The Choice of Stone For your Memorial: Granite or Marble

06 May.,2024


The Choice of Stone For your Memorial: Granite or Marble


Please note the following when deciding on a particular type or colour of granite that you may be considering:
Granites, by their very nature, are natural, quarried materials and as such will vary in colour, shade and grain size. Sometimes there will be directional markings, or larger dark or light crystals in the finer grain granites. You should be aware that no two pieces will be identical. On occasions larger, random blemishes will be present in the stone – but this is normal and to be expected from something that has been randomly created by extreme forces of nature millions of years ago rather than by design in a factory last week. Any order placed with us is on the understanding that these natural variations may exist.

For more white granite headstoneinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Light grey and white granites tend to be more absorbent than darker materials, which could lead to visible staining by objects left on the memorials such as flower wreaths with rusty wire, dead petals and leaves or staining by other environmental conditions (like tree sap, grass clippings, bird droppings – especially during the berry season – and other passing wildlife i.e. dogs, foxes etc.).

Lighter coloured granites are more absorbent and in wet conditions you can expect the stone to draw water into it – creating a temporary darker colour change in the affected parts of the stone where the water line rises up the stone. When the stone dries out its normal colouring should return. The darker the stone colour, the denser and less absorbent it tends to be – thus reducing the risk of discolouration due to external conditions. However, ALL stone is absorbent – just to varying degrees. There are two aspects that you should be aware of regarding this issue:

(a) Some stones will have naturally occurring micro cracks buried deep within the granite (called vents) and on occasions, if moisture collects within these and freezes during extreme cold temperatures then the expansion can force the crack to the surface. This may be less obvious in a dark granite but in lighter colours (i.e. white granite) dirt and dust can then get caught in these micro cracks and highlight them via a grey or dark line.

(b) The porous nature of stone can have consequences for any lettering or designs that are cut into the stone. You are recommended to refer to the Guidance Note: Your Memorial’s Inscription for further information.


Like granite marble is a quarried stone that has taken millions of years to form. We obtain our marble from Carrara in Italy. The majority of marble is white in colour but there are variations – such as Dove Grey marble. Some marble will have a vein effect running through it. In Carrara white marble this can have a blueish tinge and in Dove Grey marble these veins tend to be white. This is natural. It is a very absorbent stone and can be easily stained – so it requires regular cleaning with suitable cleaning products otherwise you can expect it to discolour over time. Tree sap, grass clippings, flower petals and pollen can have an adverse effect – along with passing birds and wildlife. Moisture in the stone can encourage the growth of micro bio-organisms – like mould, lichen and moss – and cause discolouration.

Many examples of this discolouration caused when regular cleaning is not carried out can be seen by visiting any local cemetery or churchyard. Look for grey, grubby headstones and you will find that many are marble stones that have never been cleaned. Such stones can be renovated and often restored to their previous bright appearance – but many are just left.

Care must be taken regarding the use of certain cleaning products as not all are suitable for marble. Like granite marble can also have sub-surface vents within.


This is a favourite of churchyards as it has a low key, matt, beige-cream finish with darker coloured flecks. Most churchyards do not allow polished granite or black granite or even marble – insisting, instead, on light to dark grey granites that have a honed or rustic finish – and Nabresina. Our Nabresina is quarried for from Italy and
shares the same potential naturally occurring flaws as granite and marble (see above).
It is incredibly hard and much longer lasting than say Portland Stone and may be chosen when there is lots of text or small lettering which would be lost on Portland as it weathered. Nabresina is sometimes used interchangeably with Auresina, otherwise known as “Nabresina Light”. Nabresina can withstand the rigors of being lettered with flush lead unlike Auresina. It is more absorbent than granite but less absorbent than marble. It, too, can be stained so care should be taken with fresh flowers and plants being placed on or near the memorial.

Portland Limestone

Portland limestone is the classic headstone material. After a year or two it begins to mellow and weather softly to various tones of grey. The surface becomes slightly harder in time protecting it from erosion. However, Portland headstones need bold lettering. Small flourishes and fine italics will not last as the weathering process will cover them within ten to fifteen years. A capital letter really has a (suggested) minimum height of 30mm. Lettering needs to be cut deeply as one relies on the shadow to read it. Our grey climate in the UK only reinforces this logic.

The placing of any order with us for marble, Nabresina, Portland or any of the lighter coloured granites is on the understanding that you have been made aware of the above points and that regular cleaning may be necessary to maintain the memorial’s appearance. Abbey Memorials Limited would not be liable for any staining caused after the memorial has been fixed into the cemetery.

Marble vs. Granite Headstones: How They Compare

Make a list of everyone’s favorite things to talk about and we’re pretty sure you won’t find “headstones” on that list anywhere. But talk about them we must if we are to ensure that loved ones are paid the respect they deserve in perpetuity. One of the most common questions that arise with regards to these memorials is which type of stone is better: marble or granite? Below, we will take a look at both materials, their pros and cons, and when to choose one over the other.

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Marble or Granite Headstones in Colorado?

Most people believe marble is just about the hardest type of rock in existence, but granite is actually the tougher of the two. That’s because it originates from cooled magma that has undergone millions of years of heat and compression. You can set up a granite headstone today and it will look just as good 200 years from now (once you remove the accumulated dirt of course).

Marble, on the other hand, can trace its origins to limestone which is much softer than magma. That’s why it does not take much effort to scratch marble and why it will react negatively to various acids. Marble is also more likely than granite to chip or crack over time. After the aforementioned 200 years, it may be hard to read the inscription on a marble tombstone.

When thinking of headstones for graves you need to keep durability right upfront because the whole point is to ensure the deceased and their time on earth is not lost to history.

Headstone Appearance

Marble is available in an almost endless variety of colors and patterns with unique veining in every piece, which is one of the big reasons it has held its position as one of the premier building materials for so long. When it comes to gravestones the most popular colors are gray and white, largely because these also happen to be the most affordable types of marble, with more exotic colors being rarer, which in turn causes headstone prices to increase.

Typically, however, when marble is used in a memorial it is used inside an enclosed mausoleum or crypt. That way it is not exposed to the elements and will potentially last for centuries.

Like marble with its veining, each piece of granite is unique in its distribution of color flecks. The most popular colors of granite found in memorials are green, blue and brown. Granite will endure laser etching well which means the customer can customize headstones to their liking with graphic flourishes, as well as letters and numbers. The high-contrast lettering produced by laser engraving will last for centuries even outdoors where it’s exposed directly to environmental factors like rain, snow and windborne corrosives.

Pros and Cons of Both Headstone Options

The following are the pros and cons of using either marble or granite to create a headstone.

Marble Headstone Pros

  • Every piece of marble is completely unique
  • Marble has long been a traditional material for gravestones and other memorials
  • Marble has a certain cache attached to it that granite, for all its virtues, can’t match
  • Marble is easier to cut and polish than granite

Marble Headstone Cons

  • Marble is more susceptible to cracks, chips and scratches than granite
  • Marble lettering will lose its crispness after years exposed to the weather
  • Marble is more prone to discoloration than granite
  • It’s also more expensive than granite

Granite Headstone Pros

  • Granite is about as close to indestructible as a natural building material can be
  • Lettering etched into granite will remain crisp and clear indefinitely
  • It is less expensive than marble, but not by much
  • Granite is a traditional headstone material
  • Each piece of granite is totally unique

Granite Headstone Cons

  • It may be less expensive than marble but it’s not cheap
  • While it is tougher than marble it is susceptible to damage from acid rain

Granite or Marble Headstones: The Verdict

Headstones are an extremely personal choice, but from a purely objective standpoint granite has distinct advantages over marble that should not be ignored. It is both less expensive and more durable. Etched letters and other graphic touches hold up better over the long-term than they do on marble (when marble is used outdoors). And, like marble, each piece of granite is a unique expression of the millions of years of natural forces that went into its production.

That said, some folks in Littleton are looking to make a statement with the memorial they choose and for them, the wider variety of colors offered by marble may be the better choice. One could, for instance, create a memorial structure out of white marble ala the Taj Mahal and then use granite for the nameplate to ensure the lettering etc remain intact through the years. Ultimately, though, it is up to you.

Contact Our Custom Memorial Designers

If you remain uncertain which material would be a better choice for your loved one’s memorial, get in touch with Mile High Memorials. We can provide expert recommendations that will ensure you end up with a headstone that will do your loved one justice through time immemorial.

We provide a full range of custom stone memorials, custom upright memorials, bench memorials, natural stone memorials, flat stone memorials and more. We also perform onsite lettering of marble or granite headstones and we can create distinctive and tasteful pet memorials too. You can find us by searching for “headstones near me” or by calling us at 303-794-3443. If you prefer you can fax us at 303-794-3489.

Are you interested in learning more about angel headstones? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!