What advantages does fiberglass have?

13 May.,2024


What Is Fiberglass and It's Material Benefits | Valmiera Glass


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We know that fiberglass is a completely natural material, ecologically clean and harmless to human health. Glass fiber is obtained from more than 25 million years old quartz sand by melting together with other raw materials in a glass melting furnace at a high temperature of 1580 ° C. It has added binders to give the materials better strength and water tightness.

The special evaluations of fiberglass give it many unique and unique properties: high resistance to bending, tensile, compressive, non-flammable, high temperature and humidity resistance, resistance to chemical and biological effects, relatively low density. It is a material that can be twisted, twisted, woven, wound, braided, bent, and processed like any other fiber.

Fiberglass is a unique material that provides a diverse application range based on fiberglass properties. The main fiberglass advantages that ensure broad application:

High tensile and extruded strength – fiberglass material can be customized and moulded maintaining its properties. Sound insulation – the material is an efficient solution for sound insulation and the creation of acoustics. High vibration resistance – vibration resistance allows the application of fiberglass at elements that require strength and durability like motorized elements or objects that are affected by winds or mechanical vibrations. Thermal insulation – fiberglass is used as a heat insulator for pipes, in heating and cooling systems, in many constructions and elements that face rapid temperature changes. Electric insulation – electrical properties ensure the safety, non-conductivity and functionality of objects. Incombustibility - fiberglass is an incombustible material than bare direct flames for defined time depending on a glass type, impregnation and/or coating material, therefore is used for fire safety blankets, fire shelters and other similar materials. Chemical resistance – chemical resistance adds one more relevant quality to the fiberglass and allows it to use at sites, buildings, and constructions that may encounter chemicals or chemical-related leakage.

Durability of properties - after drying, the properties of the fiber do not change; properties remain when freezing or heating material up to +550 C for E-glass. Fiberglass is not a subject to environmental influences.

Biological and rot-resistant – resistance to environmental influences increases the life cycle of the material and object it is applied to. Also, ensures visual aesthetics for a longer period of time. Water non-observant – fiber itself does not absorb water; yarn, fabric and mat absorb water between fibers. Insensitive to UV radiation – ensures material durability and applications for outdoor constructions and solutions



Based on versatile advantages fiberglass materials are used in many industries:
Fiberglass in construction – fiberglass construction mesh is used for internal and external renovation for insulation systems, interior wall, ceiling and flooring solutions. Fiberglass mat is used as a sound and heat insulator.

Fire safety and protection – fiberglass fabric is used for protective clothing, fire shelters, smoke curtains, welding blankets, thermal insulators.
Pipes and refineries – fiberglass fabric and mat are used for pipe insulation in various systems and custom-made jackets.

Architecture – Atex® textile membranes are coated fiberglass fabrics that allow creation of a unique architecture solutions such as complicated shaped rooftops and facades. Textile membranes are also used to create artistic light systems.

Appliances – fiberglass materials are used as an insulator for heat and freeze household appliances.
Automotive industry – automotive industry is supplied with fiberglass materials that are sound and heat insulating, used in exhausted systems, engine compartment. Also, fiberglass is used for salon moulded elements.

Aviation – fiberglass is used in interior and exterior in plane building, commonly used in the fuselage and overhead compartments.

Electronics – fiberglass usage is common for print circuit boards and other electronic parts that require electrical resistance.

Fiberglass materials are also used in the manufacture of sports equipment such as surfboards, snowboards, ice-hockey equipment etc.


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VALMIERA GLASS® produces and offers three types of fiberglass each holding specific properties:

E-glass with a temperature resistance of 600+°C. E-glass is commonly recognised for its electrical resistance properties.

HR-glass with a temperature resistance of 800+°C. HR-glass is an alkali-free aluminosilicate glass that does not contain boron oxide and fluorine. This glass type could fully substitute E-glass in various aspects. The most important feature of this type of glass is its thermal resistance of up to 800°C.

SiO2-glass with a temperature resistance of 1000+°C. High-silica fabrics are a new-generation heat resistant material. Glass fibre products with a high SiO2 content are excellent high temperature insulators and can be used over long periods without losing the properties and without melting and vaporising at temperatures of up to 1000ºC.


Why Choose Fiberglass Composites?

Invented in the 1930s, initially developed for military uses in WWII and gaining more widespread use in the 1950s, fiberglass composites have become a staple in the modern world. Naturally, there have been many advances in fiberglass composites over these years and its use has spread to many industries. But what exactly is a fiberglass composite and why would I chose to use it?

Generally speaking, fiberglass (FRP/GRP) composites offer several advantages over more traditional materials, such as wood, steel or concrete.

These advantages include:

    • Cost effective - especially for complex shapes
    • Corrosion resistant
    • Good structural strength
    • Superior strength-to-weight ratio
    • High heat distortion temperature
    • Electrically non-conductive
    • Ability to be molded to precise tolerances

Many of the traditional materials we are familiar with are monolithic materials. That is, they are composed of only one material, such as wood or unreinforced plastics, or, in the case of metal alloys, the components are so intermixed as to be indistinguishable.

A composite material, on the other hand, is composed of distinguishable components. So in the case of fiberglass composites, there are fiberglass fibers providing reinforcement to a surrounding material, typically a thermoset resin. This is called the matrix.

The matrix can be a number of different resins and the glass fibers can be either continuous strands or rovings, woven rovings fabrics, which are designed for specific applications or chopped strand mat, which is rovings chopped into short strands. Each of these methods offer different properties and advantages, such as strength, density, and weight, and can be tailored to suit different applications.

Specific benefits vary depending upon the exact type of matrix employed. Because of these advantages, fiberglass composites have found their way into a number of industries, such as oil & gas, offshore drilling, chemical & petrochemical, pulp & paper, mining & minerals, metal processing, waste & wastewater, and food processing to name a few.

In short, fiberglass composites are an extremely versatile family of materials that are highly customizable and offer several advantages over more traditional materials. Enduro's line of fiberglass composite materials are specifically designed to meet the needs of highly corrosive, high strength, and high temperature environments.

To find out how 60 years of fiberglass fabrication can bring these advantages to your particular application, please contact a sales manager in your area today.

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