, mesh fencing should as TwinGuard SL1 or SecureGuard SL1 is a great option for schools. As mentioned in the Government Site Guidance for Schools, perimeter fencing for schools should always be atleast 2m high.

For schools with a high threat, mesh fencing, such as SecureGuard SL2X, emerges as a practical solution, balancing security needs with adaptability.

Mesh fencing is also very commonly used to secure multi-use games areas within schools.


Palisade Fencing


Historically, schools were secured with either railings or palisade fencing. Its distinct design of long steel pales provides a robust visual deterrent.

Many schools wishing to keep the original aesthetic of the school tend to pick palisade fencing to secure their perimeter time and time again. If you are looking to replace your palisade fence, StronGuard SL1 acts as a protective defence, not only deterring unauthorised access but proven to prevent an opportunist attacker using basic tools and bodily force from gaining access for more than 60 seconds.


What Are The Factors Affecting How You&#;re Fencing Schools?


Schools must carefully consider various factors to ensure that the chosen fencing aligns with their unique needs, budget constraints, and aesthetic preferences.

Here are some common considerations when specifying your school fencing, and how to ensure that you&#;re making the right choices.

Budget Considerations

When evaluating fencing options, schools must weigh the financial aspects associated with installation and maintenance. While certain fencing solutions may be more cost-effective initially, it&#;s crucial to consider the long-term investment and potential cost savings in terms of security and maintenance.

When considering the budget, schools should also take into account the cost implications of a security breach whether that be physical damage, reputational damage or safety concerns.

Aesthetic Requirements

The visual impact of fencing cannot be understated, especially in environments like historical buildings where architectural aesthetics play a significant role.

Fencing should not only provide security but also complement the overall design and ambiance of the school campus. Each school has a colour theme, and if possible, you should be specifying your fence to match.

Specific Security Needs

According to government guidelines, &#;It is important for schools and colleges to have a policy and plan in place to manage and respond to security related incidents.&#;

A main consideration could be the behavioural needs of your students. If your school has experienced bad behaviour, such as students that attempt to climb fencing, the type of fencing you specify will need to be suited to this challenge.

It&#;s possible that additions to your fencing, such as toppers, will be needed to ensure complete safety on your premises.

Threat From Vehicles

Something often overlooked with school security, is the threat of errant vehicles.

If your school is located on a busy main road, and has possibly experienced vehicle-related incidents in the past, specifying a crash-rated fence would be the safest solution. For example, StronGuard RCS & SecureGuard RCS provide PAS68 accredited protection, tested to stop a 7.5t vehicle at 30mph.

Goto Mclassic Metal to know more.





Railing, mesh, and palisade fencing each offer a unique blend of security and functionality, catering to diverse school environments.

As schools face varying challenges &#; preserving historical charm, managing behavioural issues, or securing bustling campuses &#; the importance of a tailored approach becomes evident.

By understanding the distinct advantages of each fencing type and aligning them with specific needs, schools can create not only secure but also inviting spaces for learning.

If you are specifying fencing for a school and are looking for more support, contact our team of experts at Barkers Fencing.

We are here to discuss your specific project needs to ensure that your school is protected efficiently.




What factors should schools consider when choosing a fencing option?

Schools should consider budget constraints, aesthetic requirements, maintenance concerns, and local regulations.

How do railings balance security and aesthetics in historical buildings?

Railings seamlessly integrates with historical structures, preserving architectural integrity while providing a secure barrier.

Can mesh fencing effectively manage behavioural challenges in schools?

Yes, mesh fencing serves as a practical deterrent, effectively managing unruly behaviour and preventing vandalism.

Why should palisade fencing be considered for schools?

Palisade fencing provides a visual deterrent with its robust design of vertical steel pales. It is particularly popular with long standing schools which have always had palisade fencing protecting its perimeter.

How can schools balance the need for security with budget considerations?

Schools should weigh the initial and long-term costs associated with each fencing option. While some options may be more cost-effective initially, it&#;s essential to consider the long-term investment and potential cost savings in terms of security and maintenance.




Palisade Fencing vs Mesh Fencing: Which Is Best?

When it comes to securing your commercial, industrial or even residential premises, there are several fencing options you can choose from. Two commonly chosen alternatives are mesh and palisade fencing.

While both are popular and excellent choices, it&#;s important to choose the security fencing that best suits your needs. To help you determine this, we&#;ve put together the advantages and disadvantages offered by mesh and palisade fencing.


Advantages of Palisade Fencing

Palisade fencing is typically known for its durability. They&#;re made from vertical rails that are connected and secured by two horizontal rails running across the vertical ones.

1. It&#;s Highly Durable

As mentioned above, this type of security fencing is extremely durable. This is often due to the high-quality material used in its manufacturing. At Alexandra Security, we galvanise and treat our Palisade fencing with a powder coating, which also contributes to its overall strength and durability while simultaneously preventing it from rusting.

2. Acts As A Visual Deterrent

Palisade fencing typically has &#;D&#; or &#;W&#; metal pointed tops. This creates an excellent visual deterrent as trespassers are likely to think twice before attempting to gain access to your property.

3. Anti-Climb Properties

Palisade fencing lacks adequate footholds and is designed with sharp, pointed edges, making it extremely difficult for anyone to climb over. So, should vandals or trespassers not be deterred by the physical barriers, it&#;s unlikely that they will be able to make it over this security fencing in any case.

4. Easy To Maintain

Palisade fencing is an excellent option for those looking to install a security fence that requires little to no maintenance. All you will need to do is check for loose bolts on the odd occasion. Should you ever need to replace a damaged pale, you don&#;t need to replace the entire panel, only the one pale.

5. Versatile Fencing

Palisade fencing is versatile and can be used at a number of different locations. You will often find this type of security fencing used at airports, railways, schools, factories and other sites.

Disadvantages of Palisade Fencing

While Palisade fencing clearly boasts numerous advantages, it does have some drawbacks when compared to mesh fencing. One example would be its aesthetic appeal; people generally find it less appealing due to its tall, imposing design.

In terms of installation, Palisade fencing is often slightly more expensive to install in comparison to mesh fencing. The installation process also tends to take a bit longer.

Advantages of Mesh Fencing

While Palisade is a great security fencing option, Mesh fencing has its own advantages, too &#; some of which it shares with Palisade. Mesh fencing was first used in the industry in the early 90s and has gained popularity ever since.

1. Cost-Effective

In comparison to steel Palisade, mesh fencing is the more cost-effective option and will still offer you good level of security.

2. Aesthetic Appearance

With its sleek finishes, mesh fencing has a very modern look. This aesthetic appearance makes it seem less imposing, which could make it better suited to certain locations such as schools.

3. Minimal Maintenance

Like palisade, mesh fencing requires little maintenance. Our mesh fencing is also galvanised, increasing its durability.

4. Strong and Durable

We all know the saying &#;looks can be deceiving&#;, and this is certainly the case with mesh fencing. While to some, it may look like it would be easy to get past, it will actually prove challenging to do so.

Disadvantages of Mesh Fencing

Mesh fencing is certainly a notable option when it comes to security fencing; it is best used in certain situations. While it is strong, durable and poses a challenge for criminals to get passed, certain types of mesh fencing are not as secure or tall as Palisade fencing.

If you are looking for security fencing for your next project and are not sure which fencing product or perimeter solution is right for you, speak to our expert team. They have expert knowledge of all our mesh and palisade systems and can offer advice and support to guide you towards the product that is the best fit for your requirements.

The company is the world’s best Palisade Fence For Schools supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.