What type of hose is used for sandblasting?

09 Sep.,2024


Blast Hose Buying Guide - BlastOne

Today we&#;re going to explain to you the blast hose manufacturing process.

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It all starts right here in the Banbury. This is the Banbury that mixes all 13 ingredients that makes up the rubber compound that blast hose is made out of.

Here at BlastOne we specify that we have the highest quality materials and buy from the best vendors. This is one of the key parts that separates the BlastOne blast hose from other competitors.

What comes out of the Banbury is rubber sheets. Once the rubber sheets come out of the Banbury, it&#;s very important that we batch them, and every single batch we take a sample of that rubber sheet and we send it to
the lab.

There&#;s two main tests needed. Test with the briometer, you test the properties of  that rubber puck that&#;s come off that sheet. Then we also do a test on abrasion resistance. First of all, you weigh the sample then you put it in the abrader and you send it 40 meters on that 60 grit sandpaper&#; and then you measure the weight of it after the abrasion test has been done. And you measure that in cubic millimeters of abrasion lost. So how much has been lost in that test and all of our blast hose is manufactured to a standard of&#; to be no more than 50 cubic mm (1.95in). Some blast hoses are made to 70 or even 100. That&#;s because they use lower quality products and don&#;t have the manufacturing process to ensure that you can always have a consistent product.

Here we are in the Calendar. You can see we have the palette of sheets here that we&#;re putting into the calendar to mix it one more time so it mixes it all together to make it more homogeneous and to make sure that we have a very consistent material. And we cover in a small dusting of zinc stearate to roll it out without it sticking together and causing its inconsistencies. And it&#;s very critical that we have to maintain tolerances to ensure that we get our high quality blast hose.

So here we have the Textile Calendar. This is where we&#;re putting the fly cord (textile fabric) and meshing it together with the rubber. This is the reinforced fabric that gives the pressure rating to each hose&#; so it gets embedded in the rubber so that we can then put that out onto the mandrel.

All blast hose is made on a Mandrel. So you have the mandrel which is a certain thickness that you want the inner diameter of the blast hose, and put them on the mandrel carriage and the carriage goes up and down putting the exact amount of rubber. One of the important parts of blast hose manufacturing process is that you add a copper wire so that it&#;s static dissipating. Now that we&#;ve done the copper wire we&#;re putting another layer of the textile fabric on and this is, this is very very strong, very pressure resistant and then you put on some more rubber on the outside, and the last thing you do before you put it in the vulcanizer is you wrap it in a wrapping tape which helps keep it compressed and make sure that it all vulcanizes and combines together homogeneously.

So here we are at the Vulkanizer. This is where we knot together all that products on the mandrel. We put it in there at 150 degrees Celsius (302 F) at 60 PSI and it goes in there for 70 minutes and that gives it enough time to melt together, homogenize together, and then you pull it out let it cool down and then we go take it off the mandrel. After we have come out of the vulcanator let me pull it out and we roll it up.

Welcome to the blast hose manufacturing process.

Super Blast Sand Blasting Hose 2-PLY & 4-PLY

The inside of the sandblasting hose is made of natural rubber, which has a considerable resistance to abrasion. The outer layer is made of a polymeric material. There is reinforcement, which acts as a double textile braid.

From sandblasting to choose the right hose is directly dependent on the speed and quality of sandblasting and abrasive consumption.

The standard length of the blast hose: &#; 20 and 40 meters.

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  • The sleeve fits (steel shot, silica sand, glass, corundum, kupershlak, grenades and so forth. Can be used) for sandblasting
  •  Antistatic internal layer protects from the appearance of electrostatic discharge
  • The inner layer is made of natural rubber with high resistance to abrasion
  • Working pressure: 12 bar
  • Burst pressure: 36 bar
  • Sleeve working loads at different temperatures from -35 to +80 degrees

Wear abrasive blasting sleeve inside leads to the loss of pressure during transport of air-abrasive mixture, as a consequence of reduced cleaning rate and increased consumption of abrasive material. Therefore, the savings on sandblasting hose price may be questionable and lead to higher costs in the production of sandblasting work.

Sandblasting (abrasive) sleeve has a high resistance to abrasive particles. Used in systems and plants and sand blasting different surfaces and parts. With these sleeves, by means of compressed air supply is made of steel shot, quartz sand, corundum and other materials used for cleaning. Sandblasting sleeve widely used in the construction industry for supplying different solutions (cement, gypsum, etc.), as well as concrete mixtures using concrete pumps. Products at work do not accumulate static electricity, which ensures their safe use. The use of wear-resistant materials for the production of hoses for long life of their operation, and to enhance the strength of reinforcement is carried out using a tissue winding. All products meet international standards system DIN ISO : . Allowed to operate at temperatures from -35 o C to +80 o C.

With sand-blasting method can achieve varying degrees of purification. When cleaning, can be divided into metal surfaces purity 4 following groups:

1. Sandblasting effect reminiscent of cleaning with a wire brush.
Routine cleaning of surfaces without a mirror shine effect.
Clean metal surface almost to perfection.

2. Clean the surface of the metal to full brightness.
The choice of treatment should be determined in advance depending on which coating was applied to the metal surface: corrosion, enamel, primer, zinc or plastic coating, etc.

&#; Blasting hose is designed for supply of abrasive materials and is used in jet engines and installations blast cleaning surfaces with structures serving quartz sand, steel shot, sliced, corundum, nikelshlaka, kupershlak etc;
&#; very high life expectancy abrasion resistant inner layer. In the production of sandblasting hose is used only high-abrasion rubber that allows to obtain high-quality sandblasting hose with a lifetime of about 3-5 times higher than that of many Chinese and Russian counterparts sandblasting hose;

As practice shows, from how sandblasting sleeve is always directly dependent on the quality of the device is selected correctly, jet speed, abrasive consumption. It is very important to consider that this structural element is always exposed to increased wear and require particularly careful choice in quality and durability.

In order to determine the condition of the hose it is recommended to periodically use a special gauge. If the pressure in it is reduced at 1 atm., Recommended replacement. Quickly wear out the air hose does not allow the installation to fully operate. This leads to a loss of pressure reduction purification rate of volume increase sacrificial abrasive. As a result, savings in the cost of the hose leads to a significant increase in operating costs.

In order to determine the diameter of the blasting hose is sufficient to multiply the inner diameter of the nozzle at the 3. Select hose with a margin on the length are not recommended, as it will lead to the senseless loss of pressure.

Before starting work, always check the outlet pressure. If you have recorded a loss of pressure even by 1 bar compared with a new hose, replace it. Failure to replace the blast hose can rupture the hose, that is unsafe.

When purchasing a sandblasting hose, you have to understand that it is not necessary to save, because here it is necessary to use a hose with an inner diameter as large as possible. The pipeline for the air supply may not be large enough. The larger internal diameter of the blasting hose, the less friction loss.

In order to choose the right sandblasting sleeve, determine the diameter of a blast nozzle you want to use. For correct operation, the hose diameter should be 4 times higher. Buy sandblasting sleeve is only required length, unjustified increase in length will lead to pressure loss.

Generally, not all of the same sleeve sandblasting quality. Choosing a quality sleeve for sandblasting, you will provide a continuous speed, the quality of treatment and reduce the consumption of abrasive material transmitted through the hose.

Want more information on Sandblast Rubber Hose? Feel free to contact us.