When was precast concrete first used?

06 May.,2024


A Precast Concrete History Lesson - Del Zotto Products

Although precast concrete was not widely used until the early 1950s, it got its start in architecture long before that. Today it is one of the most widely used materials in construction worldwide.

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Del Zotto Products manufactures steel forms for all your precast concrete needs. We’re passionate about concrete. Keep reading to learn a brief history of this versatile material.

Precast Concrete in Ancient Rome

Ancient Roman builders were known for their massive, innovative architecture. They utilized concrete to build networks of aqueducts, culverts and tunnels. They were the first to pour the concrete into molds to create a wide variety of buildings and technologies. Many ancient Roman concrete structures are still standing today, including the famous Pantheon.

Precast Concrete Enters the Modern Age

In 1905, the first precast concrete paneled buildings were created in Liverpool, England. The man who invented the panels, engineer John Alexander Brodie, also came up with the soccer goal net. Precast concrete panels expanded across the globe and became a staple of modern construction.

Precast Concrete Now

Today, the precast concrete industry can be divided into two sub-industries. Represented by the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA), the Precast Concrete Products branch focuses on utility, underground and other non-prestressed products. The other branch is Precast Concrete Structures. It deals with prestressed concrete elements used in above-ground structures, such as buildings, parking structures and bridges and is represented by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI).

Since its inception and throughout history, concrete has formed the backbone of world architecture. It’s as important today as it has ever been. Based on the increase in demand in recent years, it’s only going to continue to rise in popularity.

Whether you’re using precast concrete to build a septic tank or box culvert, Del Zotto Products has the forms you need. For more information about the products we offer, send us a message on our contact page. You can also connect with us via social media.

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A Brief History of Precast Concrete

A Brief History of Precast Concrete

So, what’s the story on precast concrete? When did we begin using it for construction projects? Who made those first molds?

It should come as no surprise that it was the ancient Romans who nailed the process of pouring concrete into wooden forms before carting the results to the site. They mixed volcanic ash with lime to create the material they used, which was durable, effective and comprised some of the world’s most amazing structures. To be fair, we have evidence of mold-making dating from 3000 BC, but it was the Romans and the Greeks who applied the idea to construction, and apply they did. The Romans especially are famous for the incredible infrastructure they devised.

Significant progress in the area of precast picked up again at the turn of the century. British engineer John Alexander Brodie is credited with the idea for precast reinforced concrete, a concept that appealed to many for its emphasis on efficient, affordable construction parts. Brodie’s process centered on creating panels which could then be used for quick and cheap building. His method was adopted the world over.

The precast approach resurfaced in the 1950s, when the U.S. suburban landscape was growing again. The Baby Boom led to a demand for more housing but also for more resources and better infrastructure. Engineers, architects, designers and planners returned to the idea pioneered by the Ancient Romans and perfected by engineers like Brodie, first using precast to build bridges, then shopping centers, then stadiums. Today, our office buildings, malls, walls, schools, churches, ramps and more are all the result of precast concrete. And we’re still not done exploring its applications and refining our methods.

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