What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Ti Tablets

27 May.,2024


FO-TI - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Avula, B., Joshi, V. C., Wang, Y. H., and Khan, I. A. Simultaneous identification and quantification of anthraquinones, polydatin, and resveratrol in Polygonum multiflorum, various Polygonum species, and dietary supplements by liquid chromatography and microscopic study of Polygonum species. J AOAC Int ;90(6):-. View abstract.

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Bae, S. H., Kim, D. H., Bae, Y. S., Lee, K. J., Kim, D. W., Yoon, J. B., Hong, J. H., and Kim, S. H. [Toxic hepatitis associated with Polygoni multiflori]. Korean J.Hepatol. ;16(2):182-186. View abstract.

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Hwang YH, Kang KY, Kim JJ, et al. Effects of hot water extracts from Polygonum multiflorum on ovariectomy induced osteopenia in mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med ;:. View abstract.

Jung KA, Min HJ, Yoo SS, et al. Drug-Induced Liver Injury: Twenty Five Cases of Acute Hepatitis Following Ingestion of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Gut Liver ;5(4):493-9. View abstract.

Laird AR, Ramchandani N, deGoma EM, et al. Acute hepatitis associated with the use of an herbal supplement (Polygonum multiflorum) mimicking iron-overload syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol ;42:861-2. View abstract.

Lei X, Chen J, Ren J, et al. Liver damage associated with Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.: a systematic review of case reports and case series. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med ;:. View abstract.

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Ma KF, Zhang XG, Jia HY. CYP1A2 polymorphism in Chinese patients with acute liver injury induced by Polygonum multiflorum. Genet Mol Res ;13(3):-43. View abstract.

Ma N, Zhang Y, Sun L, Zhao Y, Ding Y, Zhang T. Comparative studies on multi-component pharmacokinetics of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb extract after oral administration in different rat models. Front Pharmacol ;12:. View abstract.

Mazzanti G, Battinelli L, Daniele C, et al. New case of acute hepatitis following the consumption of Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese herbal product derived from Polygonum multiflorum. Ann Intern Med ;140:E589-90. View abstract.

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Park HJ, Zhang N, Park DK. Topical application of Polygonum multiflorum extract induces hair growth of resting hair follicles through upregulating Shh and ??-catenin expression in C57BL/6 mice. J Ethnopharmacol ;135(2):369-75. View abstract.

Shao YL, Ma CM, Wu JM, Guo FC, Zhang SC. Concurrent severe hepatotoxicity and agranulocytosis induced by Polygonum multiflorum: A case report. World J Clin Cases ;10(27):-. View abstract.

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Some of The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tablets ...

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Some of The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tablets Are Given Below

This document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of tablets as a drug delivery system. It provides details on the various types of tablets including compressed, sugar coated, film co&#;

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