How to Install Smart Glass: Top Points to Consider for ...

20 May.,2024


How to Install Smart Glass: Top Points to Consider for ...

If you have a solid understanding of smart glass and the various technologies available to glass installers, it’s time to start looking at more practical information that relates to how to install smart glass. In this article we explore some of the top points to consider when installing smart glass, including analyzing typical technical and wiring diagrams, as well as taking an in-depth look at steps in the installation process, such as handling, inspection, prepping surfaces, setting and more. Whether you’re getting your first requests for smart glass and want to start offering it to your clients, or if you’re looking to brush up your knowledge on some of the latest tips and best practices in the industry, this article will assist on your smart glass installation journey.

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The most important thing to note is that installing smart glass is less scary than you might think, as you’ll see from the following sections. With just a little bit of know-how and practice, you’ll be well on your way to perfecting the install process. If you do run into any questions or concerns however, you can always reach out to the smart glass manufacturer so long as they offer technical support. If you’re working with Gauzy, you can reach our global services team at for technical support at any time.

Please note: if you are involved in installing smart glass, the information in this guide is intended for high level informational purposes only and does not act as a technical instruction manual. Exact installation information may vary depending on different smart glass product types, applications and manufacturers. Please contact your manufacturer for official instruction documentation that you may require prior to actual installation. If you are working with Gauzy, official installation guidelines are available by contacting our support team.

How to Install Smart Glass: Top Points to Consider for Glass Installers

  1. Smart Glass Technical Diagrams – learn how to understand a typical smart glass technical diagram
  2. Smart Glass Handling – discover some top tips when it comes to delivering, storing and handling smart glass
  3. Inspection – know what to look out for once smart glass has arrived on site and prior to installation
  4. Prepare Surfaces, Materials and the Site – examine the area where the smart glass will be installed and learn what to look out for
  5. Setting – become proficient in the setting process, including how to properly position setting blocks
  6. Protection – take note of these additional factors to ensure the glass remains protected directly after the install process and well into its shelf life
  7. Cleaning – get more insight into the recommended cleaning protocol for smart glass, so you can ensure your clients remain informed and content with their installation.
  8. Are you interested in learning more about reflective tempered glass? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

    Choosing A Smart Glass Supplier – partner with a smart glass supplier with the experience and know-how to work with you on your project as a true collaborator.

Smart Glass Technical Diagrams

Glass installers are no strangers to technical diagrams – it’s likely you’ve come across a variety of different diagrams when installing regular glass. Smart glass is very similar. In this initial section, we’ll examine a typical smart glass technical diagram so that when you see it in the field, you’re familiar with some of the key components. Take a look at Figure 1 as an example – it shows you on a high level how smart glass connects to a building’s power supply and a Gauzy or standard switch. This will give you a quick overview of how the technology works and how it integrates within a typical building after you have installed the glass. While glass installers won’t be directly required to connect the smart glass to the power supply (leave that for the electrician!), it pays to know how the wiring setup works. You’ll mainly only be responsible for ensuring the glass is positioned accordingly so that the appropriate wiring is accessible for connection by the electrician when they’re on-site.

As you can see in Figure 1, there are three panels of LCG® smart glass adjacent to a door and a light switch. This diagram could depict a typical interior wall partition in an office, hotel or residence for instance. You can see that the LCG® panels connect to the building’s power supply in either the header or footer rails. Note, in Figure 1 the wiring is piping through the header rail. First, the wiring runs through the junction box, then it runs through Gauzy’s LCG® Flex Controller and then finally to the light switch. It’s important to note here that whether or not the smart glass wirings run through a controller or a transformer depends on the manufacturer. For instance, Gauzy is the only smart glass manufacturer that operates through a controller (you can learn more about controllers and their benefits on Gauzy’s website). This is just one example of a typical diagram that might be used in the installation process. An electrician is required to connect the controller to the mainline. If the smart glass is operated at low voltage (42VAC), an electrician is not required on site to connect glass to the controller. If the glass is operating at 70VAC, an electrician will need to connect the glass to the controller.

“smart glass”, maximum possible switch speed?

Using a 3 electrode pixel electrode (Fig. 1) it is possible to
generate a horizontal and a vertical electric field. One transmis-
sive indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode is on the cover glass and
two Al finger electrodes (electrode A and B) are on the back
plane of the display. The ITO electrode has a fixed potential.
When electrode A and B have the same potential different from
the potential of the ITO electrode there will be a vertical elec-
tric field across the cell gap of the display. When the difference
in potential between electrode A and the ITO electrode and be-
tween electrode B and the ITO electrode are the same in mag-
nitude but with opposite sign, the electric field in the cell gap
between electrode A and B will have a predominant horizontal
component. In this way it is possible to switch between a hor-
izontal and a vertical electric field in the cell gap between the
finger electrodes.

Using a 3 electrode pixel electrode (Fig. 1) it is possible togenerate a horizontal and a vertical electric field. One transmis-sive indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode is on the cover glass andtwo Al finger electrodes (electrode A and B) are on the backplane of the display. The ITO electrode has a fixed potential.When electrode A and B have the same potential different fromthe potential of the ITO electrode there will be a vertical elec-tric field across the cell gap of the display. When the differencein potential between electrode A and the ITO electrode and be-tween electrode B and the ITO electrode are the same in mag-nitude but with opposite sign, the electric field in the cell gapbetween electrode A and B will have a predominant horizontalcomponent. In this way it is possible to switch between a hor-izontal and a vertical electric field in the cell gap between thefinger electrodes.

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