Titanium vs Steel: Which Metal Is the Right Choice for Your Project

08 Apr.,2024


Think about the strongest and most versatile metals used in the industry today. Certainly, your choices include titanium and steel. Both of these metals are an excellent choice for a variety of applications because of their superior chemical and physical properties. 

Titanium vs steel is certainly an important debate. While both metals offer a wide range of alloys and applications, they differ in many key characteristics as well such as their prices, toughness, and strength.

Sometimes, even the most experienced professionals find it confusing to make a smart choice. For the best results, it’s important to understand the main differences between the two metals. 

Titanium and Steel: An overview

Both titanium and steel bring different benefits to the table. Before diving into the technical details, let’s take a look at the brief overview of both metals by discussing their major properties, availability, price points, and common applications.  


Titanium is an elemental earth metal. You’ll mostly find it in high-performance industries because of its high cost. Due to the price tag, many people believe Titanium to be a rare metal. In reality, its high price is actually due to the complicated processing requirements. 

Naturally, titanium has an extremely high melting point. This makes it very hard to machine or process titanium compared to steel. The metal has multiple alloys with iron, aluminum, and various other metals. 

Today, titanium is an essential choice for several high-performance applications like aerospace, automotive engines, premium marine equipment, and industrial machines. Furthermore, you’ll even find titanium in some consumer products too. However, that use is quite rare and only reserved for premium products. 

Titanium’s superior corrosion resistance, impact absorption, strength-to-weight ratio, and numerous other properties make it the best choice that delivers superior performance in almost any setting.


Unlike titanium, steel is not naturally occurring and requires certain processes before it’s ready. Steel is primarily an alloy of iron and carbon. It’s available in a variety of different combinations with different amounts of other metals like titanium, chromium, zinc, or other metals to improve any specific property. 

Generally, steel is known for its strength, temperature resistance, tensile strength, high machinability, and other superior physical properties. Its lower cost and workable characteristics make steel a popular choice in many industries ranging from construction, automobile, infrastructure, industrial machinery, and much more.

Steel Vs Titanium: 8 Major Differences Between the Two Popular Metal Choices

Both steel and titanium are strong materials that are common in a variety of applications. The question is that in a matchup of steel vs titanium, which one comes out on top, steel or titanium? 

The right answer depends on the application and the constraints of your design. Sometimes, steel would be the better choice because of the functional requirements or the available budget. However, titanium’s superior physical properties can also be what you need in multiple applications as well. 

Here are 8 of the most important differences that you can consider while comparing titanium and steel for your application. 

1 – Elemental composition

The elemental composition is the first major difference in the matchup of titanium vs steel. As stated before, titanium is a naturally occurring element and is available in both pure forms and as an alloy. In most cases, Ti 6-4 – an alloy containing aluminum and vanadium – is the most common titanium alloy you’ll find. 

Steel, on the other hand, is not naturally occurring. It’s primarily a combination of iron and carbon with varying amounts of other elements added to tweak the properties depending on the application. This is why you won’t find the technical properties of steel anywhere. For detailed information, you’ll have to specify the alloy like stainless steel (even that has many types), high carbon steel, or specific alloys such as 4130, 4140, or A36. 

2 – Weight

The defining characteristics of titanium are its low density and high strength-to-weight ratio. That’s why this metal is a preferred material choice in the CNC machining aerospace industry and other similar applications where you need to reduce weight without compromising on strength.

Contrarily, steel alloys are generally durable and possess great strength but lose out in the weight department. They are a perfect choice for applications where weight is not among the primary design constraints. 

3 – Hardness

Hardness is among the areas where steel outperforms titanium. The low Brinell number is one of the reasons why titanium is so hard to machine. It is common to see titanium alloys in the industry as trace amounts of other metals offset the low material hardness of titanium. 

4 – Elasticity

This is another area where steel generally outshines titanium as most of its alloys are more elastic. Once again, greater elasticity makes the steel easier to machine and create custom parts, which is an extremely important characteristic as it directly affects the processing cost. 

The debate on steel vs titanium will never give you a straightforward answer. In all cases, your project, conditions, and the available budget will determine which one is the better choice. 

5 – Durability

Durability is a multi-faceted parameter with several aspects depending on the application. In the strength and longevity department, many steel alloys perform as well (sometimes even better) as titanium. However, titanium stands out because of its ultimate corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures.

While steel alloys generally perform quite well in many conditions, the presence of iron means that they will corrode eventually. Titanium, on the other hand, performs significantly better and is hence used in many harsh conditions where constant exposure to moisture, chemicals, and other elements is expected. 

6 – Tensile yield strength

In any titanium vs steel comparison, you’ll see that titanium offers more strength per unit mass. However, steel is still the better choice when overall strength is concerned and that fact becomes apparent when you compare their tensile yield strengths. 

If the strength of your selected metal is the sole concern, then steel is a natural choice. Titanium is ideal for situations where you are concerned about the strength along with the weight. That’s why construction and industries rely on steel while automotive and aerospace designs favor titanium. 

7 – Common applications

Titanium is generally used for high-performance applications where you need excellent thermal proprieties, corrosion resistance, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. Some of the most common applications of titanium are: 

  • Surgical Tools and Applications
  • Prosthetics
  • Aerospace
  • Tennis Rackets 
  • Motorsports Vehicle

Steel and its alloys are one of the most widely used metals because of their variety. From metal parts manufacturing to simple construction, and machinery development. You’ll find it everywhere. Here are some of its most common uses:

  • Construction 
  • Electrical Appliances
  • Manufacturing Pipes 
  • Trains and Cars 
  • Different Types of Common tools  

8 – Price

Price is a significant consideration in any titanium vs steel comparison and steel will always win in that department. As stated before, titanium is quite abundant but its high melting point and processing requirements make it significantly expensive to purify and machine. In many cases, using something as expensive as titanium simply doesn’t make business sense.

Contrary to titanium, steel is an extremely cost-effective option. It’s easier to produce, as there is no shortage of iron and carbon in the world. Furthermore, steel doesn’t have any elaborate processing requirements. Steel prices, however, vary greatly due to the sheer number of its variants. An alloy with only carbon and iron would be the cheapest while those enriched with chromium, zinc, or even titanium would require more capital.

Now you may understand the differences between titanium and steel more deeply so that you would know how to choose the better material for your project. If you’re designing a metal part and looking for rapid prototyping services, RapidDirect is your choice. RapidDirect is famous for manufacturing parts and prototypes at competitive pricing and the shortest lead time. Get started now!

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Interested in a quick answer? Here’s a brief table to give you a steel vs titanium comparison at a glance. 

CharacteristicTitaniumSteelElemental compositionIt’s a naturally occurring element that you can find in its pure form and as an alloy as well.Steel is primarily an alloy of iron and carbon and has to undergo numerous processes. Its properties can be tweaked using other elements, depending on what your requirements are. WeightTitanium is far lighter compared to several of its alternatives and offers a better weight-to-strength ratio.It losses out in the weight department. Steel is ideal for applications where weight is not a concern. HardnessTitanium is hard to machine as it has a low hardnessSteel is far better compared to titanium in this regard and usually has a high Brinell number.ElasticityThe elasticity of titanium is low, making it difficult to machine as it deforms easily. Having a much higher elasticity, steel is easier to a machine.DurabilityGenerally, titanium has better corrosion and temperature resistance.Steel can, under perfect conditions, perform better than titanium but it is susceptible to corrosion.Tensile yield strengthDespite offering more strength per unit, titanium has a lower tensile yield strength compared to steel.Steel has a high yield strength, making it a favorable choice for designers whose primary focus is on strength only. ApplicationsHigh-performance applications like aerospace, motorsports vehicles, marine engines, etc.  Most used metal with varying applications in industrial equipment, construction, and other areas.PriceGenerally, more expensive because of high extraction and processing requirements.A more cost-effective choice because of simple production and processing requirement.

Titanium compared to steel – The pros and cons of each metal

Both these materials come with their unique set of properties which make one or the other more suitable to your particular requirements. So, is titanium better than stainless steel for you? The following in-depth analysis about their advantages and disadvantages might help clear out some of that confusion.  

Advantages of titanium

Corrosion Resistance 

The best part about using titanium is its incredible corrosion resistance. Titanium forms a thin, impenetrable, layer of oxide on its surface when exposed to air. Moreover, the oxide layer is naturally strong and resists almost all common sources of corrosion, which makes titanium a perfect choice for any outdoor application.

Unusually High Melting Point 

The titanium also demonstrates a high melting point. A melting point of around 1668 °C makes titanium the perfect choice for high-temperature applications like turbine jet engines, etc. 

Non-Toxic Element 

Unlike most materials, titanium is not toxic to humans or animals. This is why you’ll see liberal use of titanium in the medical industry. From strengthening bones to dental braces, titanium is the primary choice for medical professionals. 

Ability to Withstand Extreme Temperatures

Many properties of titanium allow it to demonstrate high resistance to extreme temperatures. Titanium doesn’t suffer contraction or expansion, making it an essential component to maintain structural integrity. 

High Strength 

Finally, titanium is one of the strongest materials that you can find. Despite having lightweight, titanium offers an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. 

Advantages of Steel

Low Cost

Steel is one of the most commonly used and widely available materials in the world. It’s also relatively inexpensive and cheap to acquire.

High Strength 

There has never been a time when steel wasn’t renowned for its strength and durability. Steel can also survive and maintain structural integrity through harsh environments such as tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.


The best part about steel is that it can always be reused with minimal processing without ever losing its original strength or versatility. 


Steel, as a component, allows designers greater flexibility and customizability compared to its other alternatives. Through using various other elements, the properties of steel can be altered to what you need. 

Predictable Reactions 

You’ll never know how a certain material will react to uncontrolled conditions, but this is usually not the case with steel as its reactions can easily be predicted. 

Disadvantages of Titanium

High Cost

The many benefits of titanium can be offset by its high cost. Without proper consideration, you can easily end up exhausting your budget.  


Titanium has a low modulus of elasticity and can easily be deformed. The low stress to strain ratio of titanium makes it difficult to machine. 

Difficulty with casting

If you’re planning on using titanium for casting, you should stop and look for other alternatives. The inherent properties of titanium, such as its high melting point and strength, make the casting process complicated.  

Complicated processing

In layman’s terms, this property of titanium has to be managed differently in all production stages, making it expensive and complicated to process. 

Difficult to extract 

Extracting Titanium is difficult as well. Not only are the components required for extraction expensive, but they’re also dangerous to handle. Furthermore, the extraction process also leads to soil erosion and other environmental problems. 

Disadvantages of Steel

High Maintenance 

If steel isn’t properly maintained, it can lose up to 1.5mm of its thickness and hence, its strength each year. 

Low Strength at High Temperatures 

Steel also requires extensive protection against high temperatures. While you’ll never be in danger of combustion, steel can deform at high temperatures and can even lead to a collapse of the entire structure.


Usually, steel sections are made of thin steel plates. If an additional load is placed on these plates, it can cause the steel to become distorted. 


For a majority of items, steel isn’t considered pleasing to look at.  That’s why steel products usually need surface finishing or cladding to make them more aesthetically appealing. 


Steel is highly susceptible to corrosion and requires regular maintenance and protection to avoid rusting. One of the most common ways of protecting steel structures is through covering them with paint and limiting their exposure to air.

Choose Your Best Partner

Still confused about whether to use titanium or steel? Or do you need a partner that can help you get the best out of both these materials and deliver premium quality products at the lowest price? If so, RapidDirect is exactly what you need. 

RapidDirect is proficient in the use of both titanium and steel and can provide custom fabrication and manufacturing services. We also provide competitive prototyping and manufacturing for low-volume production. You can contact us for both guidance as well as professional advice regarding the manufacturing of your design and material usage. Simply upload your CAD file and get an instant quote.

Titanium vs steel: Conclusion

There’s a reason why the choice between using steel and titanium isn’t as easy as it seems. Depending on the unique requirements of your design, you’ll prefer one or the other. It’s best to understand the fundamental properties of both materials before making your final choice.

Is titanium stronger than steel?

If you’re looking for a short answer, yes. Titanium has a higher strength-to-weight ratio, making it well-suited for applications that place a premium on stronger, lighter alloys — like aerospace.

Keep reading for the long answer because, like most things in manufacturing, it isn’t quite that simple.

Both steel and titanium are strong, durable, and can easily withstand tough, high-stress environments. The answer to which is stronger can depend on the exact grade of steel or titanium and the context in which it is being used.

Some types of steel are actually stronger than some types of titanium, especially when it comes to hardness or resistance to wear and tear. For example, 17-PH stainless steel can have a higher tensile strength than some titanium grades while still being relatively strong and corrosion-resistant.

It also depends on whether you are discussing alloyed or unalloyed steel. Alloyed steels, such as stainless steel, are generally stronger than plain carbon steel because adding elements (like nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium) alters the steel's properties and can make it stronger, harder, more ductile, and more resistant to wear and corrosion.

If you’re trying to decide whether steel or titanium is right for the needs of your demanding application, this article will explore the properties, limitations, and advantages of each high-strength alloy.

Properties of Titanium and Steel

Many industries prize steel and titanium for their durability, strength, and resistance to harsh environments. However, each material has unique properties that make it suitable for specific applications. Knowing these properties is critical to choosing the perfect material for your needs.

Properties of Titanium

Titanium is a naturally occurring element. Titanium dioxide, which occurs in plants and animals, interacts with oxygen to form titanium oxide, which appears in ores, sand, and soil. William Gregor, an English mineralogist, first identified titanium in 1791 as a new element in black sand.

However, it took until 1910 for Matthew Hunter to develop the first commercial process for producing titanium. Hunter’s process heated titanium chloride with metallic sodium in an airtight steel cylinder to make pure metallic titanium. Then, William Kroll invented a new process in 1932, which reduces titanium tetrachloride with calcium to produce ductile titanium.

Several types of titanium exist, including commercially pure (CP) titanium and titanium alloys. While CP titanium delivers high corrosion resistance, a titanium alloy proves ideal for high-strength applications in aerospace and medical implants.

The versatility of titanium results from its strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. It is a go-to material for a wide range of applications, including aerospace, medical devices, sporting goods, and jewelry.

Properties of Steel

Steel is an extremely strong, fracture-resistant alloy of iron and carbon. We can trace this material’s origins back to over four thousand years ago, which was the beginning of the Iron Age. As the Industrial Revolution began in the nineteenth century, builders required stronger, more versatile metals to build structures like railroads. Thus, several inventors developed methods to produce steel on a massive scale.

Manufacturers make steel by first smelting iron from its ore. Then, they reprocess the steel to reduce the amount of carbon to the desired ratio. Manufacturers may then add other elements to create a steel alloy, such as manganese, chromium, cobalt, nickel, and titanium.

Steel is a very dense material that is physically hard yet simple to work with. It is extremely strong, magnetic, and able to conduct heat and electricity. Due to its strength and low cost, steel is a popular choice for applications like buildings, weapons, ships, and steel frames for cars.

Some types of steel are susceptible to corrosion, however. Stainless steel, a rust- and corrosion-resistant alloy that contains chromium, can help reduce this risk. Manufacturers often use stainless steel for surgical implants and home products, like cutlery, kitchen sinks, and cookware.

Property Relationship of Titanium to Steel

There are several key differences between the properties of titanium versus steel. First, steel is an alloy, while titanium is a chemical element. The production process for titanium is more complex than steel, especially for pure titanium.

Other differences include:

  • Steel is stronger than titanium, with higher tensile yield strength. However, titanium offers higher strength-to-weight ratios.
  • Titanium boasts excellent corrosion resistance, especially in harsh environments. Some types of steel are more prone to corrosion.
  • Titanium is lighter than steel, making it a popular choice for weight-sensitive applications.
  • Steel is more widely available and less expensive than titanium.
  • Titanium is biocompatible and commonly used in medical implants, while steel has lower biocompatibility and higher tissue reaction risk.

Titanium Strength versus Steel Strength

Both titanium metal and steel are tough and able to withstand high stress, making them ideal for applications where high strength is a key factor. It is common to wonder which is the strongest material. However, the answer is not straightforward.

How to Determine Strength

Mechanical tests such as tensile strength, yield strength, and hardness tests determine the strength of steel and titanium.

  • Tensile strength tests measure the maximum load the metal can withstand before breaking.
  • Yield strength tests measure the stress at which the metal yields and permanently deforms.
  • Hardness tests measure the metal’s resistance to plastic deformation by determining the depth of the indentation in the metal surface.

The strength of each metal depends on its composition and microstructure. Steel boasts higher strength than titanium, but titanium stands out for its lighter weight and corrosion resistance.

Titanium’s Advantage

While steel beats titanium in terms of high strength, titanium is lighter and can support more weight relative to its own. This is critical for applications where both strength and weight are factors, such as aerospace, sports equipment, and biomedical implants.

Titanium also has good fatigue resistance, meaning it can withstand repeated stress cycles without failure. On the other hand, steel is more susceptible to fatigue cracking and may not be the best choice for these applications.

Varying Strengths of Steel

The strength of titanium and different types of steel, such as stainless steel, can vary depending on their composition, heat treatment, and manufacturing process. Here is a very general comparison between the two materials:

  • Density: 7.8–8 g/cm3 for steel; 4.51 g/cm3 for titanium
  • Tensile yield strength: 350 megapascals for steel; 140 megapascals for titanium
  • Stiffness: 200 gigapascals for steel; 116 gigapascals for titanium
  • Fracture strain: 15 percent for steel; 54 percent for titanium
  • Hardness on the Brinell scale: 121 for steel; 70 for titanium

The choice between titanium and steel depends on the specific requirements of the application.

Generally, high strength, low alloy steels have higher tensile and yield strength than titanium. However, titanium has a higher strength-to-weight ratio and better fatigue resistance.

Tool steels have high hardness and wear resistance but tend to overheat. Stainless steel has better corrosion resistance but lower strength. Unalloyed titanium has a very similar tensile strength to carbon steel, but carbon steel is much denser and a better fit for applications like buildings, bridges, and high-strength wire.

Commercial Viability of Titanium and Steel

Both titanium and steel have unique properties. However, titanium’s cost and availability can impact its commercial viability, which businesses need to consider before selecting a material.

A Limited Resource?

First, titanium is somewhat of a scarce resource, which hinders its availability and raises its cost. This is due to several factors:

  • Raw material scarcity: Minerals such as ilmenite and rutile provide the primary source of titanium. However, they are rare and only available in a few countries, limiting the global supply and raising the price of titanium.
  • Complex extraction: Extracting titanium from its ores is a complex and energy-intensive process. It requires specialized equipment and high temperatures, which increases production costs and limits availability.
  • Growing demand: Titanium has a unique combination of strength, lightness, and corrosion resistance, which makes it attractive to manufacturers. This demand further limits global supply and raises the price. As a result, companies seek cheaper alternatives like stainless steel.

Technical and Commercial Limitations

Titanium can be difficult and expensive to fabricate. The complex and energy-intensive process of titanium extraction and production makes the material extremely costly.

Additionally, there are a limited number of titanium alloys, which makes it difficult to find the right choice for specific applications. The price for titanium is quite high, and manufacturers often seek cheaper substitutes such as stainless steel.

Cost of Titanium

Titanium is generally more expensive than steel due to the factors mentioned above. These prices depend on the specific type and titanium grade but can be as high as $35–$50 per kilogram. Stainless steel can cost $1–$1.50 for the same amount. Titanium alloys are usually more expensive due to additional features like higher tensile strength and flexibility.

Manufacturers need to weigh these costs with titanium’s benefits. In the aerospace and medical device industries, titanium is a preferred choice due to its corrosion resistance and aerodynamics. On the other hand, construction and car manufacturers often choose different types of steel, including stainless steel, for their durability and sheer strength.

The Choice between Using Titanium or Steel

The choice between titanium or steel is a crucial decision that can impact the success of a project. By weighing the different properties and features, you can decide which material is best for your needs.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to choosing between titanium and steel, there is no clear winner. Both materials have their strengths and weaknesses. Generally, titanium has a better weight-to-strength ratio, while steel wins in its sheer strength and affordability.

Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Cost
  • Strength
  • Weight
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Ease of fabrication
  • Availability of alloys
  • Biocompatibility, if required
  • Durability and life span

When to Choose Titanium

In applications requiring light weight, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, and high-temperature resistance, titanium can be a better choice than steel. This makes titanium ideal for use in aerospace, medical devices, chemical processing, marine, and high-temperature industrial applications.

When to Choose Steel

Steel may be a better choice than titanium in applications where cost-effectiveness, ease of fabrication, and the availability of alloys such as stainless steel are important factors. Construction, automotive, and heavy machinery companies often benefit from its ease of use, lower price, and wide range of alloys for different requirements.

However, steel’s density and lack of biocompatibility make it unsuitable for many applications, like medical devices and aerospace fasteners. The choice between titanium and steel depends on application requirements and a trade-off analysis of cost, strength, weight, corrosion resistance, fabrication ease, and alloy options.

Your Premier Materials Partner

To choose between titanium and materials like stainless steel, you need to balance the specific needs and demands of your project with the benefits and drawbacks of each material. This process can be complex but having the right materials partner on your side can help.

At Ulbrich, our partnership program starts with a materials evaluation to help identify the right metals and attributes required to reduce risk, decrease failure rates, and increase your speed to market. We work together with our customers to specify the perfect alloy, finish, edge condition, mechanical properties, and more. Contact us today.

Titanium vs Steel: Which Metal Is the Right Choice for Your Project

Titanium Versus Steel: A Battle of Strength