10 Questions You Should to Know about 15w solar panel wholesaler

06 Aug.,2024


Off grid, choosing a system parts or DIY

Im so excited to find your forum! I really like it. People are sharing and helping each other. This is sweet. Well, I am reading alot to try to self answer some questions I have yet I don't find yet what I am looking for so here goes:

I want to know what to buy. I plan to cycle my major items (A/c, hot water heater, fridge) so that when I wash clothes or use the hot water heater for 1-2 hours per day, I will unplug the A/C. If I am using the A/C I won't use the hot water heater. I don't mind downsizing my plug ins to try to attain my solar system now. Because I dont think I can afford a solar system to support all my needs at the same time, like if I cook, wash clothes, take hot shower, run laptop, lights on, etc. I don't need to be a total yuppy. I can afford $ for entire system and I wonder if I can get a system that supports my needs for this money. I may pay a little more but I have been studying alot to try to determine my usage. Kindly critic, help, advise, or make jokes. I contacted Evergreen and will try to get price and see if I can buy from them. I am corporation so I can provide them with TX id number as a wholesaler/reseller since this applies.

I plan to get a hot water heater (hwh) that is 2.5 gall or 7 gall, they seem same in energy demand just maybe wiring is 220 or 110, I have to check that. Heat capacity is watts it says so that is, i think, 1.5kWh x 2 hours per day x 30=90kWh monthly I may use a timer or just plug it in 20 minutes before my quick shower, is this doable? Probably I'll shower twice per day and use the hot water heater total, 1 hour per day but I estimate for 2, I dunno.

A/C 5 hours per day during season x 800 watts= 4kWh x 30=120 kWh monthly
Fridge 42 monthly
3 lights, usually 1 or 2 in use but maybe 3 so I lean toward safe side. 40kWh
washer-I think 20kWh monthly. I will unplug fridge & make sure A/C & hwh are off
laptop 11 kWh monthly
hotplate 30 kWh mo.
tabletop oven 50 kWh
tools, sometimes I will use drill, etc, then I will unplug fridge, turn a/c off.

Like I said, I really am trying to attain this off grid and don't mind being ultra conservative as long as I can have warm shower, keep fridge cold, use A/C sparingly, use computer alot, and sometimes a radio, I am good. I will get a wood burning stove and hope and trust this will heat the entire container home, that is about 600 sq. ft open design with 160 sq. feet upstairs. i dont know much about gas and dont want to deal with trying to get propane as i dont drive.

Has anyone checked further on the solar generator? And what about the stik?
Should I buy pieces for my solar system or buy a DIY kit on ebay? Im in south usa and will have clear space for the panels. my roof will be a metal container. I hope I didnt say too much, or presume to ask for help as I am new. Excuse me kindly and I really love you guys.:D Oh, I may get a turbine, anybody have advise? And how often do you all use your generator? If there is a cloudy day or rain I can wait a day and just keep the fridge closed, right? I can't afford anything more right now. Any financing leads are helpful. I didnt know if the solar generator can handle my needs to power everything. My monthly expenses must be very low. Im a gal tired from society going to live in the woods. Peace, thank you.

Im so excited to find your forum! I really like it. People are sharing and helping each other. This is sweet. Well, I am reading alot to try to self answer some questions I have yet I don't find yet what I am looking for so here goes:I want to know what to buy. I plan to cycle my major items (A/c, hot water heater, fridge) so that when I wash clothes or use the hot water heater for 1-2 hours per day, I will unplug the A/C. If I am using the A/C I won't use the hot water heater. I don't mind downsizing my plug ins to try to attain my solar system now. Because I dont think I can afford a solar system to support all my needs at the same time, like if I cook, wash clothes, take hot shower, run laptop, lights on, etc. I don't need to be a total yuppy. I can afford $ for entire system and I wonder if I can get a system that supports my needs for this money. I may pay a little more but I have been studying alot to try to determine my usage. Kindly critic, help, advise, or make jokes. I contacted Evergreen and will try to get price and see if I can buy from them. I am corporation so I can provide them with TX id number as a wholesaler/reseller since this applies.I plan to get a hot water heater (hwh) that is 2.5 gall or 7 gall, they seem same in energy demand just maybe wiring is 220 or 110, I have to check that. Heat capacity is watts it says so that is, i think, 1.5kWh x 2 hours per day x 30=90kWh monthly I may use a timer or just plug it in 20 minutes before my quick shower, is this doable? Probably I'll shower twice per day and use the hot water heater total, 1 hour per day but I estimate for 2, I dunno.A/C 5 hours per day during season x 800 watts= 4kWh x 30=120 kWh monthlyFridge 42 monthly3 lights, usually 1 or 2 in use but maybe 3 so I lean toward safe side. 40kWhwasher-I think 20kWh monthly. I will unplug fridge & make sure A/C & hwh are offlaptop 11 kWh monthlyhotplate 30 kWh mo.tabletop oven 50 kWhtools, sometimes I will use drill, etc, then I will unplug fridge, turn a/c off.Like I said, I really am trying to attain this off grid and don't mind being ultra conservative as long as I can have warm shower, keep fridge cold, use A/C sparingly, use computer alot, and sometimes a radio, I am good. I will get a wood burning stove and hope and trust this will heat the entire container home, that is about 600 sq. ft open design with 160 sq. feet upstairs. i dont know much about gas and dont want to deal with trying to get propane as i dont drive.Has anyone checked further on the solar generator? And what about the stik? http://www.solarstik.com/stik_vs_gen.php It has turbine AND 2 solar panels. I could not find the price on this, anyone know?Should I buy pieces for my solar system or buy a DIY kit on ebay? Im in south usa and will have clear space for the panels. my roof will be a metal container.I hope I didnt say too much, or presume to ask for help as I am new. Excuse me kindly and I really love you guys.:D Oh, I may get a turbine, anybody have advise? And how often do you all use your generator? If there is a cloudy day or rain I can wait a day and just keep the fridge closed, right? I can't afford anything more right now. Any financing leads are helpful. I didnt know if the solar generator can handle my needs to power everything. My monthly expenses must be very low. Im a gal tired from society going to live in the woods. Peace, thank you.

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