5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs iridium oxide coated titanium anodes?

02 Sep.,2024


Premium Iridium Oxide Coated Anodes

Applications of Iridium Oxide Coated Titanium Anodes

Iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes are celebrated for their versatility and efficiency across various industrial applications. These anodes are integral in processes requiring high conductivity and exceptional corrosion resistance, making them indispensable in industries such as electroplating, metal production, cathodic protection, and water treatment. Below, we delve into the significant roles they play in these key sectors, highlighting their impact on operational efficiency, product quality, and environmental sustainability.

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Iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes are pivotal in the electroplating industry, where their high conductivity and corrosion resistance are highly valued. These anodes ensure prolonged operational life while efficiently attracting metal ions, which is essential for creating durable and robust metal coatings on various surfaces.

This capability not only improves the quality and durability of plating but also enhances the overall efficiency of the electroplating process. As a result, they provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for a wide range of electroplating applications, leading to reduced costs and consistent, high-quality outcomes.


Producing Aluminum Foil

The production of aluminum foil greatly benefits from the use of iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes. These anodes are essential for conducting electrical currents during the electrolysis process, which is a critical step in aluminum production. Their superior electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance significantly enhance the efficiency of this process.

As a result, there is a stable and quality deposition of aluminum, leading to the production of consistent and reliable aluminum foil. This efficiency and reliability make iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes indispensable in the aluminum foil manufacturing industry.


Electrolytic Copper Foil Production

In the electrolytic production of copper foil, iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes are highly valued for their ability to attract metal ions from the electrolyte and facilitate their deposition onto the substrate, resulting in high-quality copper foil. Their exceptional electrical conductivity ensures efficient current transfer, optimizing the electrolysis process.

Moreover, these anodes are engineered to withstand corrosive production environments, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing the need for maintenance and replacement. This makes them essential for producing efficient, durable, cost-effective copper foil.


Galvanized Steel Sheet

The galvanized steel sheet manufacturing process benefits immensely from the use of iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes. Their high electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance make them ideal for electroplating, ensuring a consistent supply of electrical current for zinc coating on steel surfaces.

The combination of titanium and iridium oxide in these anodes leads to uniform plating thickness and enhanced production efficiency. Additionally, iridium oxide&#;s corrosion resistance extends the anodes&#; lifespan, leading to reduced maintenance costs and increased productivity.


Water Treatment

In water treatment, iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes are crucial for efficient and eco-friendly electrochemical disinfection and electrocoagulation. They operate effectively in harsh chemical environments, thanks to their corrosion resistance, and their high electrocatalytic activity enhances the removal of impurities from water.

These anodes enable a chemical-free approach to water purification, making them key components in the process of ensuring clean and safe water. Their extended lifespan and operational efficiency also contribute to the cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability of water and wastewater treatment processes.


Cathodic Protection

Iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes are also integral in cathodic protection systems, where they play a crucial role in preventing corrosion of metal structures such as pipelines, tanks, and marine vessels. These anodes, due to their high corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity, are effective in creating a protective electrochemical environment around the metal structure.

By applying a controlled current to the metal, these anodes transform potential corrosion sites into cathodic areas, thus preventing the metal&#;s degradation. The durability and efficiency of iridium oxide-coated titanium anodes make them a preferred choice for long-term cathodic protection solutions, significantly extending the lifespan of critical infrastructure in various industries.

Iridium-tantalum coated titanium anode applicationⅠ

Iridium-tantalum coated titanium anodes

Iridium oxide and tantalum oxide mixed oxide coated titanium electrodes are good for oxygen precipitation in electrolysis industry. The iridium-tantalum coated titanium electrode developed by Longsheng Company has: plate electrode, tube electrode, net electrode, rod electrode, wire electrode, etc. for customers to choose; iridium-tantalum coated titanium anode is an insoluble anode, the platinum-iridium coating is firmly bonded to titanium substrate, and it enhances the resistance to interstitial corrosion relative to the ordinary coated electrodes and better improves the durability of the titanium substrate in contact with the coated parts.


Application of iridium-tantalum coated titanium anode

IrO2 and Ta2O5 coated titanium anode has excellent electrocatalytic activity and electrochemical stability, which is widely used in electrolysis industry with strong corrosive electrolytic medium, harsh working environment and extremely high current density, and it is recognized as an excellent oxygen precipitation electrode at present.

For more information, please visit iridium oxide coated titanium anodes.

1&#;Copper foil production

The production process of electrolytic copper foil is to oxidize the electrolytic copper first to make copper sulfate solution, and then electrolyze the foil in the foil machine to generate raw foil, which is made into finished products through pickling, roughening, curing and brass plating post-treatment process. It includes two major processes of electrolysis and electroplating. For example, a copper foil production company process conditions: sulfuric acid concentration of 120g / L, 7-9KA / m2, cathode and anode gap of 12mm, the use of IrTa anode can meet the production requirements, to solve the production of current density is very high. It uses a partially immersed in copper sulfate solution constantly rotating metal roller as cathode, continuous electrolysis to produce foil. Electrolytic copper foil is used as a conductive material on single-sided printed circuit boards, with increasing dosage and thinner thicknesses, from thicknesses of 0.15mm, 0.105mm, 0.07mm, 0.05mm and 0.035mm.

Electrolytic copper foil, according to the thickness, can be divided into 105um, 70um, 18um, 12um, 9um, and 5um, etc., of which 12um and 12um or less is generally known as ultra-thin copper foil.


According to the surface treatment process, copper foils can be divided into several types, such as pink foil (copper-plated surface), grayed foil (galvanized surface), and yellowed foil (brass-plated surface).

The IPc standard classifies electrolytic copper foils according to their properties into standard foils (STD - Class E), high density foils (HD - Class E), high temperature high density foils (THE - Class E) and annealed electrolytic copper foils (ASTM E). Annealed Electrolytic Copper Foil (ANN--E), Low Temperature Annealed Electrolytic Copper Foil (LTA--E), Annealed Electrolytic Copper Foil (A--E), and so on.

In Japan, copper foil for printed circuit boards is manufactured by electrolysis of copper sulfate solution, and copper is plated on the cathode of a titanium rotating cylinder with a diameter of 1-2 meters and a height of 2-3 meters, and the copper foil is stripped off at the end of the rotating cylinder. In know the printed circuit with copper foil when the coating titanium anode, the height of the more about 1.3 meters, area surface length of about 2.4 meters, plate thickness of about 25 mm. with titanium-based coating anode, the plate spacing does not need to be adjusted, the anode produces oxygen bubbles intense stirring of the electrolyte, accelerating the movement of copper ions to the surface of the cathode. As a result, the operating current density can be increased to 50A/dm2, which significantly improves the productivity of the electrolyzer. The IRO2 coating applied to the titanium substrate by the thermal decomposition method works well under these dielectric conditions. After setting a very thin platinum-plated intermediate layer, the titanium substrate can be prevented from oxidizing, and the anode life reaches at least 2.5 years.


2&#;Aluminum foil spot formation

The electrolyte is 10%-15% ammonium adipate, and the current density is 400-A/m2. Aluminum foil electrolysis can be used as IrTa-coated anode to solve the problem of high concentration of organic matter.


3&#; Steel plate galvanized

As a large power-consuming electrolytic industry, for example, steel galvanizing production line, the use of low over-potential DSA instead of high over-potential lead electrodes, you can reduce the electrode to reduce power consumption. Suitable coating components are iridium oxide and tantalum oxide.

IrO2-Ta2O5 coated anodes can be used in galvanizing lines to replace lead alloy electrodes. Among these anode materials, IRO2-based anode has excellent electrode performance, it precipitates low oxygen overpotential, low consumption of electrocatalytic active layer, small pollution to the electrolyte, and IrO2-Ta2O5 anode has a long working life in electroplating zinc at high current densities, e.g. 10 ka/m2.


4&#;Wire board electroplating thick copper

The cathode-anode distance is 10mm, sulfuric acid concentration is 2mol/L. IrO2-Ta2O5 coated titanium anode can be used to solve the problem of high acidity.


5, chrome plating

A TV glass shell company in the manufacture of television sets, computer glass screen, at high temperatures, weak alkaline molten glass material sulfuric acid corrosion, the surface of the glass shell of the steel mold is susceptible to corrosion, appearing uneven. In order to produce a smooth surface of the glass screen, the surface of the steel mold should be plated with hexavalent chromium. IrTa coating anode can be used instead of the original lead electrode.

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