How many kWh does a 390 watt solar panel produce?

02 Jul.,2024


How Much Energy Do Solar Panels Produce?

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The allure of harnessing the sun's abundant energy to power our homes and reduce our carbon footprint has led to the growing popularity of solar panel installations. But how much energy do solar panels actually produce? 

In this guide, we&#;ll shed light on the energy output of solar panels and the considerations that come into play, especially in the context of the UK's ever-changing weather. 

Solar Panel Energy Production Tool

At MakeMyHouseGreen, we've developed a handy tool that takes the guesswork out of calculating how much energy solar panels could produce for you. 

Our tool is designed to accurately determine how much energy you could harness from the sun over an average year. What's more, it translates these figures into potential cash savings, giving you a better idea of whether solar panels would be a worthwhile investment.

Simply answer a few straightforward questions about your house, such as your postcode, the direction your roof faces, and its steepness. With this information, our tool goes to work, providing you with a detailed estimate of your solar energy potential. But that's not all&#;our calculator goes the extra mile. It presents you with tailored solar panel options that best suit your property's unique characteristics.

Should you decide to take the next step towards a greener future, we're here to help. We'll connect you with trusted suppliers and installers in your area, ensuring a seamless transition to a sustainable energy source.

Solar Panel Energy Production Tool

Energy production of solar panels: Everything you need to know

A typical solar panel you might encounter in the UK has an output of around 390-430 watts (W). This measurement represents the power a solar panel generates under standard test conditions. However, real-world performance can vary due to several factors.

But before we dive into which factors affect solar panel energy production, let&#;s quickly touch on how they actually work.

How Solar Panels Work?

The magic of solar panels lies in their ability to convert sunlight into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. Here's a simplified breakdown:

1. Absorption - Solar panels are equipped with photovoltaic cells that contain semiconductors, usually made from silicon. When sunlight strikes these cells, it excites electrons within the material.

2. Electron Flow - Excited electrons create an electric current when they move through the semiconductor material.

3. Electricity Generation - This electric current is harnessed as direct current (DC) electricity, which is then transformed into alternating current (AC) electricity by a solar inverter. AC electricity is what powers your home's appliances and lighting.

Recommended Article - How do solar panels work? In-depth explanation

Factors Influencing Energy Production

The energy production of solar panels is influenced by several key factors:

  • Panel Type: Different types of solar panels, such as monocrystalline and polycrystalline, have varying levels of efficiency. Monocrystalline panels are known for their higher efficiency, while polycrystalline panels more are cost-effective.
  • Location: Your geographic location plays a pivotal role in solar energy production. Regions with more sunlight generally generate more electricity. However, solar panels continue to produce power even on cloudy days.
  • Weather Conditions: Solar panels are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain and snow. However, harsher weather such as strong winds or storms can reduce energy production due to debris and dirt covering the panels.
  • Orientation and Tilt: The direction your solar panels face and their tilt angle can impact energy production. Panels facing south and tilted at an optimal angle tend to yield the best results. However, it&#;s worth noting that if you have a west-east facing roof, you&#;re still likely to see great levels of energy production - you&#;ll simply just have to install solar panels on both sides to catch as much sunshine as possible. 

Recommended Guide: Best Direction for Solar Panels UK

How much energy do solar panels produce a year?

To give you a more tangible understanding, let's consider a few examples. A typical monocrystalline solar panel with an output of 390 watts (W) has the potential to generate approximately 398 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity in a year if facing South. If facing North, it would likely generate 203kWh and East or West facing panels would generate 310kWh. This calculation is based on the panel's rated output under standard conditions.

To be more specific, let's look at an example - homeowners who installed solar panels in Southampton, where the solar intensity is 535 w/m2, see their solar panels produce KwH of energy every year on average - that's enough to fully charge an electric car 138 times.

Keep in mind that this is a simplified estimate, and actual energy production may vary. Calculating the precise annual energy production for your specific location and solar panel setup is best done using our handy tool. By inputting details such as your postcode, roof orientation, and panel type, you can obtain a personalised estimate of how much energy your solar panels could produce in a year.

How much energy does a solar panel produce per day?

A typical solar panel with an output of 390 watts (South facing) could generate approximately 1.09kWh of electricity per day under ideal conditions. This value is based on the panel's rated output and assumes full sun exposure for several hours.

Now, let's explore how this daily energy production scales when you consider a system of ten solar panels. 

A single 390W solar panel generates 1.09 kWh per day.

For a system of ten identical solar panels, the daily energy production would be:

1.09 kWh/panel x 10 panels = 10.9 kWh per day.

A system of ten solar panels can produce 10.9 kWh of electricity daily, assuming optimal conditions. However, real-world conditions may vary due to factors like weather, shading, and panel orientation.

How much energy does solar panels produce per hour?

For domestic solar panels commonly used in residential setups, the typical output ranges between 250 and 400 watts (W) per hour.

Minimum Output: There isn&#;t a minimum per se but as long as there is light, even if it&#;s cloudy, your solar panels will generate electricity.

Maximum Output: During ideal conditions, such as when the sun is directly overhead and the panels are unobstructed, solar panels can reach their maximum rated output. For many residential panels, this can be around 400 watts per hour.

It's important to note that these values represent the panel's capacity to generate electricity in a given hour. The actual hourly energy production may vary due to factors like panel orientation, weather conditions, and shading.

Weather Considerations in the UK

The UK is known for its reputation as a country with frequent cloudy and rainy weather. While these conditions are not ideal for solar energy production, they also don&#;t halt it entirely. Solar panels continue to generate electricity, even on less-than-sunny days. Here's how it works:

1. Cloudy Days: Solar panels are designed to capture sunlight, not necessarily direct sunlight. Even on cloudy days, they can harness diffuse sunlight and convert it into electricity. While the energy production may be reduced compared to sunny days, it's not eliminated entirely.

2. Rainy Days: Rainfall may temporarily reduce the efficiency of solar panels by blocking some sunlight. However, rain often helps clean the panels, removing dust and dirt that may have accumulated. Once the rain stops, solar panels can quickly resume their normal energy production.

So, even in a country known for its cloudy and rainy weather, solar panels continue to shine, providing a green and cost-effective energy solution for homes across the UK. For more information on how solar panels work in differing weather conditions, we&#;d recommend our article on whether solar panels need to be in direct sunlight?

How to monitor solar panel output?

MakeMyHouseGreen offers a convenient solution for monitoring your solar panels' output through our energy tracking app. It&#;s designed to provide you with real-time insights into your solar panel system's performance. Here's what you can monitor with our app:

1. System Output - The app displays the current output of your solar panel system in watts (W). This allows you to see how much electricity your panels are generating at any given moment.

2. Battery Charge (If Installed) - If your solar panel system includes a battery for energy storage, our app provides information on the battery's charge level. This feature is especially useful for homeowners who want to store excess solar energy for use during the evening or during power outages.

3. Grid Usage - You can track your home's grid usage in real-time. This feature helps you understand when you're using energy from the grid versus when your solar panels are meeting your electricity needs.

Whether you're interested in reducing your carbon footprint, lowering your energy bills, or simply staying connected to your solar panel system's performance, our energy tracking app puts the power in your hands. It's a convenient way to make the most of your green energy investment.

Final Thoughts 

We've delved into how solar panels generate electricity, the factors influencing their production, and even provided you with insights into monitoring your solar panel system's output. But this is just the beginning of your journey toward a greener and more sustainable future.

If you're eager to learn more about solar panels and their benefits, we invite you to explore the rest of our 'green guides&#; - they cover a wide range of topics related to green home solutions and solar energy, including How many solar panels can I fit on my roof? , how to maintain solar panels and a fully comprehensive solar panel guide.

But knowledge alone can't power your home with clean energy. That&#;s where our handy tool comes into play - it accurately works out how much energy you could harness from the sun in an average year. It will also translate these figures into potential cash savings. 

Simply answer a few questions about your house such as your postcode, the direction it faces and how steep the roof is. As an added benefit, the tool will also present you with solar panel recommendations tailored to your property.


How Much Energy Does A Solar Panel Produce?

On average, a solar panel will produce about 2 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity daily. That&#;s worth an average of $0.36. Most homes install around 15 solar panels, producing an average of 30 kWh of solar energy daily. That&#;s enough to cover most, if not all, of a typical home&#;s energy consumption.

There are a few factors that will impact how much energy a solar panel can generate, including available sunlight, the panel&#;s characteristics, where it&#;s installed, and its age. You can watch solar expert Ben Zientara break down how much electricity solar panels produce in this video:

Calculate how quickly solar panels on your home would pay for themselves

What is the power output of a solar panel?

Most solar panels installed today have an output of 370 to 400 watts of power per hour in ideal conditions. Commercial and utility-scale solar installations use more powerful 500-watt solar panels. The output of a solar panel is often referred to as the solar panel&#;s size.

Here are the power ratings offered by the best solar panel brands on the market:



Max. output



430 W

Silfab Solar

SIL-430 QD

430 W

JA Solar


440 W

Jinko Solar

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Panel 320w.

Eagle 54 G6R

440 W

Unfortunately, your roof isn&#;t a lab, so the solar panels will likely produce less power than they&#;re rated for in the real world. But solar systems are designed with this in mind, so they will produce the amount of power your home needs!

How much energy does a solar panel produce?


1 day

1 week

1 month

1 year

Energy produced

2 kWh

14 kWh

60 kWh

730 kWh

Energy is the amount of power a solar panel produces over time. On average, a solar panel will generate about 2 kWh of energy each day.

One solar panel produces enough energy to run a few small appliances. To put it in perspective, energy generated by one panel in one day could run your TV for 24 straight hours!

Chances are you&#;re not going to install just one solar panel. Most homeowners install between 15 and 19 solar panels to cover their electricity needs. An average 6 kW solar installation will generate 915 kWh of electricity per month.

How much energy will solar panels generate on your roof?

4 factors that affect the amount of electricity that solar panels produce

We want to be totally honest with you: most of the time, solar panels won&#;t produce the maximum amount of energy possible. Solar panel specifications, like power output ratings, are determined by testing the panels in a laboratory under Standard Test Conditions.

Four main things will impact how much energy your solar panels will produce:

  1. The amount of sunlight

  2. Panel and system characteristics

  3. Your roof

  4. The panel&#;s age

1. Amount of sunlight

The amount of sunlight that hits a solar panel is one of the biggest factors in how much electricity it will generate. The more sunlight available to the panel, the more electricity it can produce.

Solar panels installed in sunnier states will generate more electricity than those in more overcast areas. But, solar panels do still generate electricity in cloudy weather, just not as much!

We use peak sun hours to measure how much direct sunlight a location gets per day. Arizona, for example, receives 7.5 peak sun hours each day, while Alaska only gets 2.5. So, a 400-watt panel in Arizona can generate 3 kWh in a day versus just 1 kWh in Alaska.

2. Panel characteristics

The panel itself also affects how much energy it can produce. Solar panels are made up of solar cells, which are what actually turn sunlight into electricity. 

There are different types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Monocrystalline are the most popular because they can generate electricity more efficiently than other types.

The physical size of the solar panel can impact its power generation, too. Solar panels are made up of solar cells. Most residential solar panels have between 60 and 66 cells, while most commercial panels have at least 72 cells. 72-cell panels have more cells, so there is more surface area to turn sunlight into electricity.

How the solar cell is constructed will make a difference, too. Solar panel efficiency has changed over time as new technologies have become commercially viable. Solar cells using PERC technology can generate more energy than traditional cells. There are also half-cut solar cells, where the solar cell is cut in half using a high-precision laser to decrease resistive losses, which increases how much energy the panel can make.

3. Your roof

The characteristics of your roof are a major player in how much energy solar panels can produce for your home. The truth is not all roofs are good for solar. Solar panels should be installed on unshaded roofs and cleared of debris to maximize solar production.

The number one thing you need to consider is the direction of your roof. Solar panels produce the most energy installed on south-facing roofs.

Don&#;t worry; solar panels can be installed on roofs facing any direction. The panels will just generate less electricity because they get less sunlight.

The following table outlines how much electricity a solar panel will generate facing different directions if all other factors are the same:

Solar panel direction

Estimated output*


2 kWh


1.7 kWh


1.7 kWh


1.4 kWh

*Assumes 400-watt solar panel and 5 peak sun hours

4. The panel&#;s age

The panel&#;s age is often forgotten, but it&#;s important to remember that your solar panels won&#;t produce the same amount of energy for their whole life. As solar panels age, they lose a bit of their ability to generate power. You can think of it as any other electronic you have - your laptop probably doesn&#;t work as well as it did the day you bought it.

Solar panels, on average, degrade at a rate of about 0.5% per year. So, by the end of a panel&#;s typical 25-year warranty period, they usually operate at about 85% of what it was initially. Don&#;t worry &#; your solar panels will still generate enough electricity to help lower your utility bills.

See how much it would cost to power your home with solar panels

How to determine how much electricity a solar panel can produce

So, now that we&#;ve covered what impacts a solar panel&#;s ability to produce electricity, we can get into the good stuff - figuring out how much power solar panels will produce for your home.

We&#;ve already established that there are a number of factors that are going to impact how your solar panels generate electricity. So, for the sake of simplicity, we&#;re only going to take a couple of things into account for the below example, including:

  • The wattage of the panel

  • The peak sun hours in your area

All you need to do is multiply the wattage of your panel by the number of daily peak sun hours. 

A homeowner installs a 400-watt solar panel and expects about four peak sun hours in a day. That means this panel would produce 1,600 watt-hours of electricity per day. Electricity is usually measured in kilowatt-hours, so you simply divide your 1,600 watt-hours by 1,000 to get 1.6 kilowatt-hours.

400 watts x 4 peak sun hours = 1,600 watt-hours per day 1,600 watt-hours /1,000 = 1.6 kWh per day 1.6 kWh x 30 days = 48 kWh per month 1.3 kWh x 365 days = 584 kWh per year

Bear in mind this is a simplified way of calculating how much electricity a solar panel produces. The actual amount will fluctuate daily, even hour by hour, based on all the factors mentioned earlier.

Get an accurate estimate of how much energy solar panels will produce on your roof

Power your whole home with solar to save money

Now you know how much solar electricity you can expect one solar panel to produce and how much a whole system can, too.

But the best part is that installing solar does way more than just let you power your home with renewable energy - it helps you save money. By using the electricity generated by solar panels on your roof, you don&#;t have to take electricity from your utility, which means they don&#;t have to charge you.

Most of the time, you can install enough solar panels to cover all of your electricity costs. In fact, that 6 kW solar system we discussed earlier could save the average American homeowner around $130 a month!

But of course, this is just an estimate. Just like with how much electricity a panel produces, how much solar panels can save you depends on many factors. The easiest way to determine how much solar panels can save you is by using our solar panel savings calculator below. Not only will you get a free solar savings estimate, but you can also choose to get in contact with vetted local solar installers to start getting real solar quotes for your specific home.

Find trusted solar companies in your area for free quotes

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit custom shaped solar panels factory.