septic system questions

22 Jul.,2024


septic system questions

Post by DiscoBunny » Sat May 30, 11:40 pm

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Are you interested in learning more about septic tank materials? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

1) How is it pumped out?

Usually when a typical septic inspection is done, most places only require that one end of the septic is accessible. That end, is where the waste collects. The other portion of the septic that also can have an access point is where the dirty water goes and then is discharged into the leach lines or to the sewage pit. This is where a typical homeowner, purchaser can go wrong. Both areas should be accessible and viewed during an inspection - not just the main entry point from the house to the septic tank.

When a pump is done, the septic folks pump from the waste area first. They will dig with a shovel all the way down to the septic cover. However, if you put in risers, with a manhole cover at ground level, they never have to dig again. In my neighborhood, the digging can cost $250 before they pump the septic. The cost of the risers, which I had both done . . . with concrete circular risers (about 7 each side) and the real manhole covers was about $.

2) Septic plans. Usually a Permit has to be pulled for installation of a Septic system so that it meets building and safety codes. Therefore, any work done on a Septic System should be on file with the local Building and Safety Department. If there is nothing on file, the project was done without Permits and buyer beware! In addition, most Contractors are not specialists in Septic Systems. Usually there's a Septic Company that should be called to help with the installation. But to lower cost, some contractors install these systems anyway and claim they know everything there is know about Septic Systems. It just is't true.

If a Septic Company helped install the system, they keep on file work done at houses or businesses for 'future reference'. So, it wouldn't take much to track down septic plans, or work done, by contacting the local Septic Companies and ask if they've ever done work at your location (address) providing they participated in the installation.

3) Why it's important to know who installed your Septic System.

Septic Tanks usually come with a factory warranty. However, the warranty can be void if the Manufacturer's Installation process is not followed.

For instance, a Contractor that installs a Septic Tank that's required to be put on a bed of pea gravel or rock, but instead puts it on dirt or sand because the local building codes says it's ok to put a Septic Tank of dirt or sand has just made the 'warranty' invalid.

Contractors often use these 'short cuts' to lower cost or to get the job done faster. They use local building code with the lowest graded materials but often fail to go by the Manufacturer's recommendation.

If the Tank fails, and its determined that the installation was not to Manufacturer's guildelines, then there is no warranty. Most Septic Companies will install to Manufacturer's guidelines, whereas, General Contractors may or may not.

This is an area in which new homeowners fail. They insist that their Contractor that built their house knows everything. And because the homeowner doesn't want to know the details of how a Septic Tank has been installed, it can cost big bucks down the road.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website what is pultrusion.