Floor Skirting: 5 Reasons It's Essential for Homes

06 May.,2024


Floor Skirting: 5 Reasons It's Essential for Homes

Are you thinking about how you can make your interior designs better? Or how can you make your home safer and more protected? Well, floor skirting can be the best you can do!

For more skirting for vinyl flooringinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Floor skirting is a board found in the borders between the interior of the floor and walls. It gives a clean and finished look to your home. Moreover, installing floor skirting makes your interior look more impressive and aesthetically pleasing.

Aside from that, floor skirting helps you maintain long-lasting, durable walls and floors. It protects your home from possible damages and scratches. So, what else do you need when a floor skirting can give it all?

This article will discuss the basic information about floor skirting. It will include the purpose, types, and tips on choosing and installing your desired kind of floor skirting. Read this to know more!

Why Is Floor Skirting Essential For Interiors?

Floor skirting plays a crucial role in interior design. It gives many benefits that improve the well-being of your home. To further explain this matter, here are five reasons why your home needs floor skirting.


1. It Makes Your Interior Aesthetically Pleasing

Installing floor skirting can produce a vast difference in the interior’s appearance. It can serve as the highlight of your room that brightens the overall look of the space. The colors and designs can also give a cleaner and complete impression.

A plain appearance can achieve the most elegant look with the best floor skirting ideas. You can give numerous vibes to your house depending on the designs you will use. It adds spice and turns your room into a whole different level!


2. It Fills The Gaps Between Walls And Floors

Some constructions might fail, which leads to tiny gaps in the walls and floors. Nonetheless, it is costly and time-consuming to redo things. Fortunately, excellent floor skirting can cover and clear the problem!

Floor skirting made from waterproof vinyl can prevent humidity and water from seeping. It also makes your walls and floors resistant to termites.

Still and all, remember that some gaps between walls and floors are for expansion and contraction of the flooring.


3. It Covers Electric Wirings

Floor skirting can also cover many exposed wirings and connections. It avoids any harm that can result from electrical fittings. Hiding these wires under skirting boards is more practical than ceiling boards.


4. It Prevents Furniture Marks

Many pieces of furniture often lead to wall scratches and damages. Fortunately, you can have long-term protection from these issues using floor skirting. It serves as the projection that gives a gap between the wall and any nearby furniture.


5. It Protects Your Walls From Wet Patches

Cleanliness comes first, but the damage may arrive after. We always want to keep our floors clean using mops. Yet, we do not know that it may produce unpleasant wet patches on the walls.

Considering that, floor skirting can be the barrier between the walls and floors. It serves as protection from moisture and humidity. Say no to ugly patches!


What Are The Types Of Floor Skirting?

Installing floor skirting in Singapore is possible in different types. You are free to choose from twelve materials and styles that suit your preferences. With that, here are twelve varying types of floor skirting.

  • Pencil skirting – This type is best for plain and patterned walls. It hides the expansion gap and gives a neat finished look to the interior. The upper edges in pencil skirting are usually round.
  • Wooden skirting – This floor skirting is suitable for marble, granite, and tiled floors. It gives a sophisticated, rich, and seamless look to the interior. It may come in various sizes, shapes, designs, and colors.
  • Metal skirting – This type often uses stainless steel skirting boards to give a rich, bold, and modern appearance. It appears best when paired with small metallic silver items and steel-finished hardware. Nonetheless, it is prone to scratches and is challenging to install.
  • Plaster skirting – This floor skirting type is more attractive, modern, and chic. You may add decorations nearby to make it more beautiful.
  • Continued skirting – This skirting continues to any other structure near walls like staircases. It gives an elegant finishing touch and balanced interior colors.
  • Colored skirting – The skirting boards of this type have different colors. It produces a playful and colorful vibe to the interior. It works best when matched with decorations of the same color.
  • Contrasting color skirting – You can use this type to differentiate the colors of the walls and floors. It is perfect to use darker-colored skirting boards than the flooring. Nonetheless, the colors must match each other.
  • Movable floor skirting – This innovative skirting is perfect for small-spaced houses. You can use this to install drawers you can pull out to access the storage behind. It usually looks like normal skirtings when closed.
  • Bullnose skirting – This type has a modern and elegant look. It matches any interior and has different standard heights. Moreover, it is easy to clean and needs low maintenance only.
  • Flush skirting – This skirting lets you arrange furniture to fit the wall. The skirting boards are on the same level as the plastering, and they flush each other. It does not catch dust and gives space to your room.
  • Double-layered skirting – This two-tone skirting gives accents and impressive details. It is innovative and unique, and you can install the parts on the same level or not.
  • Medium-density fiberboard skirting – This type gives a classic feel to the interior. It has affordable and durable material made from compressed fiber. Also, it allows you to color and decorate the skirting boards later.

How To Choose The Right Type Of Floor Skirting

Choosing the perfect floor skirting type is essential before installing them. It will make no sense to have floor skirting if the quality and design contradict your interior. With that, the following are four tips on picking out the best floor skirting for your home.


1. Choose Suitable Designs And Colors

Before anything else, you will need to know the style of your home. High-quality designs and materials mean nothing when paired with poor matching. You will need to be careful in choosing the correct type and colors to produce an impressive interior.

Using white floor skirting can be suitable for most styles and color schemes. Nonetheless, you can match colors as long as they look good together. You can also use skirting boards in the same color as your walls to have balance and unity.

If you are unsure about this matter, you are free to call for professional help!


2. Consider Your Home’s Proportion And Scale

The next thing you need is to measure the size of your room. High ceilings need high skirting boards, while low ceilings need shorter ones. It is best to match the proportion of your room to the type of floor skirting you will use.

Considering the measurements also helps you change the appearance of your room’s space. Emphasizing this factor can make your room look more spacious and beautiful.


For more information, please visit plastic skirting board corners.

3. Pick Out Your Desired Materials

Floor skirting needs quality, strength, and durability. It is best to choose the most suitable material to ensure that it is worthy of the money and effort.

Medium-density fiberboards are cheaper, smoother, and more durable. They are also moisture resistant and can hold paint longer. Nonetheless, they are prone to get deformed.

Meanwhile, softwoods are more affordable and popular than hardwoods. They have standard width and thickness. Also, they are easy to varnish and paint.

Hardwoods are heavy, durable, and more attractive. On the other side, natural timber has different design options because it is easy to varnish, paint, and oil.


4. Take Personal Needs Into Consideration

Choosing the right floor skirting type also depends on personal reasons. For example, having modern skirting boards is best for kids and pets. This technique helps avoid damages in the lower parts of the skirting caused by playing and scratching.

Aside from that, medium-density fiberboards are more suitable than timber if you want to paint the boards. It is more affordable and durable. Nonetheless, please remember that this factor may change over time depending on personal needs.


How To Install Floor Skirting After Putting Vinyl Floors


Do you want to install vinyl floor skirting in Singapore? Worry not because we can help you with that! Here are six basic steps on installing floor skirting after putting in vinyl floors.

Step #1. Measure the corners of your room using a tape measure or bevel. Ensure to get correct and accurate measurements.

Step #2. Proceed to glue your desired skirting boards together.

Step #3. Grab your circular saw and cut the skirting boards to the correct dimensions. Saw it to the measurements of the angles you had earlier.

Step #4. Apply glue on the skirting boards using your glue gun.

Step #5. Get the two skirting boards you glued earlier. Press them against the wall and push them into place. Ensure to put them firmly.

Step #6. Lastly, start gluing the other skirting boards after finishing the corners. Remember not to waste time because glues are quick to dry up.


Make Your Home Safer And More Attractive With The Right Floor Skirting!

It will never be too late to improve your house interior. You are free to use any of your desired floor skirting to take your room to a different level. Nonetheless, you will still need to consider the things mentioned above!

Floor skirting can be everything you need, so do not hesitate to install one today. If you are unaware of how to do it, you can get help from professional contractors in Singapore! Call one now and treat your home the best it can ever have!

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    Removing and adding skirting boards when installing floors?

    Laminate requires an expansion gap. When installed without a gap, laminate buckles up as the flooring heats and expands. Leaving the gap exposed would be unsightly, so the floor trim should be installed over the laminate.

    Tile likewise should have an expansion gap when installed over a dissimilar material, like wood subfloor. If the gap around the perimeter of the room is filled with grout, either there won't be sufficient room for expansion and the grout or tile will crack, or the title will contract and you'll be left with an unsightly gap.

    Solid or engineered wood flooring can be installed over a subfloor floating (like laminate), nailed, or glued. When floating it requires an expansion gap for the same reasons as laminate. Even when nailed or glued, there's still a little thermal expansion happening. Walls are never exactly straight, and it's difficult to cut the flooring to fit just right without an unsightly gap. It's also difficult to apply a floor finish right up to the edge. So installing trim over the flooring edge is easier and looks better.

    In contrast, carpet is stretched between tack strips. There's enough elasticity in the carpet to accommodate thermal changes and cutting inaccuracies (for normal-sized residential rooms, anyhow), so there's no need for an expansion gap, and the edge of the carpet pressed against the wall looks neat. Lacking any technical or aesthetic reason to have a gap, it's less labor intensive to simply leave the skirting in place.

    If you want to learn more, please visit our website pvc skirting corner.