Questions You Should Know about electrolytic sodium hypochlorite generator

24 Jun.,2024


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When you&#;re prioritizing maintenance for your vessel or offshore production platform, it&#;s important to know the reasoning behind your investment. Taking the time to understand what each machine on your vessel does can help clarify why maintenance and replacement parts are crucial for your safety and quality of life while at sea.

One such machine is your vessel&#;s sodium hypochlorite generator. From time to time, you&#;ll need to invest time and money into ensuring that this generator is working the way it should. Why is this important? What does your sodium hypochlorite generator do, anyway? What will happen if you don&#;t care for it as you should? 

We&#;ll discuss these questions and more in this blog:

What is a sodium hypochlorite generator? What does it do for your vessel? 

Your sodium hypochlorite generator works as one of the water treatment systems on your platform or vessel. When you&#;re on a platform offshore, you have to have a firewater and cooling water influx supporting your systems. You have to use seawater as the source for these lines. Before that seawater can be used, it needs to be cleaned and clarified. That&#;s where your sodium hypochlorite generator comes in handy. 

A sodium hypochlorite generator is a system that is designed to treat incoming seawater with generated amounts of bleach. This machine can also help remove microorganisms and other sea growth from incoming seawater lines. 

For example, if the seawater that you have coming into your system is full of barnacles and slime, a little bit of bleach will kill all of that marine growth. The resulting purity and clarity of your incoming seawater will help your other systems run properly. 

Just like the other complex treatment systems on your production platform or vessel, a sodium hypochlorite generator is only going to work well if it&#;s regularly maintained. This will require regular cleaning, as well as occasional inspection and replacement of any parts that may have experienced wear and tear. Why is this maintenance so important? What&#;s the real risk at hand if you aren&#;t able to focus on inspecting your sodium hypochlorite generator regularly? In the next section, we&#;ll look at precisely what happens when your generator goes too long between regular cleanings. 

What happens when your sodium hypochlorite generator isn&#;t taken care of? 

If parts of your sodium hypochlorite generator begin to break down or experience too much wear, the whole generator system will fail to work well. This can produce low quality and unclean water for the rest of your systems that depend on treated seawater&#;which can result in the poor performance or failure of many different systems. 

If your sodium hypochlorite generator does not work, your incoming seawater line will be full of barnacles, mussels, and other marine grime. As a result, these lines of water won&#;t flow properly. If this is the case, you won&#;t be able to run your firewater line, which can result in unsafe situations for your platform and your crew. You also won&#;t be able to run a line of cooling water, which helps keep your systems safe and operating efficiently. 

Aside from safety concerns, there are large financial investments to protect. If you end up having to replace your entire sodium hypochlorite generator system due to a lack of regular maintenance, it can cost over $1 million. 

What are some maintenance rules of thumb for your sodium hypochlorite generator?

Very simply put, your sodium hypochlorite generator needs to be cleaned &#;as needed.&#; The key factor is to understand what that needed rate may be. This will require that you become more familiar with your generator and the conditions it&#;s working through. 

You may have heard that a good rule of thumb is to acid clean the electrolytic cells in your sodium hypochlorite generator approximately once a month. However, that advice is outdated and inaccurate&#;we know much more about proper maintenance now! 

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For a more updated, reliable process, consider the following: When you get a brand new sodium hypochlorite generator, set it up and run it for one week. After that week, pull out an electrolytic cell, and examine how clean it is. (Taking a picture will provide a good reference point.) Put the cell back in, and turn the machine back on. 

Do this every week for three weeks, paying attention to when the electrolytic cell gets dirtier, and you&#;ll get an idea of when you should be cleaning it. It would be a good idea to clean it once every 1-3 weeks, at least. It&#;s definitely a good idea not to go over four weeks without giving it a good cleaning. 

How to clean a sodium hypochlorite generator

When you&#;ve determined that your generator&#;s electrolytic cells are in need of a rinse, here&#;s a quick process that can help you do just that: 

    1. Shut down your unit. This may be as simple as pushing a button to initiate the shutdown sequence for your generator. Your generator will stop making bleach, perform one last rinse of seawater, and then close the system&#;s automatic valves.
    2. Open drain valves to drain the system. This will allow the access you need to give your system a thorough cleaning.

    3. Take apart the system, clean off any grime, and reassemble. Disconnect the bolts, disconnect the flanges, and pull internal outs to clean. Then, put the system back together. 

    4. Acid Clean the System. Shut down the system, align the valves for acid cleaning, Acid clean for one hour. Set valves to reclaim the acid, flush system with clean seawater, open drain valves, take system apart and inspect

How much time this will take depends entirely on how complex your sodium hypochlorite generator system is. The more electrochlorination cells your generator has, the more time it will take to clean. It may take a dedicated mechanic 1-2 days of full-time labor to clean it out fully. However, It can take much longer, like 3-5 days, if you&#;re doing other maintenance at the same time and have a more complicated system. 

What are the most frequently replaced parts of your sodium hypochlorite generator? 

When you&#;re cleaning your system and notice that a part is completely worn through, you may need to replace it. You may be wondering which parts of your sodium hypochlorite generator will need replacing most often. In many cases, the different parts of your generator won&#;t need replacing until your entire generator system requires an update. 

For those times when part replacement is necessary, keep an eye on these top five pieces: 

    1. Fasteners and hardware for the electrolytic cells: Your sodium hypochlorite generator will have thousands of nuts and bolts already on the equipment. Most of this hardware will be very common pieces, readily available at most hardware suppliers. However, in addition to this regular hardware, the nuts and bolts on the electrolytic cells must be made of titanium. It&#;s best to get this hardware directly from the manufacturer. If your

      sodium hypochlorite generator

      is from H2O, you must get the electrolytic cell hardware from H2O as well. 

    2. Electrolytic cell housing: The casing or housing for the electrolytic cells shouldn&#;t break for about twenty years. However, they are made of plastic, and they will break if they&#;re thrown or experience any undue force. It&#;s a good idea to check them for cracks or dents in the plastic. 

    3. Replacement electrolytic cells: Your electrolytic cells provide invaluable function for your sodium hypochlorite generator, so it&#;s a good idea to make sure these are running optimally as well. To determine whether they need to be replaced, monitor the voltage across these cells with a multimeter. By the time the voltage across these cells hits 35 volts, they will likely be worn out and in need of a replacement. 

    4. Parts for the electrolytic cells (e.g., valves and actuators): These valves and actuators are automatic pieces that open and close, changing the stream of the flow. These are automatic parts that can wear out over time. The level controllers are related; these specific pieces keep a level flow rate in the tank so the unit can continue to run. When the generator system gets backed up or otherwise doesn&#;t seem to be flowing appropriately, it&#;s time to take a look at these pieces.
    5. Transformer rectifier unit: A transformer rectifier unit is a two-part unit which includes an interface and a firing card. Your system&#;s transformer rectifier unit ultimately takes AC current and turns it into DC current. If these parts fail, you won&#;t be able to get the voltage you need in order to safely and effectively power your electrolytic cells. If your system isn&#;t getting the voltage it needs, you may want to take a look at the transformer rectifier unit. 

The main issue with sodium hypochlorite generator maintenance is simply that it&#;s not very high on the maintenance list! It doesn&#;t directly make oil, so it&#;s often not seen as a priority. This can lead to a lack of assigned resources to keep it running properly. 

You&#;ll find that if you prioritize making this acid cleaning and routine maintenance a recurring task, two hours once a month can save you a lot of headaches. Taking care of your sodium hypochlorite generator may not seem like much of a priority, but taking the time to clean and maintain it can save you a lot of money&#;and it can make your vessel a safer place to be. 

If you need assistance with maintenance, expertise to gauge the health of your system, or a great source for replacement parts, H2O, is here to help. Reach out to H2O, today for part pricing, questions, and anything else you may need. 

ph of NaOCl made through electrolysis of NaCl brine

Author: Subject: ph of NaOCl made through electrolysis of NaCl brine ph of NaOCl made through electrolysis of NaCl brine

I'm looking at purchasing a small sodium hypochlorite generator. It makes a 1.0% solution of NaOCl by means of electrolysis of a NaCl brine.
The question I have is, what would be the ph of the NaOCl solution, if the ph of the brine was between 7 and 8. I read somewhere that the ph of seawater was 8.
If the electrolysis process:

NaCl + H2O + e = NaOCl + H2

did not alter the original ph of the brine, would this, technically, not be a hypochlorous acid generator, as the shift from OCl to HOCl begins if the ph of NaOCl bleach falls under 11.86?

NaClO is relatively stable at a pH above ~12.
At lower pH the readily decomposed oxyacid forms . . .

I don't think you two quite understand the question. I know that commercially sold bleach has a ph of over 12. To achieve this, sodium hydroxide is added to it to increase its ph.

My question is, what is the ph of sodium hypochlorite made from the electrolysis of salt brine BEFORE the sodium hydroxide is added to raise its ph over 12?

Hmm, I would think they add the NaOH first (to achieve a pH 10 or higher) before electrolysis.

NaCl subjected to electrolysis, without any adjustment, tends towards a pH of 9 or 10, depending on temperature, electrodes and current density I suppose, but a lot of chlorate is formed, particularly at high temperatures.


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For more electrolytic sodium hypochlorite generatorinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

The electrolysis of salt produces Cl2 at the anode and H2 (and also NaOH) at the cathode. The NaOH and Cl2 reacts in situ to form NaClO. Because some chlorine gas will inevitably escape from the solution instead of reacting, there will be a small amount of NaOH in the solution. This will raise the pH.

NaClO dissociates to HOCl in neutral solution. That is true, but NaOH is also formed. Since HOCl does not contribute to the pH that much, it will only take somewhere near 0.01M of NaOH+HOCl before the pH goes above 12. Then the OCl- ion is generated.

So, technically HOCl is generated at the beginning of electrolysis, but only a very small amount will be generated before it starts generating NaClO instead.

Quote: Originally posted by weiming  The electrolysis of salt produces Cl2 at the anode and H2 (and also NaOH) at the cathode. The NaOH and Cl2 reacts in situ to form NaClO. Because some chlorine gas will inevitably escape from the solution instead of reacting, there will be a small amount of NaOH in the solution. This will raise the pH.

NaClO dissociates to HOCl in neutral solution. That is true, but NaOH is also formed. Since HOCl does not contribute to the pH that much, it will only take somewhere near 0.01M of NaOH+HOCl before the pH goes above 12. Then the OCl- ion is generated.

So, technically HOCl is generated at the beginning of electrolysis, but only a very small amount will be generated before it starts generating NaClO instead.


Thank you for your reply. I had not thought about this but it seems to make quite a lot of sense.

So, it seems, in a solution of salt water at a ph of 7-8, electrolysis will make NaClO but, mandated by ph, a percentage of the OCl will instantaneously shift to become HOCl.

NaClO + H2O = HOCl + NaOH

Brilliant, an NaClO generator that makes its own preservative. I operate a small water system for the town I live in and we disinfect the water at each pumphouse as it is pumped out of the ground. In slow times (like winter) our pumps can be off for up to 24 hours before restarting. As the NaClO generator we are looking at has a small ten litre tank on it, as a reservoir, we were concerned that it would all be oxidised if it sat for 24 hours and it was mostly HOCl. We just assumed it was designed to run non-stop and, that way, the chance to decompose would not be there.


Coincidentally, there is another reason I am interested in NaClO and HOCl. I am pursuing an effective way of recovering ultra fine gold from a bench of clay.

There is a method that was used right up until the late 's that involved chlorine, both in hypochlorite and gas form. From what I can gather, Cl2 gas was pressurised into vessels of ore and water at 60 psi. I believe hypochlorous acid was made this way. It also seems that the higher the percentage of HOCl present, the faster gold went into solution as a chloride.

Cl2 + H2O = HOCl + HCl

Because it made HCl, I would think the ph would be lowered slightly here. Interestingly, the OCl/HOCl shift mandated by ph will have the ratio of HOCl to OCl at 100%/0% at a ph of 5.

The other recovery method I read about involved the manufacture of what was called a "chlorine solution" from the electrolysis of salt water. Read the following article from the 's and tell me what you think. If what you say is true, the solution would have been far too basic to allow any HOCl to be present. It is possible they were adjusting the ph with HCl and the author was unaware of this. Also, do you think it possible they were making sodium chlorate (NaClO3)? I know that if the temperature of the electrolysis chamber gets over 50° C. it will stop producing NaClO and produce NaClO3. Would it be just as or more effective at putting gold into solution? Anyways, here is the article:


Electrolytic Precipitation of Gold

In order to perform the electrolytic precipitation of gold, from the filtration vessel the gold chloride solution was conducted into the outer or battery jar of an electrolytic cell. The electrode of the outer cell was connected with the negative pole of a dynamo and the electrode on the inner cell was connected with positive pole or terminal of the dynamo. The gold solution was sent into the jar near the bottom and slowly circulated upwards, and at the same time a current of electricity was passes through the cell. When the reaction was produced, the gold chloride was decomposed and felt like a shower of fine spangles to the bottom, while the liberated chlorine passed into the inner cell where it was absorbed by the water circulating and formed a chlorine solution.

The receiver was charged with chlorine solution generated by the electrolysis of salt. The unit comprised a battery, a conductor from the electrode in the large battery jar to the negative pole of the electrical generator, the conductor from the electrode in the porous cell to the positive pole of the generator, a reservoir containing a saturated solution of sodium chloride, which passed to the battery through a pipe and a reservoir containing water connected by a pipe with a porous cell.

In order to treat the ore more effectually with the chlorine solution it was advantageous to expel the air from the chlorinator. For this purpose the chlorinator was provided with a valve, so that the air contained in the chlorinator passed out as the chlorine solution passed in. the valve was closed immediately the air was expelled. The chlorinator after disconnected was slowly revolved by means of a pulley and strap from an engine, or in other suitable way until the gold was dissolved as a gold chloride. The time required for treatment in the chlorinator varied from one to two hours according to the characteristics of the gold ore treated. The ore and solution were discharged into a suitable filtration vessel placed beneath the chlorinator. The vessel was a shallow vat constructed of oak or other material, the lower part was made cone-shaped and of the same capacity of the chlorinator.

The vat was closed by a cover bolted down. In the center of the cover there was hopper-shaped inlet for receiving the ore and solution from the chlorinator. A perforated diaphragm covered with asbestos cloth, over which was advantageously placed a layer of other suitable filtration media such as ground asbestos, which was fixed from one to two inches below the top of the vat. The gold chloride was washed out of the ore by a stream of water from a tank. The water entered the vat through a pipe at the lowest part and percolated upwards through the ore until the gold content in the solution was extremely low. It was important to take samples of the solution to determine the presence of gold. A sliding door in the bottom of the vat was opened and the residue from the ore as discharged by means of a large outlet opened into a truck placed underneath.

The gold chloride and water descended through a pipe into a receiver and was conducted from the receiver into the outer or battery jar of the electrolytic cell. The gold solution flowed into and entered the jar at the bottom and slowly circulated upwards and at the same time a current of electricity was passé through the cell to reduce and precipitate gold from the solution into a perfectly pure state, upon the bottom of the jar, from where it was removed. The chlorine was liberated at the same time at the electrode in the inner or porous cell and in contact with the water circulating and formed a chlorine solution, which was sent to receiver vessel.

Quote: Originally posted by Traveller  Weiming

Coincidentally, there is another reason I am interested in NaClO and HOCl. I am pursuing an effective way of recovering ultra fine gold from a bench of clay.

There is a method that was used right up until the late 's that involved chlorine, both in hypochlorite and gas form. From what I can gather, Cl2 gas was pressurised into vessels of ore and water at 60 psi. I believe hypochlorous acid was made this way. It also seems that the higher the percentage of HOCl present, the faster gold went into solution as a chloride.

Cl2 + H2O = HOCl + HCl

Because it made HCl, I would think the ph would be lowered slightly here. Interestingly, the OCl/HOCl shift mandated by ph will have the ratio of HOCl to OCl at 100%/0% at a ph of 5.

The other recovery method I read about involved the manufacture of what was called a "chlorine solution" from the electrolysis of salt water. Read the following article from the 's and tell me what you think. If what you say is true, the solution would have been far too basic to allow any HOCl to be present. It is possible they were adjusting the ph with HCl and the author was unaware of this. Also, do you think it possible they were making sodium chlorate (NaClO3)? I know that if the temperature of the electrolysis chamber gets over 50° C. it will stop producing NaClO and produce NaClO3. Would it be just as or more effective at putting gold into solution? Anyways, here is the article:


Electrolytic Precipitation of Gold

In order to perform the electrolytic precipitation of gold, from the filtration vessel the gold chloride solution was conducted into the outer or battery jar of an electrolytic cell. The electrode of the outer cell was connected with the negative pole of a dynamo and the electrode on the inner cell was connected with positive pole or terminal of the dynamo. The gold solution was sent into the jar near the bottom and slowly circulated upwards, and at the same time a current of electricity was passes through the cell. When the reaction was produced, the gold chloride was decomposed and felt like a shower of fine spangles to the bottom, while the liberated chlorine passed into the inner cell where it was absorbed by the water circulating and formed a chlorine solution.

The receiver was charged with chlorine solution generated by the electrolysis of salt. The unit comprised a battery, a conductor from the electrode in the large battery jar to the negative pole of the electrical generator, the conductor from the electrode in the porous cell to the positive pole of the generator, a reservoir containing a saturated solution of sodium chloride, which passed to the battery through a pipe and a reservoir containing water connected by a pipe with a porous cell.

In order to treat the ore more effectually with the chlorine solution it was advantageous to expel the air from the chlorinator. For this purpose the chlorinator was provided with a valve, so that the air contained in the chlorinator passed out as the chlorine solution passed in. the valve was closed immediately the air was expelled. The chlorinator after disconnected was slowly revolved by means of a pulley and strap from an engine, or in other suitable way until the gold was dissolved as a gold chloride. The time required for treatment in the chlorinator varied from one to two hours according to the characteristics of the gold ore treated. The ore and solution were discharged into a suitable filtration vessel placed beneath the chlorinator. The vessel was a shallow vat constructed of oak or other material, the lower part was made cone-shaped and of the same capacity of the chlorinator.

The vat was closed by a cover bolted down. In the center of the cover there was hopper-shaped inlet for receiving the ore and solution from the chlorinator. A perforated diaphragm covered with asbestos cloth, over which was advantageously placed a layer of other suitable filtration media such as ground asbestos, which was fixed from one to two inches below the top of the vat. The gold chloride was washed out of the ore by a stream of water from a tank. The water entered the vat through a pipe at the lowest part and percolated upwards through the ore until the gold content in the solution was extremely low. It was important to take samples of the solution to determine the presence of gold. A sliding door in the bottom of the vat was opened and the residue from the ore as discharged by means of a large outlet opened into a truck placed underneath.

The gold chloride and water descended through a pipe into a receiver and was conducted from the receiver into the outer or battery jar of the electrolytic cell. The gold solution flowed into and entered the jar at the bottom and slowly circulated upwards and at the same time a current of electricity was passé through the cell to reduce and precipitate gold from the solution into a perfectly pure state, upon the bottom of the jar, from where it was removed. The chlorine was liberated at the same time at the electrode in the inner or porous cell and in contact with the water circulating and formed a chlorine solution, which was sent to receiver vessel.

I have read this. Maybe they used a membrane in their cell to separate the cathode and anode. This means that the anode will produce chlorine, the cathode sodium hydroxide and those two won't react. They were also talking about a reservoir of water, so I think the "chlorine solution" is a solution of chlorine in neutral water generated by electrolysis of brine, which will dissolve gold.

I have thought the same thing myself. Many mines in this period had their own chlorine works where the gas was made from sulphuric acid and chloride of lime. It is just possible that the inner and outer jar of the cell the author spoke of was the membrane required to keep Cl2 and NaOH from reacting. It may have been simpler to produce electricity onsite than to haul in H2SO4.

It may also have been they were making NaClO and bringing the ph to neutral, by adding the appropriate amount of HCl, and thus still ending up with HOCl at a neutral ph.

I've found these 100+ year old articles can be both articulate in detail and maddeningly vague at the same time. Unfortunately, they are about the only source of information, as cyanide leaching came on the scene about in a big way and chlorine leaching was abandoned almost overnight.

What do you think of the gold oxidizing potential of chloric acid (HClO3) made from sodium chlorate as opposed to hypochlorous acid?

Quote: Originally posted by Traveller  I have thought the same thing myself. Many mines in this period had their own chlorine works where the gas was made from sulphuric acid and chloride of lime. It is just possible that the inner and outer jar of the cell the author spoke of was the membrane required to keep Cl2 and NaOH from reacting. It may have been simpler to produce electricity onsite than to haul in H2SO4.

It may also have been they were making NaClO and bringing the ph to neutral, by adding the appropriate amount of HCl, and thus still ending up with HOCl at a neutral ph.

I've found these 100+ year old articles can be both articulate in detail and maddeningly vague at the same time. Unfortunately, they are about the only source of information, as cyanide leaching came on the scene about in a big way and chlorine leaching was abandoned almost overnight.

What do you think of the gold oxidizing potential of chloric acid (HClO3) made from sodium chlorate as opposed to hypochlorous acid?

It could be possible that they added HCl to the newly electrolysed brine solution. This produces Cl2 instead of HClO in situ as HCl reacts with HOCl and OCl- to form Cl2 and water. One of the main problems of that is the chlorine could start to rapidly bubble out of solution uncontrollably, poisoning everyone there, but a slow, controlled drip of HCl should do the trick.

With acidification by HCl, any formed NaClO3 will first be acidified to HClO3, but then be reduced to ClO2, a yellowish explosive gas. In the presence of HCl, a variety of oxy-acids of chlorine are generated by the hydrolysis/reaction of ClO2 with HCl. I think this will also dissolve gold to some extent, but probably not much better than just Cl2.

I thought this too, at first, and this is also the basis of a leach promoted worldwide as the Igoli Process. Large amounts of HCl are added to a NaOCl solution and great amounts of Cl2 gas are given off. Its promoters sincerely believe it is the Cl2 gas coming in contact with gold that puts the gold into solution. However, with Cl2 having no oxidising potential in the gaseous state, I do not believe this to be the case. I believe it to be HOCl doing the work, just as it is the active ingredient when disinfecting.

If a very minute amount of HCl was added to NaClO, would we not see the following reaction, given the amount of NaOH in our solution?

NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H20

If this were the course it followed, it would seem possible to gently lower the ph of the NaClO solution to neutral, thus converting most of the OCl ions to HOCl. It should also be noted that Cl2 gas will not come out of solution until the ph drops below 5.

[Edited on 27-1- by Traveller]

Quote: Originally posted by Traveller  I thought this too, at first, and this is also the basis of a leach promoted worldwide as the Igoli Process. Large amounts of HCl are added to a NaOCl solution and great amounts of Cl2 gas are given off. Its promoters sincerely believe it is the Cl2 gas coming in contact with gold that puts the gold into solution. However, with Cl2 having no oxidising potential in the gaseous state, I do not believe this to be the case. I believe it to be HOCl doing the work, just as it is the active ingredient when disinfecting.

If a very minute amount of HCl was added to NaClO, would we not see the following reaction, given the amount of NaOH in our solution?

NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H20

If this were the course it followed, it would seem possible to gently lower the ph of the NaClO solution to neutral, thus converting most of the OCl ions to HOCl. It should also be noted that Cl2 gas will not come out of solution until the ph drops below 5.

[Edited on 27-1- by Traveller]

Both HOCl and Cl2 are active ingredients in gold dissolution. Especially in a dilute solution of HCl, some Cl2 dissolve in water without dissociating to HOCl and HCl. The Cl2 reacts directly with the gold, forming AuCl3. This is why hydrochloric acid with dissolved chlorine in it can attack noble metals.

A very small amount of HCl into a solution of electrolysed brine might just react with some NaOH in solution, but if the pH is lowered so that even some HOCl forms (higher than 5), the mixture start to evolve Cl2. Chlorine only has a high solubility in very basic mixtures, and will bubble out when the formed HOCl start to react with the HCl.

Swimming pool water requires the addition of HCl regularly to maintain a close to neutral ph. If the active disinfectant in swimming pools is HOCl, with hypochlorite as a bank or reservoir of chlorine, wouldn't the addition of HCl, even at neutral ph, cause the release of chlorine gas from a swimming pool?
The entire purpose of adding HCl, to my understanding, is to keep the ph of the swimming pool from becoming basic; in other words, neutralizing NaOH. I would think the release of Cl2 gas to be the minor portion of the reaction.

[Edited on 4-2- by Traveller]