5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Amorphous Solar Panel?

03 Mar.,2025


Amorphous Solar Panels: What You Need To Know - EnergySage

As the solar industry continues to grow, so do its product offerings. Various alternative solar panel technologies offer some unique advantages over traditional solar panels. One alternative to conventional panels is amorphous solar panels: thin-film solar panels constructed to be bendable while using less material. This article will explain what you need to know about this exciting technology.

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Like all solar panels available today, amorphous solar panels (a-Si) capture energy from the sun and convert it into usable electricity. These solar panels are made from non-crystalline silicon on top of a glass, plastic, or metal substrate.

Unlike other solar panels, amorphous solar panels don't use traditional cells; instead, they're constructed using a deposition process that involves forming an extremely thin silicon layer on top of a substrate. The thin film interconnects using laser-cut patterns instead of the mechanical connections used in traditional solar panels. This construction allows amorphous panels to be extremely bendable and lightweight while generating electricity.

It's important to note that amorphous solar cells are mainly used to power smaller devices &#; solar panels using amorphous cells are not widely available commercially.

Because they're lightweight and flexible, amorphous solar panels are often easier and cheaper to install than traditional ones. They're generally not used in rooftop solar arrays due to their low efficiency, but you may be able to fit them on curved surfaces or in smaller spaces due to their flexibility. That makes amorphous panels potentially applicable in unique installation situations. Aesthetically, amorphous solar panels have lower profile designs than traditional panels, making them particularly attractive to those seeking a more discrete design.

Traditional rigid solar panels fall into two categories: polycrystalline or monocrystalline. Like amorphous panels, both polycrystalline and monocrystalline panels are made from silicon. Monocrystalline panels use cells composed of a single crystal for higher efficiency and a premium cost. In contrast, polycrystalline panels come from melted fragments of many silicon crystals and come at a lower price point but are comparatively less efficient.

Amorphous solar panels vs. monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline solar panels

Advantages of amorphous solar panels

Because they're so thin, amorphous panels require less silicon, making them more sustainable. Their flexibility also makes them less prone to cracks, one of the most common solar panel defects. Due to the reduced materials and ease of installation, you can also expect amorphous solar panels to cost less than traditional solar panels.

Disadvantages of amorphous solar panels

Amorphous solar panels are significantly less efficient than traditional solar panels. Most amorphous solar panels are only about 7 percent efficient, whereas monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels can exceed 20 percent efficiency. This means you'll need much more roof space to get the same output as traditional solar panels.

Every home will have different considerations when comparing solar panels. Because their efficiency is much lower, amorphous solar panels are generally best for those looking to power smaller loads like electronics. They also might be a good choice if you have a roof with a large surface area, allowing for a larger installation. Some experts recommend installations of amorphous solar panels in places like greenhouses or windows. While amorphous solar panels may be cheaper in terms of $/watts, you'll probably save more overall with traditional solar panels because of their higher efficiency. Importantly, if you're considering amorphous solar panels, they'll still be eligible for the federal solar tax credit.

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Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings: 5 Things to Consider

Society and technology have truly come a long way. From fixed fires in the hearth to gas and electric lighting, it makes sense to want to upgrade your business with a commercial solar energy system.

However, like with any early adoption, it pays to conduct a thorough evaluation. In fact, it&#;s likely the only way to determine the best process to incorporate solar technology with your commercial building.

1. Solar Technology

When considering a solar energy system, it&#;s important to differentiate between solar technologies and solar power systems. Solar technology has two dominating categories &#; solar thermal power (CSP) and photovoltaics (PV). When you see residential homes and commercial buildings with solar panels, it&#;s likely using PV. On the other hand, CSP, which uses mirrors and heat, is typically found in large power plants.

2. Solar Cells

Most people don&#;t realize that it&#;s not the solar panels that convert energy. Rather, it&#;s the solar cells contained in arrays that make up a solar panel.

Arrays are thousands of individual solar cells grouped together. Currently, there are about 24 unique types of solar cells that can be broadly categorized into three groups.

Crystalline Silicon

The majority of PV cells are crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers. They come from lab-grown ingots, which take approximately a month to grow fully and can form into single or multiple crystals.

From these large ingots, the single crystals are used for monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) cells and solar panels. At the same time, the polycrystalline cells and solar panels (poly c-Si) use the multi-crystals.

Monocrystalline cells have a distinctive color and are cylindrical. They provide the most efficient energy conversion, but cutting the cells to shape can be somewhat wasteful.

On the other hand, polycrystalline cells don&#;t go to waste because they&#;re melted and poured into the arrays. However, this process diminishes some of its effectiveness.

Thin Film

Thin-film solar cells are also PV cells but are about 100 times thinner than c-Si. These use amorphous silicon (a-Si). However, they&#;re not limited to a-Si. They can also be made from organic PV, copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) or cadmium-telluride (Cd-Te).

They&#;re by far the cheapest and most flexible option because they can be laminated onto various surfaces. These surfaces include glass, skylights and roofing tiles. However, the benefit of flexibility means decreased levels of efficiency compared to c-Si cells.

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Third Generation

Third-generation cells are the latest and greatest in solar cell technology. These solar cells pick, choose and combine the best qualities of c-Si and thin-film cells. The end result is a sustainable product that&#;s efficient, practical and cheaper to produce.

3. Types of Solar Energy System

There are three types of systems that dominate the industry. Depending on your building&#;s location and usage requirements, one type will be better suited than another.

Grid-Tied Solar Energy System and Power Outages

First, you have a grid-tied solar system that connects to the local power grid. This system is excellent for those in cloudy places who worry about not having enough electricity or suffer from power outages.

You save money on your energy bills by first using up all your converted energy from the sun and can then tap into the grid on an as-needed basis.

Another benefit is net metering. This is when your system produces excess energy and sends it back to the grid in return for credits on the next electricity bill. However, not every state or municipality offers net metering, in which case a hybrid system may be more advantageous.

Being tied to the grid also means that these systems require less equipment, which reduces the overall cost. If the upfront costs are a deterrent, consider calculating how much a grid-tied system would be and how much you could save in the long run.

Off-Grid Solar Energy System and Battery Storage

These systems are best for commercial buildings that use some means to be completely energy independent. Off-grid systems can be more expensive because they require larger batteries and other materials.

They work best with smaller commercial buildings designed to conserve energy in any way possible. For example, a solar panel generator and energy-efficient windows are extra measures you can take.

However, off-grid systems aren&#;t an end-all-be-all to your remote commercial building. That&#;s because the batteries have limited storage capacity that can get quickly used up.


Finally, there&#;s a hybrid system which is a combination of the other two. They&#;re connected to the grid but also come with extra battery storage.

Hybrid systems may prove the most beneficial if you find your commercial building uses a lot of power. The system first uses the energy stored in batteries and then calls on the grid when demand exceeds solar energy production. As an added benefit, hybrid system owners can take advantage of net metering.

4. Does Your Commercial Building Require Battery Storage?

It may seem like the obvious answer is to get a solar system with battery energy storage, but it&#;s not necessary in some cases. For example, battery storage has minimal financial benefit if you have a grid-tied system in an area that offers net metering.

On the other hand, commercial buildings prone to constant blackouts will certainly benefit from a hybrid system. That way, you have energy stored for blackout conditions and net metering to assist with monthly costs.

5. DIY or Professional Installation?

While the commercial solar panel cost isn&#;t cheap, it&#;s never recommended to install it yourself. More often than not, the DIY installation ends up costing more than hiring a professional.

Installing solar panels comes with risks easily overlooked that can cause significant issues down the line. For example, incorrectly connecting a single wire can lead to electrocution, fires or your panels not working at all.

Without adequate roofing knowledge, a DIYer can accidentally damage the roof and cause leaks. Additionally, many solar panels require a licensed professional to install for the warranty to be valid.

By taking the chance and doing it yourself, you run the risk of voiding your warranty and missing out on compensation if anything goes wrong. However, if you&#;re adamant about self-installation, double-check for building permits and regulations.

The last thing you want is to complete a perfect job, only to have your local authorities come and tell you to take it down within a week.

Ordering a Solar Panel System for Your Commercial Building

As you can tell, a lot goes into solar panels and determining which type is best for your commercial building. However, you shouldn&#;t let that deter you from making your building eco-friendly.

The most efficient way to determine the best system is to shop around. Your local companies can present valuable insight into any specific incentives offered by your state.