Why are fiberglass air filters so expensive?

29 Apr.,2024


Cheap vs Expensive Air Filters - Robert B. Payne, Inc.

Cheap vs Expensive Air Filters

Air filters are an important part of any HVAC system, and they come in a wide range of prices. So, what’s the difference between cheap and expensive air filters, and which one is right for you?

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At Robert B. Payne, we believe that quality air filters are worth the investment. Contact us if you need help finding the right air filter for your home or business!

In this article, we’ll look at some of the key differences between cheap and expensive air filters to help you make the best decision for your home or business. But first, we’ll tell you why you need an air filter.

Why Do You Require an Air Filter?

An air filter’s primary purpose is to protect your HVAC system. By trapping particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander, it prevents them from entering your system and clogging it up. A clogged system has to work harder to function properly, which can lead to higher energy bills and premature wear-and-tear.

Air filters also help to improve your indoor air quality. By trapping harmful particles like mold spores, bacteria, and viruses, they can help you breathe easier and reduce your risk of respiratory infections.

Your air filters can also improve airflow throughout your home or office. When airflow is reduced, your HVAC system has to work harder to circulate air, which inevitably leads to higher utility bills.

By reducing the amount of moisture in the air, air filters also help to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. This can not only improve your indoor air quality, but it can also protect your HVAC system from damage.

So, now that you know why you need an air filter, let’s take a look at some of the key differences between cheap and expensive options.

What’s the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Air Filters?

Although it may not be apparent to the naked eye, there are actually several key differences between cheap and expensive air filters.


One of the biggest differences is longevity. Cheap air filters are typically made from lower-quality materials, like cardboard and paper, that don’t last as long as their more expensive counterparts. This means that you’ll have to replace them more often, which can end up costing you more in the long run. Cheap filters are also more prone to damage when exposed to moisture and heat over a period.

Expensive Air Filters Are Produced From High-Quality Materials

Expensive air filters are made from higher-quality materials, like fiberglass, that can last for up to 12 months. This not only saves you money, but it’s also more convenient since you won’t have to remember to replace your air filters as often. Fiberglass is a porous material that is able to trap more particles than paper or cardboard, and it’s also more resistant to damage from moisture and heat.


Another key difference is efficiency. Cheap air filters are often less efficient at trapping particles, which means that more harmful airborne contaminants can enter your HVAC system and circulate throughout your home or office. This can lead to poor indoor air quality and increased health risks. This problem is worse if you have many people sharing your space, you have pets in the home, or someone who suffers from allergies or asthma.

Expensive air filters, on the other hand, are more efficient at trapping particles. This means that fewer harmful contaminants can enter your system, and you’ll be able to enjoy better indoor air quality.

Surface Area

Expensive air filters often have a higher MERV rating than cheap air filters, which means that they have a larger surface area to filter and can trap smaller particles. MERV stands for “Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value,” and it’s a measure of how well an air filter can remove particles from the air. The higher the MERV rating, the better the air filter is at removing particles.

Cheap air filters typically have a low MERV rating of 6 or less, while expensive air filters can have a MERV rating of up to 13. This means that they can remove much smaller particles, like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores, from the air. Cheap air filters usually trap only about half as much debris as their more expensive counterparts.

Which One is Best For You?

As you can see, there are several key differences between cheap and expensive air filters. Cheap air filters don’t last as long, are less efficient at trapping particles, and have a smaller surface area to filter. This can lead to poor indoor air quality and increased health risks.

Expensive air filters are made from higher-quality materials, last longer, are more efficient at trapping particles, and have a larger surface area to filter. This can lead to better indoor air quality and improved health.

So, which one is best for you? If you’re looking for an air filter that will provide the best possible protection for your HVAC system and improve your indoor air quality, then an expensive air filter is the way to go. However, if you’re on a budget, a cheap air filter can still provide some benefits. Just be sure to replace it more often to avoid any problems.

Want more information on custom fiberglass filter? Feel free to contact us.

If you’re an asthma or allergy sufferer, it’s especially important to choose an air filter with a high MERV rating so that you can remove as many harmful particles from the air as possible. However, the MERV rating should not be too high. When the MERV rating is too high, it can lead to air filter stress. New model motors may not be able to develop enough CFM (cubic feet per minute) to draw air through the filter when it’s very dense. This can lead to motor failure.

The best way to choose an air filter is to consult with a professional who can help you select the right one for your needs. They will take into account the type of HVAC system you have, the size of your home or office, the number of people who occupy the space, and any other factors that may impact your indoor air quality. With their help, you can choose an air filter that will provide the best possible protection for your HVAC system and improve your indoor air quality.

Are You Searching For The Best Air Filter For Your Home or Business?

The best air filter is not necessarily the cheapest or the most expensive. The best air filter is the one that meets your specific needs. To find the best air filter for your home or business, consult with our team at Robert B. Payne. We can help you select the right one for your situation. We will take into account the type of HVAC system you have, the size of your space, the number of people who occupy the space, and any other factors that may have an effect on your indoor air quality.

With our help, you can choose an air filter that will provide the best possible protection for your HVAC system and improve your indoor air quality. Contact us today at 540-373-5876 to get started.

Why Expensive Air Filters Are Worth It

It's easy to wonder why certain air filters are so expensive. When comparing the $2 air filters and the $30 air filters, you may not know the difference just by looking at the packaging. In that case, $2 sounds like a good deal, right? Unfortunately, like many things, its too good to be true.

FilterBuy deals in more expensive air filters for a reason - they're worth it for the quality and convenience. Read about the differences below:

Differences in Cheap vs Expensive Air Filters

More expensive air filters use more material of a higher quality to better filter your air

The cheapest filters are made of spun fiberglass, which does very little to filter your air compared to materials like paper, cotton or polyester. Materials like paper, cotton and polyester do a much better job of cleaning the air in your home. In the same way that those materials hold onto sweat and dirt when you wear clothing, they also hold onto airborne dust and dirt better than fiberglass. The flipside is that woven materials cost more than spun fiberglass

Expensive air filters give you more surface area to filter particulate matter

If you've wondered the difference between pleated air filters and their non-pleated counterparts, here’s your answer. Putting more pleats (sometimes called folds) into air filters increase their surface area, and more surface area means more room to trap particulates in the air. Additionally, pleated filters don't have to be changed as often — just one every 3 months compared to the once a month frequency of non-pleated filters. When cost comparing a pleated filter to a non-pleated filter, you have to triple the price per filter of the non-pleated filter to get an accurate comparison.

You'll read elsewhere that pleated filters will restrict air flow, leading to a harder working furnace or AC unit that raises your energy costs and burns out the motor. That’s a myth - the extra surface area lets more air through, so that your central HVAC unit doesn’t have to work as hard to push air through it. All dimensions being equal, a filter with a higher MERV rating and more pleats per inch will have the same or better air flow than the same filter with a lower MERV rating and fewer pleats.

When is an expensive air filter not worth it?

Don’t buy washable air filters

You'll pay more for a washable air filter because it should last you years, rather than months. While it’s a nice idea in theory, it has multiple problems, such as lower MERV ratings, frequent maintenance requirements, and the possibility of attracting mold in your air unit.

Don't blindly buy the highest MERV rating

While a higher MERV rating seems better at first, know that it may not be best for your specific furnace and AC unit. Check your manual to see the recommended MERV rating, and don't exceed it. Doing so will likely create air flow issues that raise your utility costs and decrease the life of the blower in your central air unit. This is especially true in homes with older HVAC units, which weren't built to accommodate thicker air filters.

Learn more: Which MERV rating should I choose?

When is an expensive air filter not worth it?

If you're newly converted to spending more on your filters but want to lessen the sticker shock, here's a few tips below:

Buy online

Again, we're a little biased here, but we chose to sell direct-to-consumers for a reason - it costs less for us, so we can help it cost less for you. When buying in large quantities, you could save 4O to 60 dollars a year buying online compared to a big box store.

Speaking of buying in bulk, that cost saving strategy still applies here. Retail stores will lock you into preset packs of goods, which means you may end up with more or less of what you need for your home. When buying air filters online, look for places that let you customize your quantity to get exactly what you need.

Finally, look for online retailers that offer discounts for setting up recurring shipments of air filters (ours is 5%, for example).

Know your MERV needs

Once you've determined the maximum MERV rating your furnace or AC unit can handle, you can determine how close you need to be to that higher rating. Our MERV rating guide goes into greater detail, but in short, if you are in a home that checks one or more of the boxes below, you likely need a higher MERV rating. If you don't, you can go lower and save some money:

  • A home with one (or multiple) shedding pets
  • A home with one (or multiple) kids
  • A home with frequent guest activity (once every week or two)
  • A home with residents that have allergies, emphysema, or other conditions that make them particularly sensitive to air quality

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