What is Geotextile Membrane used for?

08 Jul.,2024


What is Geotextile Membrane used for?

A geotextile is a synthetic permeable textile material utilized with soil, rock, or any other geotechnical engineering-related material. Geotextile, as well called geosynthetics, are commonly associated with high-standard all-season roads but can be used in low-standard logging roads.

What is Geotextile Membrane used for?

A geotextile is a synthetic permeable textile material utilized with soil, rock, or any other geotechnical engineering-related material. Geotextile, as well called geosynthetics, are commonly associated with high-standard all-season roads but can be used in low-standard logging roads.

Geotextile membranes are a category of fabric that can be installed into the ground to create a protective membrane. They can be used in a vast range of situations and have many perks, starting from landscaping projects to construction, but are generally found in drainage and engineering projects. They are as well commonly known as &#;Terram&#; (a brand specializing in geotextile membranes) or geotextile and A bit such as calling a vacuum cleaner a &#;hoover&#;.

Geotextile are a sort of geosynthetics material that has become more and more popular over the past fifteen years. The material is obligated its success in more than 80 applications to a large extent to its resistance to biodegradation. Geotextile are certainly textiles, yet not in the traditional sense of the word. They are no organic materials like cotton, wool, or silk. Geotextile are synthetic fibers that can be built into an extensible, porous, nonwoven needle felt fabric. They are absorptive to water flow, to differing degrees.

Different Uses for Geotextile Membranes

Geotextile are porous fabrics made from synthetic materials such as polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, nylon, polyvinyl chloride, and various mixtures of these.

They are available in thicknesses extending from 10 to 300 mils (1 mil = 1/ inch) in widths up to 30 ft, in roll lengths up to ft. The absorptive of geotextile sheets is comparable in the range from coarse gravel to fine sand. They are each two woven from continuous monofilament fibers or non-woven created by the use of thermal or chemical bonding of continuous fibers and pressed through rollers into a relatively thin fabric. These fabrics are effectively strong and durable even in a belligerent soil environment. They acquire pH resistance of 3 to 11.The use of geotextiles in geotechnical engineering has been evolving in popularity for the last many years. Geotextile Membranes can be used in so many ways.

Separating Types of Aggregates

Geotextile membranes can help separate two types of soil and sums that you don&#;t want to mix, particularly when water is running through them. Different types of soil can have different consistencies, resulting in fine particles being washed away amid rainfall into the percolation channels. The mixing of soil can cause the ground to turn uneven and even sink as small particles are washed down between the larger particles.
Geotextile membranes can avoid this by not allowing the smaller particles to become displaced even at the time of rainfall. In addition, this can prevent drainage channels within courser soil from becoming clogged by smaller particles, reducing the potential for standing water and flooding post rainfall.

Protecting Against Erosion

Protection geotextile membranes are frequently used in coastal areas between the beach and coastal defense projects to prevent erosion. The membrane must be firm enough that the coastal defense project can&#;t damage it, but permeable much to allow for drainage to happen. Specialist membranes are usually needed for this purpose as they have to be super strong so as not to tear on the defense materials like gabions.

Weed Membranes

Weed control fabrics are another kind of geotextile membrane and can be utilized to protect plants, as the plant is allowed to grow while weeds are prevented from doing the same, eliminating competition between species for space and nutrients. Permitting the plants you want to grow to get more nutrients themselves, instead of weeds sucking them up!

They can as well be used as barriers are being used to contain harmful substances at landfill sites for instance, from contaminating the area.
Ocean Global is the paramount geosynthetics material supplier and geosynthetics manufacturer in India. They are a supplier of geosynthetic products, for illustration., geotextile, geogrids, geomembranes, geocomposites, and geonets from India. With a handsome experience of more than 21 years, they are quick to work with the latest technology providing innovative engineering solutions. They strive to maintain the greatest standards in their manufacturing and production processes and provide seamless integration.

Geotextile are a sort of geosynthetics material that has become more and more popular over the past fifteen years. The material is obligated its success in more than 80 applications to a large extent to its resistance to biodegradation. Geotextile are certainly textiles, yet not in the traditional sense of the word. They are no organic materials like cotton, wool, or silk. Geotextile are synthetic fibers that can be built into an extensible, porous, nonwoven needle felt fabric. They are absorptive to water flow, to differing degrees.

Some Interesting facts about Geotextiles

We are surrounded by various types of textiles in our daily lives. Geotextile are a bit different but very famed due to their use in over 80 different types of applications around us. These are simply synthetic fibers turned into a fabric with absorptive qualities and are contrary to biodegradation.

Geotextile were intended to be purposed as an alternative to soil filters. Based on the textile&#;s intended properties, these fabrics have been utilized to separate, reinforce, filter, protect or drain. Sometimes known as geosynthetics, geotextile are primarily used in civil or environmental engineering undertakings.

1. History of Geotextile

Originally geotextile were called filter fabrics. In the s, R.J.Berrett begin working with geotextile, utilizing them in erosion control situations such as behind precast concrete sea-walls, underneath large stone ripraps, beneath precast concrete erosion control blocks, etc. After this, he used distinctive woven monofilament fabrics, with 6 to 30% of the open region. The requirement for permeability along with soil retention, fabric durability, and elongation made geotextile perfect for use in filtration situations.

Though, Geotextile go preceding, Geotextile were one of the initial textile products possibly used in human history. Exceptionally so, Egyptian site excavations have shown the purpose of linen and grass mats. These early on, Geotextile were made occasionally with natural fibers or vegetation mixed with soil to enhance road stability.

2. Features of Geotextile 

Geotextile should be capable to permit material exchange between soil and air, so it should be passable for plants to grow roots, rainwater to come into the soil, or excess water to exhaust out without causing erosion, etc. This creates the following certain characteristics necessary to be present in Geotextile:

  • Physical features-

    Right particular gravity, weight, rigidity, weight, and frequency

  • Mechanical features

    &#; right firmness, tensile vitality, drapability, bursting rigidity, affability, frictional support, and tearing clout.

  • Hydraulic features-

    absorbency, transitivity, absorptive, turbidity, and diffusivity defiance to the bio, hydraulic, photo, chemical, and mechanical deterioration.

  • Endurance features

    &#; grating resistance, continuation, and appropriate clogging length.

3. Categories of Geotextile 

There are varied categories of Geotextile used for various operations. Although capturing every type in this blog is not practically possible, we can discuss the three principal types of geotextile used, especially woven, non-woven and polyspun.

Woven Geotextile

Woven Geotextile are purposed mainly for separation and reinforcement operations. Great tensile strength and load capacity features make these suitable for the above-mentioned functions. These are comparably impermeable, during not good with drainage; they have high compressive strengths making them perfect to be used in the construction of roads, etc.

Non-woven Geotextiles

Non-woven textiles are felt such as materials that lack tensile, shear, or compressive strength fronts but are best in fields where separation, drainage, or filtration properties are required. They hence are good for hardscape operations or erosion control.

Polyspun Geotextiles

Polyspun geotextiles are as well non-woven materials with separation being their main function. These materials are absorptive, and thus are used to add drainage, but they fail to add any form of reinforcement. These are typically used as weed barriers.

4. Fibers Utilized For Geotextiles

Both natural and synthetic fibers are purposed in manufacturing different types of geotextiles, suited for various functions.

Natural fibers in the shape of paper strips, wood shavings, jute nets, or wool mulch are utilized in geotextiles. Natural geotextiles are used particularly when they are required to bio-degrade in a relatively shorter period, like when they are applied for preventing soil erosion till vegetation sets.

Synthetic fibers are chiefly used for geotextiles. There are 4 prime synthetic polymers, polyester, polyethylene, polyamide, and polypropylene that are broadly used for manufacturing geotextile.

5. Applications of Geotextiles

For a wider understanding, geotextiles can be understood as any textile product used beneath the soil. This makes geotextiles handy in applications such as streets, ponds, pipelines, embankments, etc. reinforcements. In any application, geotextiles are used for six discrete causes, separation, filtration, reinforcements, drainage, protection, and enclosure. These functions as well make geotextiles useful in multiple environmental and civil undertakings.

Application in Dam Construction

Geotextiles as well have a wide application when it comes to embankment dam construction. The application, howbeit, may be limited in some cases since geotextiles are prone to installation damage and have a hidden for clogging. Thus, they are architected and accepted by experienced engineers considering all aspects of design and construction.

Geotextiles have the following functions on account of their application in Dams:

Filtration & Drainage

In some situations, geotextiles play a very vital role in the filtration of seepage through and under embankment dams. These textiles function as a filter, controlling the transport of soil particles by seepage.

Protection and dissolution

The most usual application of geotextiles is its usage as a separator of natural material to prevent the contamination of adjacent zones in the embankment. 

Surface Stabilization

Geotextiles can effectively function as armor systems to minimize erosion associated with the dams and sediment transport at the time of dam construction.


How long do geomembranes last?

The lifespan of geomembranes depends on factors such as material quality, installation techniques, site conditions, and exposure to UV radiation. Generally, well-installed geomembranes can last for several decades.

Can geomembranes be repaired if damaged?

Yes, geomembranes can often be repaired using specialized techniques such as patching, welding, or fusion bonding, depending on the extent and type of damage.

Can geomembranes be used in contact with various chemicals?

Yes, certain types of geomembranes are specifically engineered to withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals, acids, and alkalis, making them suitable for chemical containment applications.

Functions of Geotextiles for Soft Soil Stabilization

Geotextiles are made from chemically resistant synthetic fibers to prevent biodegrading. Geotextile fabrics are either knitted or matted together by heat-sealing or needle punching. Although all geotextiles are permeable, their mechanical and hydraulic properties can vary widely. They are used in civil construction projects for soil stabilization purposes for roads, landfills, drainage structures, and more. Geotextile soil stabilization fabrics help to make soft or poor soil more manageable. By reinforcing soft soil foundations, geotextiles help make construction possible in places that were previously not suitable to build on.

Geotextile Functions


Geotextiles are often used to separate two layers of soil with different particle sizes so that each may retain their integrity and function. When water gets into the soil strata, the geotextile will prevent the soils from mixing together. The most important performance criteria for geotextile separation are AOS (apparent opening size), tear, tensile strength, permeability, and permittivity.


Geotextiles act as a filter by retaining soil particles as water is allowed to flow through the soil. The most important performance criteria for geotextile filtration are AOS, permeability, and permittivity. The geotextile fabric must also allow for adequate flow, proper soil retention, and resist clogging.


Geotextiles can also act as a drain, gathering and discharging liquids or gases not required functionally by the structure. The most important performance criteria for geotextile drainage are mass, transmissivity, and permeability.


Geotextiles act as a reinforcing element to the soil matrix helping to provide a stronger structural material. A geotextile must be able to transfer its strength to the soil it is reinforcing. It must maintain that strength for maximum effectiveness and allow water to easily pass through while filtering out fine materials that can weaken the soil. Because of the this, the most important performance criteria for geotextile reinforcement are grab strength, elongation, tear, and mass.


Geotextiles help to shield synthetic membranes from puncture, abrasion, and perforation. The most important criteria for geotextile protection are puncture resistance, mass, and burst strength.

Woven vs Nonwoven Geotextiles

Woven geotextiles are made by weaving together polypropylene or polyester fibers. These types of geotextile soil stabilization fabrics are mainly used for the functions of separation and reinforcement. Woven geotextiles are categorized by their tensile strength which is resistance to breaking under tension. With a plastic-like feel to them, woven geotextiles are impermeable which means they do not offer much drainage. Because of their high load capacity, woven geotextiles are mostly used for roads and parking lots. There are a few different kinds of woven geotextiles. Silt-film wovens have flat strands for strength while monofilaments have round fibers to create more uniform opening sizes for drainage applications. High strength and high-performance wovens can also be knitted or woven to achieve the desired performance characteristics.

Nonwoven geotextiles are a more felt-like material also made from polypropylene or polyester fibers. However, instead of weaving two pieces of material together, they are needle punched and heat set. As opposed to tensile strength, nonwoven geotextiles are categorized by weight and are available in light-weight (3-5 oz), medium-weight (6-8 oz), heavy-weight (10-16 oz), or ultra heavy-weight (100 oz). They are permeable and are mostly used for drainage and filtration.

Common Applications for Geotextile Soil Stabilization Fabrics


Embankments can be constructed on soft soil foundations with the help of a geogrid and/or a high strength geotextile. The geotextile and/or geogrid is used at the base to provide stability while limiting differential settlement. Doing this allows for the formation of higher embankments and steeper side slopes.

Steepened Slopes

Geogrids and geotextiles can work together to reinforce steepened slopes. They are placed in layers during construction to provide tensile resistance and enhanced stability for the steepened slope. To enhance aesthetics, the face of the slope can be wrapped with geotextile and vegetated.

Retaining Walls

Geogrids and geotextiles can also be used to create a reinforced soil wall or retaining wall. Geotextile reinforced soil retaining walls allow contractors to use on-site fill and give them a variety of facing options such as segmental concrete blocks, treated timber, natural stone, or vegetated facings.

High-Quality Geotextile Soil Stabilization Fabrics

IWT Cargo-Guard offers factory seaming of geotextile soil stabilization fabrics to custom widths and lengths. Seaming capabilities range from nonwoven, slit-film wovens and monofilament wovens to the high performance/high-strength polypropylene (PP) and polyester (PET) geotextiles. We also offer off-line slitting and re-rolling with fast delivery to your job site. If you&#;re looking for geotextiles in custom roll sizes or factory seamed panels, contact us today to get started!

Geotextile membranes are a category of fabric that can be installed into the ground to create a protective membrane. They can be used in a vast range of situations and have many perks, starting from landscaping projects to construction, but are generally found in drainage and engineering projects. They are as well commonly known as &#;Terram&#; (a brand specializing in geotextile membranes) or geotextile and A bit such as calling a vacuum cleaner a &#;hoover&#;.

Geotextile are a sort of geosynthetics material that has become more and more popular over the past fifteen years. The material is obligated its success in more than 80 applications to a large extent to its resistance to biodegradation. Geotextile are certainly textiles, yet not in the traditional sense of the word. They are no organic materials like cotton, wool, or silk. Geotextile are synthetic fibers that can be built into an extensible, porous, nonwoven needle felt fabric. They are absorptive to water flow, to differing degrees.

Different Uses for Geotextile Membranes

Geotextile are porous fabrics made from synthetic materials such as polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, nylon, polyvinyl chloride, and various mixtures of these.

They are available in thicknesses extending from 10 to 300 mils (1 mil = 1/ inch) in widths up to 30 ft, in roll lengths up to ft. The absorptive of geotextile sheets is comparable in the range from coarse gravel to fine sand. They are each two woven from continuous monofilament fibers or non-woven created by the use of thermal or chemical bonding of continuous fibers and pressed through rollers into a relatively thin fabric. These fabrics are effectively strong and durable even in a belligerent soil environment. They acquire pH resistance of 3 to 11.The use of geotextiles in geotechnical engineering has been evolving in popularity for the last many years. Geotextile Membranes can be used in so many ways.

Separating Types of Aggregates

Geotextile membranes can help separate two types of soil and sums that you don&#;t want to mix, particularly when water is running through them. Different types of soil can have different consistencies, resulting in fine particles being washed away amid rainfall into the percolation channels. The mixing of soil can cause the ground to turn uneven and even sink as small particles are washed down between the larger particles.
Geotextile membranes can avoid this by not allowing the smaller particles to become displaced even at the time of rainfall. In addition, this can prevent drainage channels within courser soil from becoming clogged by smaller particles, reducing the potential for standing water and flooding post rainfall.

Protecting Against Erosion

Protection geotextile membranes are frequently used in coastal areas between the beach and coastal defense projects to prevent erosion. The membrane must be firm enough that the coastal defense project can&#;t damage it, but permeable much to allow for drainage to happen. Specialist membranes are usually needed for this purpose as they have to be super strong so as not to tear on the defense materials like gabions.

Weed Membranes

Weed control fabrics are another kind of geotextile membrane and can be utilized to protect plants, as the plant is allowed to grow while weeds are prevented from doing the same, eliminating competition between species for space and nutrients. Permitting the plants you want to grow to get more nutrients themselves, instead of weeds sucking them up!

They can as well be used as barriers are being used to contain harmful substances at landfill sites for instance, from contaminating the area.
Ocean Global is the paramount geosynthetics material supplier and geosynthetics manufacturer in India. They are a supplier of geosynthetic products, for illustration., geotextile, geogrids, geomembranes, geocomposites, and geonets from India. With a handsome experience of more than 21 years, they are quick to work with the latest technology providing innovative engineering solutions. They strive to maintain the greatest standards in their manufacturing and production processes and provide seamless integration.

Geotextile are a sort of geosynthetics material that has become more and more popular over the past fifteen years. The material is obligated its success in more than 80 applications to a large extent to its resistance to biodegradation. Geotextile are certainly textiles, yet not in the traditional sense of the word. They are no organic materials like cotton, wool, or silk. Geotextile are synthetic fibers that can be built into an extensible, porous, nonwoven needle felt fabric. They are absorptive to water flow, to differing degrees.

Some Interesting facts about Geotextiles

We are surrounded by various types of textiles in our daily lives. Geotextile are a bit different but very famed due to their use in over 80 different types of applications around us. These are simply synthetic fibers turned into a fabric with absorptive qualities and are contrary to biodegradation.

Geotextile were intended to be purposed as an alternative to soil filters. Based on the textile&#;s intended properties, these fabrics have been utilized to separate, reinforce, filter, protect or drain. Sometimes known as geosynthetics, geotextile are primarily used in civil or environmental engineering undertakings.

1. History of Geotextile

Originally geotextile were called filter fabrics. In the s, R.J.Berrett begin working with geotextile, utilizing them in erosion control situations such as behind precast concrete sea-walls, underneath large stone ripraps, beneath precast concrete erosion control blocks, etc. After this, he used distinctive woven monofilament fabrics, with 6 to 30% of the open region. The requirement for permeability along with soil retention, fabric durability, and elongation made geotextile perfect for use in filtration situations.

Though, Geotextile go preceding, Geotextile were one of the initial textile products possibly used in human history. Exceptionally so, Egyptian site excavations have shown the purpose of linen and grass mats. These early on, Geotextile were made occasionally with natural fibers or vegetation mixed with soil to enhance road stability.

2. Features of Geotextile 

Geotextile should be capable to permit material exchange between soil and air, so it should be passable for plants to grow roots, rainwater to come into the soil, or excess water to exhaust out without causing erosion, etc. This creates the following certain characteristics necessary to be present in Geotextile:

  • Physical features-

    Right particular gravity, weight, rigidity, weight, and frequency

  • Mechanical features

    &#; right firmness, tensile vitality, drapability, bursting rigidity, affability, frictional support, and tearing clout.

  • Hydraulic features-

    absorbency, transitivity, absorptive, turbidity, and diffusivity defiance to the bio, hydraulic, photo, chemical, and mechanical deterioration.

  • Endurance features

    &#; grating resistance, continuation, and appropriate clogging length.

3. Categories of Geotextile 

There are varied categories of Geotextile used for various operations. Although capturing every type in this blog is not practically possible, we can discuss the three principal types of geotextile used, especially woven, non-woven and polyspun.

Woven Geotextile

Woven Geotextile are purposed mainly for separation and reinforcement operations. Great tensile strength and load capacity features make these suitable for the above-mentioned functions. These are comparably impermeable, during not good with drainage; they have high compressive strengths making them perfect to be used in the construction of roads, etc.

Non-woven Geotextiles

Non-woven textiles are felt such as materials that lack tensile, shear, or compressive strength fronts but are best in fields where separation, drainage, or filtration properties are required. They hence are good for hardscape operations or erosion control.

Polyspun Geotextiles

Polyspun geotextiles are as well non-woven materials with separation being their main function. These materials are absorptive, and thus are used to add drainage, but they fail to add any form of reinforcement. These are typically used as weed barriers.

4. Fibers Utilized For Geotextiles

Both natural and synthetic fibers are purposed in manufacturing different types of geotextiles, suited for various functions.

Natural fibers in the shape of paper strips, wood shavings, jute nets, or wool mulch are utilized in geotextiles. Natural geotextiles are used particularly when they are required to bio-degrade in a relatively shorter period, like when they are applied for preventing soil erosion till vegetation sets.

Synthetic fibers are chiefly used for geotextiles. There are 4 prime synthetic polymers, polyester, polyethylene, polyamide, and polypropylene that are broadly used for manufacturing geotextile.

5. Applications of Geotextiles

For a wider understanding, geotextiles can be understood as any textile product used beneath the soil. This makes geotextiles handy in applications such as streets, ponds, pipelines, embankments, etc. reinforcements. In any application, geotextiles are used for six discrete causes, separation, filtration, reinforcements, drainage, protection, and enclosure. These functions as well make geotextiles useful in multiple environmental and civil undertakings.

Application in Dam Construction

Geotextiles as well have a wide application when it comes to embankment dam construction. The application, howbeit, may be limited in some cases since geotextiles are prone to installation damage and have a hidden for clogging. Thus, they are architected and accepted by experienced engineers considering all aspects of design and construction.

Geotextiles have the following functions on account of their application in Dams:

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Filtration & Drainage

In some situations, geotextiles play a very vital role in the filtration of seepage through and under embankment dams. These textiles function as a filter, controlling the transport of soil particles by seepage.

Protection and dissolution

The most usual application of geotextiles is its usage as a separator of natural material to prevent the contamination of adjacent zones in the embankment. 

Surface Stabilization

Geotextiles can effectively function as armor systems to minimize erosion associated with the dams and sediment transport at the time of dam construction.


How long do geomembranes last?

The lifespan of geomembranes depends on factors such as material quality, installation techniques, site conditions, and exposure to UV radiation. Generally, well-installed geomembranes can last for several decades.

Can geomembranes be repaired if damaged?

Yes, geomembranes can often be repaired using specialized techniques such as patching, welding, or fusion bonding, depending on the extent and type of damage.

Can geomembranes be used in contact with various chemicals?

Yes, certain types of geomembranes are specifically engineered to withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals, acids, and alkalis, making them suitable for chemical containment applications.

Functions of Geotextiles for Soft Soil Stabilization

Geotextiles are made from chemically resistant synthetic fibers to prevent biodegrading. Geotextile fabrics are either knitted or matted together by heat-sealing or needle punching. Although all geotextiles are permeable, their mechanical and hydraulic properties can vary widely. They are used in civil construction projects for soil stabilization purposes for roads, landfills, drainage structures, and more. Geotextile soil stabilization fabrics help to make soft or poor soil more manageable. By reinforcing soft soil foundations, geotextiles help make construction possible in places that were previously not suitable to build on.

Geotextile Functions


Geotextiles are often used to separate two layers of soil with different particle sizes so that each may retain their integrity and function. When water gets into the soil strata, the geotextile will prevent the soils from mixing together. The most important performance criteria for geotextile separation are AOS (apparent opening size), tear, tensile strength, permeability, and permittivity.


Geotextiles act as a filter by retaining soil particles as water is allowed to flow through the soil. The most important performance criteria for geotextile filtration are AOS, permeability, and permittivity. The geotextile fabric must also allow for adequate flow, proper soil retention, and resist clogging.


Geotextiles can also act as a drain, gathering and discharging liquids or gases not required functionally by the structure. The most important performance criteria for geotextile drainage are mass, transmissivity, and permeability.


Geotextiles act as a reinforcing element to the soil matrix helping to provide a stronger structural material. A geotextile must be able to transfer its strength to the soil it is reinforcing. It must maintain that strength for maximum effectiveness and allow water to easily pass through while filtering out fine materials that can weaken the soil. Because of the this, the most important performance criteria for geotextile reinforcement are grab strength, elongation, tear, and mass.


Geotextiles help to shield synthetic membranes from puncture, abrasion, and perforation. The most important criteria for geotextile protection are puncture resistance, mass, and burst strength.

Woven vs Nonwoven Geotextiles

Woven geotextiles are made by weaving together polypropylene or polyester fibers. These types of geotextile soil stabilization fabrics are mainly used for the functions of separation and reinforcement. Woven geotextiles are categorized by their tensile strength which is resistance to breaking under tension. With a plastic-like feel to them, woven geotextiles are impermeable which means they do not offer much drainage. Because of their high load capacity, woven geotextiles are mostly used for roads and parking lots. There are a few different kinds of woven geotextiles. Silt-film wovens have flat strands for strength while monofilaments have round fibers to create more uniform opening sizes for drainage applications. High strength and high-performance wovens can also be knitted or woven to achieve the desired performance characteristics.

Nonwoven geotextiles are a more felt-like material also made from polypropylene or polyester fibers. However, instead of weaving two pieces of material together, they are needle punched and heat set. As opposed to tensile strength, nonwoven geotextiles are categorized by weight and are available in light-weight (3-5 oz), medium-weight (6-8 oz), heavy-weight (10-16 oz), or ultra heavy-weight (100 oz). They are permeable and are mostly used for drainage and filtration.

Common Applications for Geotextile Soil Stabilization Fabrics


Embankments can be constructed on soft soil foundations with the help of a geogrid and/or a high strength geotextile. The geotextile and/or geogrid is used at the base to provide stability while limiting differential settlement. Doing this allows for the formation of higher embankments and steeper side slopes.

Steepened Slopes

Geogrids and geotextiles can work together to reinforce steepened slopes. They are placed in layers during construction to provide tensile resistance and enhanced stability for the steepened slope. To enhance aesthetics, the face of the slope can be wrapped with geotextile and vegetated.

Retaining Walls

Geogrids and geotextiles can also be used to create a reinforced soil wall or retaining wall. Geotextile reinforced soil retaining walls allow contractors to use on-site fill and give them a variety of facing options such as segmental concrete blocks, treated timber, natural stone, or vegetated facings.

High-Quality Geotextile Soil Stabilization Fabrics

IWT Cargo-Guard offers factory seaming of geotextile soil stabilization fabrics to custom widths and lengths. Seaming capabilities range from nonwoven, slit-film wovens and monofilament wovens to the high performance/high-strength polypropylene (PP) and polyester (PET) geotextiles. We also offer off-line slitting and re-rolling with fast delivery to your job site. If you&#;re looking for geotextiles in custom roll sizes or factory seamed panels, contact us today to get started!

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