How Lithium-ion Batteries Work

07 Mar.,2024

Lithium-ion batteries have become integral to the daily lives of millions of people, powering an array of devices ranging from laptops and cell phones to hybrid and electric vehicles. The technology's surging popularity can be attributed to its lightweight design, high energy density, and efficient charging capabilities.


Lithium-ion batteries have become integral to the daily lives of millions of people, powering an array of devices ranging from laptops and cell phones to hybrid and electric vehicles. The technology's surging popularity can be attributed to its lightweight design, high energy density, and efficient charging capabilities.

The fundamental structure of a lithium-ion battery comprises an anode, a cathode, a separator, an electrolyte, and two current collectors (positive and negative). Both the anode and cathode store lithium, while the electrolyte facilitates the movement of positively charged lithium ions between them through the separator. This process generates free electrons in the anode, creating a charge on the cathode current collector. The ensuing flow of current powers the connected device, whether it be a cell phone, computer, or another electronic gadget. Crucially, the separator plays a vital role in preventing the flow of electrons within the battery.

During the discharge phase, when the battery supplies electric current, the anode releases lithium ions to the cathode, prompting a flow of electrons from one side to the other. Conversely, when the device is plugged in for charging, the cathode releases lithium ions received by the anode.

Two key concepts associated with lithium-ion batteries are energy density and power density. Energy density, measured in watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg), quantifies the amount of energy a battery can store relative to its mass. It essentially defines the "size" of the energy pool within the battery. On the other hand, power density, measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg), gauges the amount of electricity a battery can produce relative to its mass. This concept can be likened to how quickly one can drain a pool of water.

To illustrate, envision a pool of water that needs to be drained. The energy density is analogous to the size of the pool, determining how much water it can hold. Meanwhile, power density represents the speed at which the pool can be drained, signifying the rate at which energy can be released from the battery.

The sophisticated design and functionality of lithium-ion batteries have made them indispensable in various applications. Their ability to balance high energy density, power density, and efficient charge/discharge cycles contributes to their widespread use in powering the technologies that have become essential parts of our daily routines.