What can Level 3 body armor stop?

03 Apr.,2024


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If you're in the market for body armor, chances are you've come across Level 3 body armor. But what exactly does Level 3 body armor protect you from? Let's break it down.

What is Level 3 body armor?

Level 3 body armor is designed to stop high-velocity rifle rounds. It is commonly used by law enforcement officers, military personnel, and security guards who need protection against these types of threats.

1. Rifle rounds.

Level 3 body armor can stop a variety of rifle rounds, including 5.56mm and 7.62mm NATO rounds. This means it can protect you against weapons like the AR-15 and AK-47, which are commonly used in mass shootings and other violent crimes.

2. Shotgun slugs.

Level 3 body armor is also capable of stopping shotgun slugs, which are extremely powerful and can cause devastating injuries. By wearing Level 3 body armor, you can protect yourself against this type of ammunition.

3. Handgun rounds.

In addition to rifle rounds and shotgun slugs, Level 3 body armor can also stop most handgun rounds, including 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. This provides an extra layer of protection in case you encounter someone with a handgun.

So, in a nutshell, Level 3 body armor can stop a wide range of ammunition, including rifle rounds, shotgun slugs, and handgun rounds. This makes it a versatile and reliable choice for anyone who needs protection against firearms.

But it's important to keep in mind that no body armor is 100% bulletproof. Level 3 body armor is rated to stop certain types of ammunition, but there is always a risk of injury when dealing with firearms. It's crucial to follow proper safety protocols and use body armor as a last resort.

If you're considering purchasing Level 3 body armor, make sure to contact us for more information. We are a reputable supplier of body armor and can help you find the right gear for your needs. Stay safe out there!

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