The Ultimate Buyer's Guide for Purchasing Flame Retardant PE Cable Materials China

09 Sep.,2024


Reliable Fire Resistant Cable Manufacturer

Fire Resistant Cable Definitive Buying Guide

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Introduction to Fire Resistant cable

Introduction to Fire Resistant Cable
When there is a fire accident in a building, most people are usually concerned about the safety of those who are inside it. At the same time, people tend to be concerned about the effect of fire on the transmission of electricity in the building.

One of the ways that have been devised to prevent the fire from affecting electricity is by installing fire-resistant cables. These cables are found in both public and private buildings. They play a critical role in ensuring that despite any fire-related incidence, the flow of electricity won&#;t be interrupted.

In this guide, we are going to learn more about fire resistant cable and how you should buy the best fire-resistant cable.

Chapter 1: What is a Fire Resistant Cable?

A fire-resistant cable is a type of cable that is designed and constructed to maintain circuit integrity by continuing to operate normally for a specific period under certain conditions.

These cables are sometimes referred to as fire survival cables due to their ability to survive tough conditions that might have been caused by a fire incidence.

Apart from just flames, fire-resistant cables are protected against other fire-related elements such as heat smoke and toxic gases. These elements can easily affect the integrity of the electric circuit.

Chapter 2: Key Features and Benefits of Fire Resistant Cable


Before you buy fire-resistant cables, it is important to understand its features, advantages and the benefits that you are likely to gain. All this information will give you a clue of things that make fire-resistant cable different from other conducting cables and whether it is economical to buy them.

Here are some distinct features of a typical fire resistance cable:

-Has electrical properties: This means that the cables can be used for the transmission of electricity to the required targets. Of course, this is because of their conducting materials.

&#; Zero halogens: Unlike most cables, fire-resistant cables do not have halogen content in them.

-Circuit integrity in fire: In case of a fire outbreak, the circuit integrity of the cables won&#;t be altered. This also means that the cables will retain their original electrical properties.

-Desirable mechanical properties: The cables are physically and mechanically strong so that they can sustain all the forces that they may be subjected to.

-Flame retardant: The materials for the cable are flame retardant. This means that they don&#;t catch the flame of fire easily and can prevent the spread of fire flames.

Benefits/ Advantages of Fire Resistant Cables

Given that the cable is resistant to the flame, it does not produce smoke when burned. This directly means that the cable does not undergo thermoplastic dripping when subjected to high heat. Lack of visibility means that the cables don&#;t impair the vision when they get burned.

The cable has low toxicity when subjected to high heat levels. This is mainly because fire-resistant cables have zero halogen content. When burned, these cables don&#;t emit toxic gases that can be dangerous to people and the environment in general.

Heat resistant cables are non-corrosive. The outer layer of the cable does not corrode easily when subjected to some abrasion or any other physical forces.

-The cables have a broad range of applications. You can install them anywhere you want and they will still do their job. They can work both indoors and outdoor environments. They are also an ideal choice of cable in harsh environments.

The excellent conductivity property of the cable ensures that there is a low voltage drop during the whole power transmission process. The insulators of the cables also do a good job of ensuring that there is no current leakage from the cables.

-The physical and mechanical strength of the heat resistant cables makes them strong and durable. They will serve their purpose for a long time before you may consider replacing them.

-High resistance to moisture gives the cables ultimate protection against fluids that are likely to weaken or damage its structure. The resistance also prevents the spread of fire through the cables in case the fluids spill on the cable.

-Fire-resistant cables are easy to install. They are relatively lighter despite having strong material.

With these benefits and advantages, it is clear that you are likely to enjoy lots of benefits when you buy quality fire resistant cables in China.

Chapter 3: Application of Fire Resistant Cables

Probably you are wondering whether you should buy fire-resistant cables or you should just get an ordinary cable.

Just like any other disaster, it is impossible to predict when your building will be hit by a fire incident.

To be on the safe side, you should consider buying and installing fire-resistant cables.

Here are some of the key application areas of fire-resistant cables:

-Fire resistance safety circuits: These are circuits that are specifically designed to continue operating in case of fire incidences.

-Public address emergency voice communication system: In case of a fire accident or incident, there is always a need for the public to be guided on what to do and where to go.
Fire-resistant cables are an ideal choice for such systems because the flow of electricity won&#;t be affected by any incidences.
Communication can be easily passed to the public in case such an incidence occurs.

-Public places where occupants are likely to stay for some specific period. The cables are used as a precautionary measure in places like schools, hospitals, malls, metro stations among others.
In such places, fire strategy usually involves evacuation of the occupants in a phased and coordinated manner.

-Used as power supply cable for equipment and instruments that are mainly used during the fire fighting tasks.
An example of such equipment is the sprinkler pump for the fire fighting machine

Overall, fire-resistant cables are applicable in any area where fire safety strategy has been given a top priority.

Chapter 4: Difference Between Fire Resistant Cable vs Fire Retardant Cable

Image of fire-resistant cable vs fire retardant cable source Digitalpluspk

Many people tend to confuse between fire-resistant vs fire retardant cables. Are these two cables the same or are they different?

Although both the cables are built for fire, they differ in terms of their behavior during a fire incidence.

Fire-resistant cables are designed to maintain the integrity of the circuit in case of a fire incidence while fire retardant cables prevent the spread of fire into a new area.

Unlike the fire-resistant cables, fire-retardant cables do not guarantee circuit integrity in case of a fire incidence.

Chapter 5: Fire Resistant Cable Specifications

Fire resistance cable specifications are a set of information that defines the real properties of these cables. As you plan to buy fire-resistant cables, you must familiarize yourself with some of these data.

Here are some of the key fire resistance technical specifications that you should know:

1. Construction of fire-resistant cables
Construction tends to give intricate details about the physical structure of the cable. It reveals each material that makes up the cable and how they influence the overall performance of the cable.

Some of the properties that make up the construction of the fire resistance cable:
-The conductor: A typical fire resistance cable comprises of stranded or annealed copper conductor.
Fire-resistant cable manufacturer should specify whether the copper conductor is a circular stranded conductor or compacted stranded.

-Fireproof layer: The manufacturer will specify the fireproof layer that has been used on the conductor. This layer will determine the resistivity of the cable to the fire. Mica is the preferred material that forms the fireproof layer.

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-Fireproof cable assembly: This specification defines how the layers of the cable are arranged. In most cases, three or four layers of the insulated cores are joined to form one thick layer.
These cores can be filled with a non- hygroscopic material that is compatible with the insulating material.

-Insulating material: Cross-linked Polyethylene(XLPE) compound is the most preferred insulating material for the fire-resistant cable. This is mainly because of its many desirable insulating properties.

-Cores: A fire-resistant cable can have single or multiple cores. Some cables have up to four cores and each core has a unique color.

2. Testing fire resistance cables
Manufacturers usually indicate the levels at which the cables have been tested for endurance. Will the integrity of the cable affected when there is fire?
Fire-resistant cable tests are divided into different categories depending on how long they can stay in a fire without getting damaged.
For instance, PH30 cables can remain in the fire for 30 minutes while PH120 can remain in the fire for two hours.

Some cables are labeled in terms of the temperature and period in which they can survive in a fire. You can find a cable labeled 650°C for 3 hours which means that it will remain intact in temperatures of up to 650 degrees for 3 hours.

Other fire resistant cables are labeled in terms of their resistance to both fire, water and mechanical forces.

It is important to be keen on the resistance of the cables as they determine its overall performance and area of application.

For instance, a cable rated 30 is should installed in an application where the circuit should remain operational for at least 30 minutes in case of a fire emergency.

The same applies to cables that are rated 60 and 120.

5.1 Factors to Consider When Choosing Fire Resistant Cables

In addition to the technical specifications, there are many other things that you need to pay attention to when choosing fire-resistant cables. Here are key factors that can help you choose the right fire resistant cable:

-Voltage rating of the cable: This is simply the voltage capacity of the fire-resistant cable. This factor determines the power and the carrying capacity of the cable.
Before choosing a cable, confirm that its voltage capacity matches with your power needs.

-The length of the cable: You should check to determine whether the length of the fire resistance will match your requirements. The cable should not be too long or too short.
These cables are usually available in 100 meters, 500 meters, and meters. You can also request for customized length of the cable depending on your needs.

-The type of insulator: Ensure that you find out the type of insulator that has been used on the cable. Ensure that the fire-resistant manufacturer has used the XLPE insulator as it is the best option for these cables. A good insulator will prevent leakage of current from the conductor

-Fire test requirement: Find out from the manufacturer whether the cable has undergone all the necessary fire tests. It is only from these tests that you will be able to establish the actual strength and resistivity of the cable.

-International standards for cables: There are various international standards that all cables should meet before they are ready for the market. Inquire from the manufacturer to find out whether their fire-resistant cables meet those standards.

-The operating temperature of cable: There are various aspects of the cable temperature that you should find out from the manufacturer. The most notable ones are the maximum operating temperature and the short circuit temperature. This factor is quite critical, especially during a fire incidence.

Chapter 6: Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Resistant Cables

Here are the questions that most people tend to ask about fire-resistant cables.

Q: How do fire-resistant cables contribute to fire safety. A: The most common way is these cables ensure that the circuit continues operating smoothly even when there is fire. In doing so, they ensure that the message that is intended to be passed to the public is conveyed. Q: What is the price of the fire-resistant cables? A: There is no fixed price for the cables. Instead, the cost of these cables varies depending on various factors. One of the factors is the specifications of the cables. The manufacturer or supplier can also determine the price of fire-resistant cables Q: Are all the fire-resistant cables the same? A: No. Fire-resistant cables come with different specifications and capacities. While buying, you must pay attention to the specifications of these cables. Q: What applications can I use fire-resistant cables? A: Fire-resistant cables are an ideal solution in any public building where you want to take extra precautions against fire accidents. Such places include schools, shopping malls, libraries, data centers among others.

Chapter 7 SSG Cable Group: Fire Resistance Cable Manufacturer


Once you have made up your mind to buy fire resistance cables, the next step is to look for a manufacturer or supplier who is dealing with these cables.

At SSG, we are a proud manufacturer and supplier of quality fire resistant cables. Although we are based in China, we are able to serve all our customers who are located in different parts of the world.

This means that if you want to buy fire-resistant cables online, don&#;t hesitate to contact us.

There are various reasons why we are among the best fire resistant cables manufacturer and supplier. Some of the reasons include:

(i) High-quality fire-resistant cables Although we sell a wide range of fire-resistant cables, there is one constant factor among them- All of them are of premium quality. As SSG, we are committed to supplying quality cables that will exceed the expectations of our customers. All our fire resistant cables are certified and recognized by major international bodies that are responsible for regulating the quality of cables. During the manufacturing processes, we ensure that total attention is given to each cable so that the end product is of high quality. (ii) Affordable fire resistant cables If you are looking for cheap fire-resistant cables, you don&#;t need to look anymore. Most of our fire resistant cables are cheaper than others in the market. Despite being cheap, we don&#;t compromise on quality. We still sell quality cables at very reasonable prices. (iii) Excellent customer services We are always glad to serve customers who are buying fire resistant cables. As a reputable fire-resistant cable manufacturer and supplier, we do our best to meet the full needs of our customers. Once you inquire for information about fire-resistant cables, we will answer you immediately. We even go to the extent of advising our customers about different types of fire-resistant cables for sale. (iv) Positive fire-resistant cable reviews Have you heard what our customers are saying about SSG fire-resistant cables? You better do so and you will have full confidence in us.

We have many positive reviews with regards to our fire resistant cables. This shows how many people are appreciating the quality and reliability of our fire resistant cables.

All in all, SSG boasts of having all the necessary resources that we need to produce reliable fire resistant cables. Apart from having the machinery, we also have a team of experts who handle the technical specifications of fire-resistant cables.

All that you need is to contact us and we will be glad to hear from you.

The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Perfect Fiber Optic Cable

By building networks, It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the structure, materials and processes involved in the production of fiber optic cable, in order to buy adequate and excellent quality fiber optic cable.

Fiber Optic Cable

The fiber optic cable has advantages such as its reduced volume, lightness, long transmission distance, great capacity, low signal attenuation, and resistance to electromagnetic interference. It has become the main component of specialized communications networks., online data transmission, and cable tv.

Choice of Fiber Optic Cable According to the Number of Cores

The structure of the fiber optic cable is divided into several types, like the central tube, the one with skeleton, the tape and the central beam. for different purposes, different types of fiber optic cable structures are needed.

Fiber Optic Types

Usually, the fiber optic cable 12 cores or less uses the center beam structure. This structure is simple and low cost.. It is competitive in support and branch networks that are installed outdoors or have good conduit protection..

Skeleton structure fiber optic cable uses a steel wire or a single strand of steel wire as the core reinforcement.. can hold up to 144 cores. Its biggest advantage is its impermeability and resistance to strong pressure.. This type of cable can be buried directly in the ground. Besides, it is easy to branch, namely, when you need to use only a few optical fibers, you can cut the necessary part separately. This is beneficial for adding fiber optic nodes along the way..

The ribbon structure fiber optic cable can have more than thousand cores. The optical fibers of 4 a 12 cores are placed in a row to form a fiber optic tape drive. Then, several tape drives are arranged on the fiber optic cable according to a certain pattern. For network level cables, two types are generally used: the one with central tube and the one with skeleton.

Selection of Optical Fiber According to Its Use

Fiber optic cables can be classified into several types according to their use.: aerial, underground, buried, submarines and metal free.

Overhead cables must have high resistance and low temperature coefficient. underground fiber optics and submarine fibers must be resistant to water pressure and traction, and have a good waterproof property. Buried cables must be able to withstand pressure, moisture and chemical corrosion. Metal-free cables can be installed next to high-voltage electrical cables and their insulation must be excellent.. Although cables ADSS do not have metal reinforcing core, they must also have some traction capacity.

When buying a fiber optic cable, users should consider its use and demand from the manufacturer to ensure its stability and reliability.

Selection of Fiber Optic Cables Based on Materials

The choice of materials is important when buying fiber optic cable, as this affects the life of the cable. The manufacturing process is also a key factor affecting cable quality.. Fiber optic cable products that have a stable manufacturing process and excellent quality have minimal additional loss during production.. 0,01dB/km is a basic data to measure the quality level of the fiber optic cable manufacturing process.

Fiber optic cable production

The main materials used in the fiber optic cable are the fiber core, fiber optic fat, the coating material and the PBT. Each of these materials has different performance requirements..

Fiber optic core requires significant power capacity, a signal to noise ratio alta, a low bit error rate, a long distance between amplifiers and a high information carrying capacity.

Fiber optic grease refers to the grease used to fill the fiber optic bundle tube. Its function is to dampen the vibration or impact on the optical fiber and prevent the corrosion of air humidity on the optical fiber.. Grease must meet strict quality requirements, as a very low amount of hydrogen to prevent &#;hydrogen loss&#; which can severely damage the fiber optic cable.

The lining material determines the tensile properties, flexion, temperature and natural aging resistance of fiber optic cable. A high density polyethylene material can be used (PE) for greater hardness, good tensile and compressive strength and less susceptibility to damage.

PBT is the plastic used to make the fiber optic cable bundle tube.. Must have a high Young's modulus (/mm2), a low coefficient of extension (1,5×10^-4), good resistance to chemical corrosion, low coefficient of friction and good processing characteristics. Using PBT to make the fiber optic sheath can make the fiber optic bundle tube with good pressure resistance and temperature resistance characteristics.. In places where high water resistance is required, a hydrolysis resistant PBT material should be used.

Choice of Appropriate Fiber Optic Depending on the Usage Environment

For fiber optic cables used in buildings, it is important to consider its fire resistance characteristics, toxicity and smoke emission. Usually, cables with a fire-resistant but smoke-emitting sheath can be used in ducts or in areas with forced ventilation. Fire resistant sheathed cables must be used., non-toxic and smoke-free in exposed environments.

underground fiber optic

For vertical installation inside a building, layered twist fiber optic cables can be opted for. For horizontal installation, branchable fiber optic cables can be used.

And for the direct buried installation of fiber optic cables outdoors, it is recommended to use armed optical fibers. For aerial installation, ADSS or OPGW can be used.

For transmission distances less than 2 km, multimode fiber optic cables can be used. While, for distances greater than 2 km, single mode fiber optic cables or repeaters can be used.

For more information, please visit Flame Retardant PE Cable Materials China.