How to tell if tubing is food grade?

08 Jul.,2024


An Introduction to Food-Grade Hoses - Flexaust Blog

Food and beverage companies must comply with strict standards that indicate the type of equipment they can use for their production operations. These requirements and restrictions are enforced to ensure the safety of consumers as the wrong equipment can lead to product contamination. They may apply to the entire piece of equipment as well as to the individual components, such as the transfer hoses.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

In the United States, food-grade hoses must be designed and built to the specifications outlined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This ensures they allow for the clean and safe transfer of food materials. While these components come in numerous variations, differing with regard to size, pressure rating, and temperature rating to suit different customer needs, they also have some common characteristics.

Below, we highlight the shared characteristics of food-grade hoses as well as outline some of their typical applications.

Key Characteristics of Food-Grade Hoses

Food-grade hoses are made from flexible materials, such as polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or thermoplastic rubber. Additionally, they typically have an internal helical wire made from spring steel or stainless steel that provides strength and durability to the overall assembly. While they may look like other types of hoses, they differ from them in the following ways:

  • Non-toxic, non-metal construction.

    Metal components are susceptible to corrosion, which can lead to product contamination during production operations. Plastics and rubbers offer an inherent resistance to corrosion, making them ideal for equipment used in food and beverage operations.

  • Excellent durability.

    Food-grade hoses are designed to withstand the harsh conditions found in food processing facilities (e.g., high temperatures and pressures). As a result, they are often more durable than other types of hoses.

  • Pressure capacity.

    Many food processing operations rely on the maintenance of various pressure conditions. Quality food-grade hoses are capable of achieving and sustaining specific pressure and vacuum levels as needed.

  • Odorless/tasteless design.

    Food-grade hoses are engineered to not add any odors, contamination or flavors to the conveyed material, which helps maintain the integrity of the final product&#;s taste and aroma.  

Typical Applications of Food-Grade Hoses

In food processing applications, food-grade hoses are generally used to transport bulk dry food materials, such as cereal, flour and sugar. They are also used in pharmaceutical production operations to transport capsules and tablets. In both cases, Flexaust food-grade hoses are made with FDA-acceptable materials and, if necessary, USDA standards for food contact.

These hoses can be cut to different lengths and fitted with various fittings. This customizability ensures the hose assembly meets the equipment and operation requirements.


Contact the Hose Experts at Flexaust for Your Food-Grade Needs Today

Food-grade hoses are a critical element of many food processing operations. Need quality hose components for your food production facility? Turn to the hose experts at Flexaust today!

Our food-grade hoses are suitable for any light material handling operation involving solid foods and powders. While they come in a variety of materials and sizes, all of them are made with FDA-acceptable materials. Typical applications for these hose products include:

  • Food factory venting

  • Cereal manufacturing

  • Cosmetic manufacturing

  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing

  • Sugar manufacturing

  • Flour manufacturing

  • Spices manufacturing

  • Tablet manufacturing

Food-Grade Hoses from Flexaust 

Found in our food-grade hose page, below are the hose products Flexaust recommends for the job: 

  • FlexStat CR


    This hose is made clear white and made with FDA-acceptable materials. It is also

    ideal for clean room and pharmaceutical applications, powder processing, and pneumatic conveying systems.

  • Flx-Thane SD


    This product has the appropriate static properties when it comes to a powder application. It is also clear and manufactured with FDA-acceptable materials.

  • R-4


    This clear PVC hose has great compressibility and a great choice for fine material handling in the food manufacturing industry.

  • White


    Perfect for food-grade and pharmaceutical use, this Double-ply white acrylic coated polyester fabric hose is a versatile option.

To learn more about our food-grade hoses, browse our food-grade hose page or contact us today. For more detailed product information or pricing details, request a sample or request a quote.

Homebrewer's Guide to Tubing: Mastering the Art of Fluid ...

Homebrew needs to be transferred. Sometimes we can get away with pouring wort or beer manually, but for the most part the best way to move liquid around is with a hose or tube.

When you get into homebrewing you&#;ll become intimately familiar with tubing. Sometimes you bless it for saving your aching back the trouble of lifting 5 gallons of liquid.

Other times you curse it, like when you&#;re siphoning into a carboy only to realize the end of the tubing curled up and you&#;re now shooting beer across the kitchen.

Tubing comes in all different sizes and varieties. Though we don&#;t think of it as a major tool in our brewing arsenal there are still plenty of decisions we need to make about it. Every time you buy a new gadget that requires tubing you have to make one of these calls.

There have been plenty of times where I&#;ve made the wrong one.

I put together this guide to save you some mental energy and make quick & easy decisions about what tubing to use.

Types of Tubing

There are all sorts of materials used for tubing. Here are the most common ones for homebrewing:

Vinyl Tubing

This is the cheapest and most basic tubing you&#;ll find. It&#;s what the hardware stores carry. Some brands are marked as food grade and others are not. If you have the choice go with food grade. Watts is the brand you&#;ll usually find in Home Depot and Lowe&#;s, and it is food grade up to its maximum temperature of 175°F.

There is still some hesitation to use this cheap vinyl tubing for beer. I say that it is fine to use as long as it&#;s at cool temperatures. Don&#;t use it with hot wort. Also, since the beer is not sitting in the tubing (it&#;s only used for transferring) there isn&#;t as much a risk of leaching.

Always make sure to replace your vinyl tubing if 1) The inside becomes dirty and it can&#;t be cleaned, or 2) You notice a plastic-like flavor in your beer. In that case I would switch brands.

The great thing about vinyl tubing is that it&#;s cheap and easy to find. The downside is that it&#;s notorious for curling at the end. Add an extra foot to whatever length you were going to buy to account for the curling.

Vinyl tubing

Reinforced Vinyl Tubing

This tubing is stiffer than plain vinyl tubing and can handle higher temperatures. I&#;ve used it it but I haven&#;t found a great use for this type of tubing. It&#;s much more inflexible than plain vinyl and still can&#;t handle high enough temperatures for use while brewing.

Reinforced vinyl is sometimes used in high pressure systems and commercial draft beer applications, but for most homebrewers it&#;s not of much value.

For siphoning I recommend you go with plain vinyl, and for hot wort transfers I recommend you go with this next one.

Reinforced Vinyl Tubing

Silicone Tubing

This is my favorite tubing for transferring hot wort. You really want to be selective when choosing tubing for the hot side. I see too many brewers using plain vinyl tubing for transferring hot sparge water. Not good! Use a tubing rated for high temperatures, like silicone.

Silicone tubing comes in many different sizes and can handle temperatures up to 500°F. It&#;s also very flexible and doesn&#;t curl like vinyl tubing does. In fact, I&#;ve tried it out with siphoning and it worked great.

The end of the tubing goes right to the bottom of the keg or bottling bucket and stays there. The downside is that it&#;s not clear, but give it a shot sometime and you may not go back to vinyl.

Silicone Tubing

Other high temperature tubing

Though silicone is the most common among homebrewers there are a number of other high temperature brands that people use, including:

  • Santoprene
  • Thermoplastic
  • High Temp&#; PVC Free

Beverage Tubing

This is vinyl tubing but it&#;s higher quality than what you buy at the hardware store. Put them side by side and you&#;ll immediately notice the difference.

Beverage tubing also has a thicker wall to handle the higher pressures of a draft system. Purchase it from a homebrew store or a draft beer supplier.

Beverage Tubing

Tubing Sizes

The size you use is primarily driven by what you&#;re connecting it to, usually either a metal barb or a plastic piece like the end of a racking cane or bottle filler. Sometimes you get a perfect fit and sometimes you need a little help. There&#;s almost always more than one size tubing that will fit.

If the tubing is too small then put the end of it in very hot water. It will make it flexible and you&#;ll be able to push the tubing onto the barb or racking cane.

If the tubing is too large then use a clamp. I always have a plastic bag filled with worm clamps just in case. It&#;s a good practice to clamp every tubing connection just to be safe.

Every brewer should have a bunch of clamps on hand in various sizes.

The good thing about larger tubing is that you can transfer the liquid more quickly. I use 1/2&#; on the hot side and it takes no time at all to transfer between my hot liquor tank, mash tun, and boil kettle. The downside is you are more prone to air bubbles if it&#;s not a great fit.

The reverse is true with tubing that is smaller. It will take longer to transfer but you&#;ll get less air bubbles. This is especially important on the cold side where you don&#;t want to aerate your beer.

3/8&#; tubing is most often recommended for siphoning but you can usually use 5/16&#; as well. I&#;ve found you get much less air bubbles by squeezing on 5/16&#; tubing. It just takes longer to transfer.

Tip for getting a good flow on the hot side: If you&#;re using larger tubing always make sure it&#;s the right size for the fitting.

For example don&#;t use 1/2&#; tubing on your boil kettle when the hose barb coming out the valve is only 3/8&#;. You&#;re going to get a bunch of bubbles and poor flow. Assuming you&#;re tubing is the right size, here is a tip for getting a good flow:

  1. Pinch the tubing about 4 inches from the valve and pull the tubing down below the valve.
  2. Slowly open the valve and let the wort back up at the pinched spot until there are no air bubbles.
  3. Open the valve all the way and release the tubing.
  4. Make sure to keep the end of the tubing lower than pick-up tube in the kettle.

Once the liquid gets below the valve in the kettle it will create a siphon via the pickup tube in the kettle (if you have one). If you keep the end of the tubing low and prevent air bubbles you&#;ll get the most liquid possible out of the kettle.

Cheat Sheet

The above is pretty lengthy so if you&#;re saying to yourself &#;Just tell me what to use!&#;, here you go. This is a cheat sheet for various brewing applications. I&#;m assuming you&#;re brewing the typical 5 gallon batch.

For transferring hot wort during brew day use 1/2&#; silicone tubing. Make sure to use 1/2&#; valves and barbs along with worm clamps. Alternatively you can use the tubing with quick disconnects like what I use on my Brutus 10. 3/8&#; fittings and tubing is common on homebrew setups but if you go up to 1/2&#; you&#;ll thank me for it, trust me.

For your pump you&#;ll want to pay close attention to the PSI rating of the tubing. It must be able to handle the pressure from whatever pump you are using. For March pumps (most common) most homebrewers use the silicone tubing mentioned above. That&#;s what I use and it works great.

For your siphon use the 3/8&#; auto-siphon with 3/8&#; vinyl tubing along with a worm clamp. If you&#;re impatient you can go with the 1/2&#; version.

For your bottle filler use 3/8&#; vinyl tubing along with a worm clamp (if you get bubbles, but it&#;s usually a good fit).

For blow-off tubes it really depends on the fermenter and the size of the rubber stopper you are using. I recommend you take your stopper into the hardware store and find the right size of vinyl tubing that will snugly fit into the hole in the stopper. Alternatively, you can ditch the stopper altogether and get a very large piece of tubing that fits directly into the neck of a carboy.

For your beer line use 3/16&#; vinyl beverage tubing. Make sure it&#;s the high quality stuff from a homebrew store. Don&#;t use hardware store tubing.

For your CO2 line use 5/16&#; vinyl beverage tubing. You have a choice here between red, blue, or clear. Personally I prefer the colored tubing because I can easily distinguish it from my beer line. That really comes in handy when I have 5 kegs hooked up in my kegerator. Some people prefer clear because they can see if beer is backing up into the gas line from the keg. It&#;s up to you.

Tangled Up in Tubing

I know, it can really add up, especially for a gadget geek like me. It&#;s also a pain in the ass to deal with and store. The best way I&#;ve found to store it is on a pegboard. It gets it out of the way and allows the water to drain. Here&#;s mine:

A good way to store your tubing

Frequently Asked Questions

Is vinyl tubing safe for brewing beer?

Vinyl tubing is commonly used in homebrewing, especially for transferring liquids. While it&#;s affordable and readily available, it&#;s essential to choose food-grade vinyl tubing.

This type ensures that it&#;s safe for use with consumables. However, it&#;s recommended not to use vinyl tubing with hot wort, as it might not withstand high temperatures.

If you notice any plastic-like flavor in your beer or if the tubing becomes dirty and can&#;t be cleaned, it&#;s time to replace it.

What are the benefits of using silicone tubing in brewing?

Silicone tubing is a favorite choice for transferring hot wort in the brewing process. It can handle temperatures up to 500°F and is highly flexible.

Unlike vinyl tubing, silicone doesn&#;t curl, making it efficient for siphoning. The only drawback is that it&#;s not transparent, so you can&#;t see the liquid inside.

How can I ensure a good flow when transferring hot wort?

To achieve a smooth flow when transferring hot wort, ensure that the tubing size matches the fitting. For instance, don&#;t use 1/2&#; tubing if the hose barb from the valve is only 3/8&#;.

To prevent air bubbles and achieve a good flow, pinch the tubing a few inches from the valve, pull it down below the valve, and slowly open the valve. Once the liquid level goes below the valve in the kettle, a siphon effect will help transfer the maximum amount of liquid.

How can I connect vinyl tubing if it&#;s too small or large?

If the vinyl tubing is too small for the connection, immerse the end in hot water to make it more flexible, allowing it to fit onto the barb or racking cane.

If the tubing is too large, use a clamp to secure it. It&#;s a good practice to clamp every tubing connection for safety.

What type of tubing is recommended for beer lines?

For beer lines, it&#;s advised to use 3/16&#; vinyl beverage tubing. This tubing is of higher quality than the ones available at hardware stores. Always opt for high-quality tubing from a reputable homebrew store or draft beer supplier to ensure the best results.

Lead marketer, brewer, dad, and husband. Pretty much an all-round awesome guy. Self proclaimed coffee addict who&#;s been home brewing beer (among other things) for 25+ yrs. Also an aspiring pro-brewer and micro-brewery owner!