GRP Pipes – Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics - FIBREX

02 Sep.,2024


GRP Pipes – Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics - FIBREX

GRP Pipes and FRP pipes (GRP and FRP acronyms) is used interchangeably in the fiber glass pipe industry.  The difference is that the FRP Pipes acronym is primarily used in the United States and Canada while most other countries use the term GRP Pipes.

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Glass fiber reinforced plastics (GRP) are a composite material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibers.  Fibrex IntegraLine of GRP pipes is designed for corrosion resistance, weather resistance, visual inspection friendliness, and durability.  For special design requirements, Fibrex also offers custom GRP pipe solutions.

GRP Pipes are used in the Following Industries

  • Chlor-Alkali & Chemical Plants
  • Industrial Water and Wastewater
  • Mining
  • Metal Production
  • Power Plants
  • Flue-gas Desulfurization (FGD)
  • Pulp and Paper Mills

GRP Pipe Inventory Sale

The GRP pipe listed below is all from various projects over the last 5 years.  All GRP pipe is to the specification of various clients, either chemical companies, or power companies in the case of abrasive service pipe.  Most of the pipe resulted from the reduction by the client in the scope of the project. Some resulted from inadvertent overruns. The pipe for chlorine service has contamination of the corrosion barrier and could have a reduced service life but only in that service.  All other pipe is believed to be free of defects and will be inspected prior to shipment to insure its quality.  There are also a few fittings available that match some of the pipe in our inventory.  Availability is, of course, subject to prior sale.  All prices are 50% off the original cost to the customer.  Prices generally represent slightly less than the cost of the resin and the glass.

Click Here for GRP Pipe Inventory List

FIBREX has over 30 years of experience with GRP and creating GRP pipes with a reputation for quality, reliability and performance in the toughest environments.

What is the Difference between GRP and GRE Pipes? - CNPS

Historically, the petrochemical lines industry and the oil and gas sector have had to face the grim reality of constantly replacing piping systems due to corrosion. Consequently, the pipes cost three to four times more than the initial investment, and metal and steel pipe maintenance is a costly endeavor.

Glass fiber reinforced pipes have gained immense popularity recently as a supreme alternative to costly steel, mainly due to their corrosion-free service life. These pipes got special attention in industries other than the O&G, such as chemical, offshore, marine, and more.

Besides being low maintenance and cost-effective, these pipes are also lightweight, electrostatic conductive, non-corrosive, and non-erosive. Glass fiber reinforced pipes are popularly called Fiber Reinforced Pipes, or FRP. They include Glass Reinforced Plastic(GRP)and Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE), which makes the pipe strong enough to withstand higher temperatures.

The main difference between the both lies in the resin used for bonding the glass fiber. GRE uses epoxy resin, whereas isophthalic resin is used in GRP pipes. Different raw materials can be added during fabrication to enhance performance.

Higher temperature resistance can be obtained with phenolic resin to make the pipes withstand up to -degree Celsius temperature. Similarly, static conductivity can be achieved by adding carbon or graphite fibers. Let&#;s look at some features of these piping systems.

What You Need to Know About GRP Pipes

GRP Pipes are Resistant to Corrosion

These pipes are comparatively more corrosion-resistant due to the inherent nature of the materials used to manufacture them. Most piping systems last decades, especially when the correct barriers protect them from varied environments.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website GRP flange fittings.

GRP Pipes are Lightweight

The weight of a typical pipe is almost 30% less than the weight of its steel counterparts and 12% less than concrete pipes. It means significantly lower shipping, handling, transportation, and sight installation costs.

GRP Pipes are Conductive to Electricity

High-quality pipes don&#;t conduct electricity, which is why they boast better electrical properties than steel or metal pipes. In situations where electrical conductivity is required, but cost savings are also essential, it&#;s possible to add conductive reinforced fillers or fibers when the pipes are being fabricated. The composite structure of pipes allows designing them to match various project requirements cost-effectively.

GRP Pipes are Excellent Pressure Absorbers

These pipes are designed to absorb up to 37% of surge pressure, making them excellent for high-pressure applications. There&#;s also no need to increase the pressure class to benefit from this property.

Their strength-to-weight and fatigue endurance ratio offers additional benefits associated with designing lightweight pipes and reducing replacement costs or downtime. The smooth inner surface leads to minimal friction loss throughout the lifecycle of these pipes.

What You Need to Know About GRE Pipes

The smooth internal surface and easy handling of the lightweight GRE pipes enables a high flow capacity and decrease friction. These pipes have comparatively low thermal conductivity, which minimizes heat loss and the additional cost of insulation.

Moreover, they&#;re well suited for environments where resistance to corrosion and chemicals is important. They also offer a unique combination of thermal and mechanical resistance because they&#;re made with a selection of high-performance elements. If weathering is a concern, UV inhibitors can be added to enhance the efficiency cost-effectively. Once GRE pipes are installed properly, they&#;re virtually maintenance-free.

GRE pipes also offer extraordinary hydraulic features to enhance the flow volume. Less friction means less energy will be used for pumping, which leads to lower operational costs. The pipes also boast a long service life and are resistant to surge pressure. Their ability to withstand harsh environments makes them perfect for use in chemical plants, oil and gas exploration, desalination plants, and many other applications.   

Which Pipe is Suitable for Your Needs and Application?

The type of piping solution you should invest in depends on many factors that make your project unique. While industrial, offshore, marine, and oil and gas applications require pipes that can withstand corrosion and medium to high pressures, they require particular technical characteristics for improved efficiency.

Set a consultation with experts at CNPS to discuss your needs before browsing our collection of FRP pipes for sale. As one of the leading fiberglass pipe suppliers in town, we offer a range of services, including fiberglass pipeline systems, pipe installation, and GRE casing solutions.

We also offer geology supplies and mud-logging solutions for surface logging service providers. Give us a call to learn more about our non-metallic solutions, alloy OCTG products, and composite pipes designed using the latest technologies to meet the rigorous demands of diverse industrial applications.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Durable GFRP Tank Factory.