Comparison of the Bulletproof Performance of Steel, PE, and Ceramic Plates

04 Mar.,2024

In the current international environment, bulletproof plates are significant for people. However, there are many types of bulletproof insert plates on the market, and their performance differences are also very large. According to materials, processes, etc., common bulletproof plates can be divided into three categories: steel bulletproof plates, polyethylene PE bulletproof plates, and ceramic bu


Comparison of the Bulletproof Performance of Steel, PE, and Ceramic Plates


    In the current international environment, bulletproof plates are significant for people. However, there are many types of bulletproof insert plates on the market, and their performance differences are also very large. According to materials, processes, etc., common bulletproof plates can be divided into three categories: steel bulletproof plates, polyethylene PE bulletproof plates, and ceramic bulletproof plates. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they also need to be considered comprehensively when choosing. When choosing a bulletproof plate, three key attributes to pay attention to are weight, price, and bulletproof ability (bulletproof level). Today, we will analyze and compare the three types of bulletproof plates from the three aspects.

Comparison of the Bulletproof Performance of Steel, PE, and Ceramic Plates
1. Steel bulletproof plate

    Steel bulletproof plates have been in use since World War II and dominated bulletproof plate market several decades ago. But after the development of PE and ceramic bulletproof plates , they were gradually replaced. Although they are still used by people today, but with a small quantity.

    Compared to the other two types of plates, steel bulletproof plates are prone to breakage after being ejected from the quilt, which can cause secondary damage to the human body. Moreover, compared to the other two materials, steel bulletproof plates with the same level of protection are heavier in weight, consume more energy from the wearer, and reduce flexibility.

    Although steel bulletproof plates are the lowest priced among the three types of plates, overall, it is not recommended to make it the first choice.

2. Polyethylene PE bulletproof plates

    Polyethylene PE is a new type of thermoplastic material. PE bulletproof plate is manufactured by bonding unidirectional ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers onto high-density polyethylene board. Cut the sheet into shape, place it in a mold, and compress it under high temperature and high pressure to obtain a viscous hard armor plate. The bulletproof principle of PE plates is that the polyethylene will be melted by the friction caused by bullet rotation, thereby "sticking" to the bullet. After the rotation stops, heat is no longer generated, and the polyethylene will cool and harden again.

    The weight of polyethylene PE bulletproof plates is generally around 1 to 1.5kg, which is much lighter than steel and ceramic plates. However, due to the limitations of current material technology, the highest protection level that pure PE plates can achieve is NIJ III, which cannot defend against rifle armor piercing bullets but not more powerful bullets.


3. Ceramic bulletproof plates

    Ceramic bulletproof plates can use various materials, including aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and boron carbide. The reason why ceramics can be bulletproof is because of their high specific stiffness, high specific strength, and chemical inertness in many environments. It is better than metal in that metal materials undergo plastic deformation and absorb energy when resisting bullet impacts, while ceramics hardly undergo plastic deformation. The bullet will be passivated or even broken due to its high strength and hardness characteristics. The bulletproof layer made of bulletproof ceramic and high-strength high modulus fiber composite board is used. When the high-speed projectile collides with the ceramic layer, the ceramic layer breaks or cracks and spreads around the impact point, consuming most of the projectile's energy. The PE bulletproof layer behind further consumes the remaining energy of the projectile. Therefore, the application of advanced ceramics in armor fileds is very attractive and has become a widely used in protective armor equipment such as bulletproof vests, vehicles, and airplanes.

    The disadvantage of ceramic plates is that after being hit, the landing point cannot defend against bullets again. But now they are lighter and more durable than before, and even with professional technology, their weight can be close to that of pure PE plates. By using different materials, they can also meet various needs such as weight and price. Under the same size and protection level, ceramic plates are lighter than steel inserts, and their price is lower than pure PE plates.

    Overall, the production of steel bulletproof plates is simple and cost-effective, but they are too heavy and can easily cause secondary harm to users. Although PE bulletproof plates are lightweight, their bulletproof ability is poor, and they can only reach the NIJ III. Compared to the formers, aluminum oxide, ceramic bulletproof plates are not only light in weight and low in price, but also have excellent bulletproof ability, with a supreme bulletproof level NIJ IV. Silicon carbide bulletproof plates have better performance than aluminum oxide plates, while boron carbide bulletproof plates have the lightest weight. Although aluminum oxide bulletproof plates are heavy, they are relatively cheap in price. So ceramic bulletproof plates are the best choice.