How Does boat fuel fill hose Work?

06 May.,2024


Replacing Bad Fuel Filler Hose? | Boating Forum

The site will not let me upload pics for some reason. I have posted pics before so I don't know what the problem is. The pic starts to upload, then I get an "Unknown Error" prompt. Any Admin/Moderator Help?? There is a 8" deck plate over the filler connection, vent line and sending unit. It does not give much access to the filler hose and the deck is tight over the top of the hose with no clearance. From the fill end of the hose, it goes straight down about 16" to inside a thin wall 4" PVC tube glassed into the structure. From there, it goes a couple of feet to where it must make a 90 degree turn to starboard and towards the fill inlet on the tank. I don't think I'll be able to pull the hose thru that sharp a bend. There could be a 90 degree elbow in there, I don't know. If I can get the old one out, not sure if a soft wall hose would kink? If I did re route the hose thru the bilge under the oil pan I could run it thru some PVC pipe to protect it. What would be the danger of re routing it the way I'm thinking? I'll keep trying to post pics. Thanks guys!

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Goto MIC to know more.

Fuel Filler

Thanks for the input - feel your pain on the trailer - sending positive vibes!
Bought the boat too late in the season to find slip space, so DS's trailer work will have to wait til another time.

I've printed out your suggestion and will show it to him tonight.
At this point he'll give anything a try!

LOL yea, MommyDearest is an inside family joke -Thanks for the input - feel your pain on the trailer - sending positive vibes!Bought the boat too late in the season to find slip space, so DS's trailer work will have to wait til another time.I've printed out your suggestion and will show it to him tonight.At this point he'll give anything a try!

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