How to Choose Alloy Plate?

15 Jul.,2024


How To Choose The Right Metal Alloy - NeoNickel

Selecting the right metal alloy for a specific job is no easy task and it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. No matter what industry you work in thorough research should be conducted highlighting the conditions the alloy will be exposed to whilst having a clear understanding of the role or job you expect the alloy to perform.

Want more information on Alloy Plate? Feel free to contact us.

If your knowledge of metal alloys is non-existent or somewhat patchy then don&#;t worry. Here at NeoNickel we are specialists in providing businesses in all industries with expert advice and the best metal alloys to suit your demands. Carry on reading for more information on some of the things you should consider when choosing a metal alloy and how we can help here at NeoNickel&#;

What Is An Alloy?

Extremely versatile, a metal alloy is a compound that typically consists of two components, one of which is usually a metal. By combining two compounds new materials with unique properties are created and in most cases they are quite different from their original component elements. These new properties make metal alloys extremely desirable and useful to engineers who require materials that are harder, more durable and corrosion resistant to cope with the extreme conditions.

Corrosion and Heat Resistance

Corrosion and heat resistance are, arguably, the two most important characteristics to consider when attempting to choose a metal alloy. There is plenty of data out there outlining general corrosion resistance and rates but nothing quite gives you the information you really need compared to completing thorough tests. Unfortunately there isn&#;t a recognised universal method for testing corrosion rates. So, with this in mind it&#;s important to understand and know the conditions for each test and try to replicate these conditions for any future tests to ensure all results are accurate.

Localized Corrosion

Pitting attacks, crevice corrosion, galvanic effects and concentration cells are all characteristics associated with Localized Corrosion and the effects can be extremely harmful. Unlike normal corrosion localized corrosion is difficult to measure, therefore it&#;s important to select an alloy that is less prone to attack from this type of corrosion.

Product Form and Fabrication

Product form is also another important consideration to make. Certain alloys are only available in certain forms and dimensions, therefore this is an important consideration to make prior to choosing your alloy. In addition fabrication should not be over looked, different alloys require more time for machining and welding than others, although this should never be a reason to rule out an alloy.

Metallurgical Laboratory Service

As a leading supplier of metal alloys we provide the most sophisticated, high quality metallurgical laboratory service. Using the latest technology we conduct alloy corrosion testing and high temperature oxidation studies to help you determine which material is best suited to your application. By conducting a number of tests we can outline why an existing alloy has failed and which alloy would be the most suitable replacement. If it&#;s a new component then don&#;t worry, we have the expertise and technology to help complete thorough tests ensuring the alloy you choose is fit for purpose and of the highest quality. We can also provide detailed reports outlining life expectancy and resistance levels.

Cost &#; The Right All Will Pay For Itself

Selecting a cost effective alloy is highly desirable in today&#;s day and age, but in most cases opting for the cheaper option isn&#;t the answer especially when it comes to metal alloys. And to be truthful cost should be the last consideration when choosing a metal alloy. In most cases selecting a more expensive alloy will increase service life, reduce maintenance costs and less down time whilst providing less risk to the environment.

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Expert Advice

With so many metal alloys on the market even those engineers with considerable knowledge may still require advice and guidance. Here at NeoNickel we are highly regarded as the leading metal alloy supplier in Europe and our inventory of metal alloys is simply out of this world.

For more information on our large inventory of metal alloys or advice on choosing the right metal alloy for you then don&#;t hesitate to contact us. We&#;ll look forward to offering you expert advice and helping you select the right metal alloy for your application.

7 Things to Consider When Choosing an Aluminum Grade

Aluminum comes in many different shapes and grades. The type of aluminum grade you choose ultimately depends on how you intend to use the metal. Your intended use allows you to rank the characteristics of each grade from most important to least important. This will help you narrow down the list of suitable grades. For example, if weldability is most important to your project, but strength is not, it may make sense to choose Alloy , as this aluminum grade has excellent Weldability, but is not typically used for high-strength or high-pressure applications.

Use the quick reference chart at the end of this article to quickly and easily find the aluminum grade that is right for you.

When choosing an aluminum grade, consider if the following are important factors:

  • Formability or Workability
  • Weldability
  • Machining
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Heat Treating
  • Strength
  • Typical end use applications

Is Formability or Workability (the fashioning parts through mechanical deformation) an important factor?

Is the Weldability of the Aluminum an important factor?

Is the Machining of the Aluminum an important factor?

Is Corrosion Resistance of the Aluminum an important factor?

Is Heat Treating of the Aluminum an important factor?

Is the Strength of the Aluminum an important factor?

Typical end use applications of Aluminum Grades:

Quick Reference Chart &#; Choosing an Aluminum Grade

Formability or Workability Weldability Machining Corrosion Resistance Heat Treating Strength Typical Applications Alloy Excellent Excellent Good Excellent No Low Metal Spinning Alloy Good Poor Excellent Poor Yes High General Machining Alloy Good Poor Fair Poor Yes High Aerospace Application Alloy Excellent Excellent Good Good No Medium Chemical Equipment Alloy Good Good Fair Excellent No Medium Marine Applications Alloy Good Good Good Excellent Yes Medium Structural Applications Alloy Good Good Fair Good Yes Medium Architectural Applications Alloy Poor Poor Fair Average Yes High Aerospace Applications


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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Tantalum.