What are the rules for LPG gas refill?

13 May.,2024


How old can a propane tank be?

Under federal law, propane tanks - also called cylinders - can’t be more than 12 years old. At that point, an LPG tank can no longer be refilled or reused, and should be disposed of in a proper and safe manner.

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Just like all things in life, time has a way of taking its toll. When it comes to a propane tank, however, there are clear ways to know if your tank’s time is coming to an end.

How can I tell how old my propane tank is?

At first glance it might seem difficult to determine when your gas grill tank is reaching its expiration date. But a little knowledge and some examination reveals a consistent way to determine your tank’s age.

Every propane tank manufactured has a series of numbers stamped on its collar, or the handle area near the top of the tank. It includes the original production date in a month-year format.

For instance, a tank produced in June of 2017 will have the date 06-17 stamped on the collar. Additional letters and numbers provide more information about the tank. An “E” at the end of the date stamp means the tank has been recertified for use, while the numbers that follow the letters “TW” indicate the tanks’ empty, or tare weight.

Regularly inspect your propane tank

Regardless of your tank’s age, it’s always a good idea to regularly inspect your tank for defects, corrosion, wear, or any damage that could affect its ability to safely deliver your propane.  

What to do with an old propane tank

Our friends at Blue Rhino have several ways you can dispose of your old propane tanks. Since there’s a possibility of propane left in the tank, many landfills, recycling centers, and scrap metal dealers will not accept unwanted tanks for recycling. However, some propane exchange companies, including Blue Rhino, will happily take your unused propane cylinders and recycle them at no cost to you. If you have a propane tank that you don’t want, place your old tank beside a Blue Rhino display and we’ll take care of the rest. 

Subject 120-3-16

NFPA 58, 2020 Edition, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases:


(a) Modifications to Chapter 4: 1. Delete Section 4.4 in its entirety and substitute in its place the following:

"4.4 Qualifications of Personnel. Persons who transfer liquid LP-Gas, who are employed to transport LP-Gas, or whose primary duties fall within the scope of this code shall be trained in accordance with Section 120-3-16-.04 of this Rule. Prior to obtaining a license for any of the activities listed in Section 120-3-16-.01 of this Rule, new applicant(s) must provide verification that all responsible persons such as owner or manager, and any employee(s) handling LP-Gas, have received and successfully completed safety training in the proper handling and operating procedures of LP Gas. This training shall be maintained and be kept up to date for the applicant's license to remain valid. The Applicant must be the owner or manager of the business applying for the LP-Gas license."

2. Delete subsections 4.4.1 - 4.4.4 in its entirety. (b) Modifications to Chapter 5: 1. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" The design, fabrication, and marking provisions for containers and features normally associated with container fabrication, such as container openings, appurtenances required for these openings to make the containers gas tight entities, physical damage protecting devices, and container supports attached to or furnished with the container by the manufacturer shall meet the requirements of this section. All tank distributors or firms who manufacture or sell ASME liquefied petroleum gas containers shall provide each Georgia dealer who purchases such containers with a manufacturer's data sheet for each container as set forth in Section VIII of ASME's Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. All such data sheets shall be signed by an inspector regularly employed by an insurance company or authorized governmental unit who holds a Certificate of Competency and Commission from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. All dealers shall file such data sheets as part of their regular records, separated by name of manufacturer and serial number of the container. Such records shall be available during regular office hours for inspection by the Safety Fire Division or authorized agent thereof. This requirement shall also apply to containers which are utilized on trucks, semi-trailers, and trailers. When containers used in this State are purchased by control purchasing departments of companies, corporations, their subdivisions or individuals operating within this State, such records shall be retained by the department, subdivision or individual. Copies of the manufacturer's data sheets shall be available to the representative of the Safety Fire Division upon request."

2. Delete subsection 5.23.2 in its entirety and substitute in its place the following:

"5.23.2 Any appliance originally manufactured for operation with a gaseous fuel other than LP-Gas shall not be used with LP-Gas unless it is converted to use LP-Gas, and is tested for performance with LP-Gas before being placed into use. No person shall use liquefied petroleum gas as a source of pressure in operating spray guns and other equipment not specifically designed or intended to use liquefied petroleum gas."

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(c) Modifications to Chapter 6: 1. Add a new subsection 6.1.4 to read as follows:

"6.1.4 General Provisions. Bulk storage facilities, cylinder filling facilities, and cylinder exchange staging areas shall have emergency contact information posted in a prominent location accessible to persons who might notice leaks, fires or other unsafe conditions. For bulk storage and cylinder filling facilities the letters shall be at least 2 inches high using approximately a 1/4 inch stroke. At cylinder exchange staging areas the letters shall be 3/4 inches high using approximately a 1/8 inch stroke. 'No smoking' signs shall be conspicuously posted."

2. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" Piping, tubing or regulators shall be considered well supported when they are rigidly fastened in their intended position."

3. Add a new subsection 6.24.9 to read as follows:

"6.24.9_Security and Protection Against Tampering. Vaporizers shall have fencing or protection against tampering in accordance with 6.21.4 and protection against vehicle collision."

(d) Modifications to Chapter 7: 1. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" No person shall introduce LP Gas into a container, evacuate a container, or otherwise modify or tamper with a container without the written permission of the container owner.

Exception: A Georgia dealer in LP-Gas may evacuate a container not owned by such dealer for the purpose of transferring the LP-Gas remaining in the container into a container which is owned by the dealer or the ultimate consumer, provided that the dealer owning the container to be evacuated is notified of the transfer. The Georgia dealer in LP-Gas evacuating the container shall document such notification and shall maintain a record of the notification for a period not less than three years."

(e) Modifications to Chapter 8: 1. Add a new subsection 8.2.3 to read as follows:

"8.2.3 When cylinders are stored in exchange or storage cages, the name of the lp-gas supplier and the supplier's emergency contact information shall be posted on the front of the cage using letters 3/4 inches high using approximately a 1/8 inch stroke."

(f) Modifications to Chapter 9: 1. Add a new subsection 9.1.3 to read as follows:

"9.1.3 General Provisions."

2. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" Drivers shall not be addicted to or under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics, and intoxicating beverages shall not be carried on or consumed in transport vehicles."

3. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" Except during transfer operations, the liquid valve(s) of all tanks and cargo tanks trucks shall be closed by means of self-closing shut-off valves."

4. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" The transfer of L.P. Gas from vehicle to vehicle at any location which is open to and readily accessible to the public and on any public highway, road, street, or alley is allowed only with approval of the Safety Fire Division except in emergency situations."

5. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" In addition, the common name of the product or the words 'LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS' shall be marked on the rear and sides of cargo tanks in letters at least 2 inches high using approximately a 1/4 inch stroke, with red letters upon a white background."

6. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

" The name and telephone number of the owner or operator of any vehicle required to be marked shall be displayed on each side of the vehicle in legible lettering."

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit CNG Tube Skids.