What is the difference between grid coupling and gear coupling?

29 Apr.,2024


Different Types of Couplings Used in Rotating Equipment

Couplings are mechanical devices used to connect two rotating shafts together in order to transmit power or torque from one shaft to another. There are various types of couplings used in rotating equipment, each with its own advantages and limitations. Some of the commonly used types of couplings include:

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  1. Gear Couplings: Gear couplings are one of the most commonly used types of couplings. They consist of gear teeth on the flanges of two shafts that mesh together, allowing for torque transmission while compensating for misalignment between the shafts. Gear couplings are known for their high torque capacity, durability, and ability to accommodate angular misalignment.
  2. Grid Couplings: Grid couplings consist of a flexible grid element between two hubs. The grid element provides flexibility to compensate for misalignment, shock absorption, and damping of vibrations. Grid couplings are known for their high torque capacity, ability to tolerate misalignment, and ease of maintenance.
  3. Disc Couplings: Disc couplings use a series of thin metal discs to transmit torque between two shafts. These discs can flex in multiple directions, allowing for compensation of angular, axial, and parallel misalignment. Disc couplings are known for their high torsional stiffness, compact design, and ability to handle high speeds and high temperatures.

  1. Jaw Couplings: Jaw couplings consist of two hubs with curved jaws that are connected by a flexible elastomeric element. They are simple and affordable couplings that can tolerate small amounts of angular and axial misalignment. Jaw couplings are commonly used in small to medium-sized applications and are known for their ease of installation and maintenance.
  2. Fluid Couplings: Fluid couplings use a fluid medium to transmit torque between two shafts. They consist of an impeller and a runner enclosed in a housing filled with a fluid. Fluid couplings are known for their ability to provide smooth and controlled torque transfer, dampen vibrations, and protect equipment from shock loads.
  3. Oldham Couplings: Oldham couplings consist of three discs, with the middle disc having a perpendicular groove that engages with pins on the outer discs. They are used to transmit torque while accommodating parallel misalignment between two shafts. Oldham couplings are known for their ability to provide zero backlash, smooth operation, and low maintenance requirements.

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7. Universal Joints: Universal joints, also known as U-joints, are used to transmit torque between two non-parallel and intersecting shafts. They consist of a cross-shaped member with needle bearings that allow for smooth rotation. Universal joints are known for their ability to accommodate large angular misalignment and are commonly used in applications such as drivetrains and steering systems.

These are just a few examples of the different types of couplings used in rotating equipment. The selection of the appropriate coupling type depends on various factors such as the application requirements, operating conditions, misalignment tolerances, and maintenance considerations. It's important to consult with an engineer or coupling manufacturer to determine the best coupling type for a specific application.

Grid Coupling vs. Gear Coupling

What is the difference between a grid coupling and a gear coupling?

Flexible couplings can be broken down into elastomeric and metallic types. Both grid and gear couplings fall into the lubricated category of metallic couplings as outlined in Image 1.

Image 1. Hierarchy of flexible couplings (Images courtesy of HI)

Image 1. Hierarchy of flexible couplings (Images courtesy of HI)

Grid style couplings are often used in medium- to heavy-duty applications and use a spring style metallic element with looping segments that interlock with the hub teeth. An example of a grid coupling is shown in Image 2.

Image 2. Close-coupled grid coupling.

Image 2. Close-coupled grid coupling.

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The grid element or spring is made of high tensile alloy steel. The grid element transmits torque and accommodates some misalignment and shock loading in the system.

The metallic grid coupling design allows for a more power-dense coupling solution in comparison to elastomeric designs.

Because of the relative movement between mating metal surfaces, the grids and teeth must be lubricated as specified by the coupling manufacturer.

Image 3. Close-coupled, flex-rigid gear coupling

Image 3. Close-coupled, flex-rigid gear coupling

A typical grid coupling consists of the following components:

  • two hubs
  • two seals
  • two gaskets
  • a grid element
  • either an axially split or vertically split (perpendicular to the shaft)cover
Image 4. Spacer gear coupling

Image 4. Spacer gear coupling

Gear couplings come in many different designs, but all transmit torque and accommodate some misalignment through gear teeth. A few examples of gear couplings are shown in Images 3 and 4. Each hub has gear teeth cut around the outside diameter, with the hub connecting to a sleeve with mating gear teeth cut into the inner diameter. These products also require lubrication due to the relative movement of mating metal surfaces and have seals between the sleeve and hubs.

Gear couplings are often used in applications where high torque and balance are required. In some cases, gear couplings are the only solution with enough torque capacity to accommodate demanding applications. There are many custom options available with gear couplings in addition to those described here.

This type of coupling can be configured as a flex-flex, flex-rigid or rigid-rigid gear coupling. A flex-flex configuration uses two flexible style halves, with one half consisting of a flexible hub and a matching flexible sleeve. A flex-rigid
style uses one flexible style half and one rigid half.

A rigid-rigid gear coupling uses two rigid style halves. Flexible style grid halves also have seals to retain lubrication, and both styles typically incorporate a gasket between the mating flange faces.

For more information on couplings used with pumps, refer to HI’s Flexible Coupling Basics Guidebook at www.pumps.org.

See other HI Pump FAQs articles here

For more information, please visit SWC-BH Standard Flex Welding Type Universal Coupling.