Tombstone, Gravestone, or Headstone? What's the ...

29 Jul.,2024


Tombstone, Gravestone, or Headstone? What's the ...

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When autumn begins in the northern hemisphere, people often decorate their businesses and homes to get ready for Halloween. In , the National Retail Federation said Americans would spend a whopping $3.2 billion on Halloween decorations that year, so as you can imagine (or as you may have seen in your own neighborhood) these decorations can be quite elaborate. You often see mummies, witches, skeletons, spiders, jack-o-lanterns, black cats, cobwebs, ghosts, and tombstones. Or are they headstones? Or gravestones? Is there a difference? Does it even matter?

The words tombstone and gravestone used to refer to large stone slabs that served as a lid for a tomb or covering for a grave. They might have had engravings on them, but their purpose was to secure a deceased body in a tomb or in the ground. &#;Gravestone&#; is the older word, being used from the late s, and &#;tombstone&#; is from the mid-s. A headstone, as the word implies, referred to a grave marker placed at the head of a grave. It&#;s the newest of the three words, arising in , according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Today, the words tombstone, gravestone, and headstone are often used interchangeably to refer to stone grave markers of any size or style. Regardless of which term you use, all three words refer to something made of stone that marks where someone is or will be buried. Sometimes cemeteries have grave markers showing where people who are still alive will be buried someday, but most grave markers indicate where someone has already been buried. So, whether they are being used to designate the location of a present grave or future grave, all three words &#; &#;tombstone,&#; &#;headstone,&#; and &#;gravestone&#; &#; refer to the same thing: a burial site with a marker made of stone.

Other words are also used to refer to grave markers. For example, the word &#;monument&#; is a common term for something marking an individual grave or a family plot containing multiple graves. In some cemeteries, it is common to see a large monument with a family&#;s name on it surrounded by smaller grave markers for the family members who are or will be buried there. Some gravesites also have a footstone, which, as the word implies, is a stone marker placed at the foot of a grave. Footstones are usually smaller and have fewer engravings than markers placed at the head of a grave. In some areas, such as New Orleans, Louisiana or in the famous Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you will also see aboveground vaults where bodies are interred. These elaborate resting places are also sometimes called tombs or mausoleums.

Etymonline has an interesting origin for the word &#;mausoleum&#;: It comes from one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, a &#;tomb &#; built in 353 B.C.E. at Helicarnassus (a Greek city in Asia Minor),&#; the ruins of which are in the present day city of Bodrum, Turkey. This massive marble structure &#; it&#;s believed to have been 48 feet high &#; got its name, the Mausoleum at Helicarnassus, from the name of the powerful ruler who was buried there: Mausolos.

Not all tombs are massive; graves and grave markers come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. The burial site of Edward Schieffelin provides an interesting example.

In the s, Ed Schieffelin was a prospector trying to strike it rich. He ventured out alone in a rough, dangerous area east of the San Pedro River in Arizona Territory in search of rocks containing precious metals. A friend told him that the only rock he would find would be his tombstone. Ed knew what his friend meant, but he persisted and eventually found silver in several places. He named one of his strikes &#;Tombstone,&#; and when miners flocked to the area, the town that sprang up took on that same name. So, even though Tombstone, Arizona, is famous, or maybe that should be infamous, for a gunfight at the O.K. Corral involving Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday on October 26, , the town got its name from Schieffelin&#;s success, not from death in the Wild West.

Ed Schieffelin died in Oregon in but per his wishes, his final resting place is in Arizona. His grave near Tombstone is under a pyramid-shaped monument built of rocks and fashioned after the way that prospectors marked their claims.

The three casualties of Tombstone&#;s notable gunfight are buried in Boothill Graveyard along with others who lived, and died, in that place and time. Many of the early grave markers at Boothill were wooden crosses that disintegrated, and the graveyard fell into disrepair in the s, but there were also some stone markers, and locals have restored the graveyard as much as possible.

Regardless of the material, shape, or size, the term &#;grave marker&#; can be used to refer to anything marking a grave. However, if a monument, or other memorial, even though it might look like a grave marker, is not marking a person&#;s actual grave, then it would be called a cenotaph, which comes from Greek that means &#;empty tomb.&#; War memorials inscribed with soldiers names, for example, are cenotaphs.

But all this still leaves us with the question of what to call those Halloween decorations that look like grave markers, but actually aren&#;t and might not even be made of stone. Because the words &#;tombstone,&#; &#;headstone,&#; and &#;gravestone&#; are commonly used as synonyms, it doesn&#;t really matter which term you use for their replicas in Halloween displays. Whichever word you use, people likely will understand what you are referring to, just as Ed Schieffelin knew what his friend meant with his warning that he would find his tombstone.

Image courtesy of Brenda Thomas.

What's the Difference Between a Headstone, Gravestone ...

When wandering through the solemn paths of a cemetery, one is often surrounded by an array of stone markers, each standing as a silent testament to a life once lived. While these markers may appear similar at first glance, they are known by different names&#;headstones, gravestones, and tombstones&#;and they carry distinct historical and cultural significances. In this article, we delve into the nuances that distinguish these terms, exploring their origins, the evolution of their use, and the specific contexts in which each term is most accurately applied. Understanding the difference between a headstone, gravestone, and tombstone not only enriches our grasp of funerary customs but also deepens our appreciation for the commemorative practices that honour the memories of those who have passed.

Key Takeaways

  • The words gravestone, tombstone, and headstone are now used interchangeably, but they originated at different times and have slight distinctions in their meanings.
  • Headstones are typically upright stones strategically placed at the head of a grave, bearing inscriptions that encapsulate a life&#;s essence.
  • Gravestones are larger than headstones and mark the full expanse of a grave, often featuring detailed inscriptions or images.
  • Tombstones are traditionally larger slabs of stone that mark and often cover the entire grave, symbolising respect and connecting us with our ancestors.

What are the Differences Between a Headstone, Gravestone, and Tombstone

You may have heard the terms headstone, gravestone, and tombstone used almost interchangeably, but there are subtle differences in history that set them apart when each of the words was used more commonly.

What is a Headstone?

Understanding the nuances between a headstone, gravestone, and tombstone is essential when commemorating your loved one&#;s final resting place. A headstone is more than just a marker; it&#;s a personal tribute that reflects the unique life and legacy of the person it honours. Here&#;s what sets a headstone apart:

  1. Design: Typically an upright stone, a headstone stands as a sentinel at the head of a grave.
  2. Placement: It&#;s strategically placed at the head to symbolise guidance or watchfulness.

What is a Gravestone?

A gravestone, often larger than its counterpart, the headstone, normally marks the full expanse of a grave and may feature detailed inscriptions or images commemorating the life of the departed. You&#;ll find that a gravestone isn&#;t just a grave marker; it&#;s a testament to a life lived, a story engraved in stone for posterity.

The term &#;gravestone&#; used to describe these monuments reflects their historical role in marking the entire resting place, not just the stone at the head.

It stands as a physical and enduring link to your loved one, preserving their legacy for the future.

What is a Tombstone?

Originally, the term &#;tombstone&#; referred to the stone cover of a stone coffin, a usage dating back to the mid-16th century.

Over time, the definition of &#;tombstone&#; evolved to mean the vertical stone placed at the head of a grave. This marker usually bears the name of the person buried there, along with their birth and death dates. Additionally, some tombstones include an epitaph or a portrait of the deceased.

The Origins of the Word Headstone

Frequently, when you&#;re exploring the distinctions among these memorial markers, you&#;ll find that the term &#;headstone&#; originated around , distinguishing itself with its specific positioning at the head of a grave.

Originally, the term was a synonym for &#;cornerstone,&#; which refers to a ceremonial stone positioned at the corner of a building, uniting two outer walls. Headstones usually bore the date the building was completed.

  1. Origins: The word headstone specifically refers to the marker at the head of the grave, a term that has been part of our language since the late 17th century.
  2. Personalisation: Unlike the broader terms gravestone or tombstone, a headstone often feels more intimate and personal.

Nowadays, headstone is the word most commonly used to describe a memorial at a loved one&#;s grave.

The Origins of the Word Gravestone

Gravestone&#;s etymology traces back to the s, becoming widely used between and , making it the term you&#;re encountering that&#;s steeped in the most history when distinguishing it from a headstone or tombstone.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website headstone, gravestone & tombstone differences.

At that time, a gravestone referred to a substantial stone slab placed on top of a grave. A gravestone might feature an inscription with a name, date, or epitaph. Unlike the upright headstones common today, these gravestones were hefty slabs that rested horizontally over a burial plot.

The Origins of the Word Tombstone

You&#;ll find that the term &#;tombstone&#; has its roots in the mid-s, marking it as the earliest of these memorial markers to be named. When you trace the lineage of these words, &#;tombstone&#; emerges as a kindred term that connects us to the past.

It&#;s a word that&#;s been used to signify the stone that marks an empty tomb or grave. Over time, the term evolved, and its use expanded to encompass the stone markers we&#;re familiar with today.

The term &#;tombstone&#; originates from Greek, with the word &#;tymbos&#; meaning &#;burial mound&#; and &#;stia&#; signifying &#;pebble.&#;

Over time, &#;tymbos&#; transformed into the word &#;tomb,&#; and &#;stia&#; developed into &#;stone.&#;

When the Terms Headstone, Gravestone, or Tombstone be used

You might be wondering when you should use the terms headstone, gravestone, or tombstone.

If you&#;re marking the head of a grave with a smaller inscription, you&#;re looking for a headstone.

Conversely, if you&#;re choosing a larger marker that lies flat over the grave, you&#;re dealing with a gravestone or tombstone.

When to use Headstone

In choosing a memorial for a loved one, you may wonder whether to select a headstone, gravestone, or tombstone, as these terms are often used interchangeably. Here&#;s when to specifically use the term &#;headstone&#;:

  1. Upright Headstone: When you&#;re looking for a traditional, vertical monument that stands at the head of the grave.
  2. Personalisation: If you want to inscribe a heartfelt message along with the birth and death dates.
  3. Head of the Grave: To indicate that the stone placed is at the head, rather than any other position.

Choose with love and respect, knowing that any term you use honours their memory.

When to use Tombstone

Considering the interchangeable use of headstone, gravestone, and tombstone, you might opt for &#;tombstone&#; when emphasising a historical or traditional aspect of the memorial. The term &#;tombstone&#; evokes a sense of old-world charm and can connect you to the heritage of memorial traditions.

For centuries, the term &#;tombstone&#; has evolved to refer to a vertical stone placed at the head of a grave. This stone usually bears the name of the person who has passed away, along with their birth date and date of death. Additionally, some tombstones may feature a short message known as an epitaph, or an image representing the deceased.

When to use Gravestone

While &#;tombstone&#; might speak to historical preferences, you&#;ll find &#;gravestone&#; a fitting term when emphasizing the stone&#;s role as a marker for the entire grave site. The stone typically bore inscriptions with details of the departed, such as their name, dates of birth and death, along with an epitaph.

Frequently, these stones also showcased ornamental symbols. In contemporary memorial practices, a grave ledger serves a similar purpose to what a gravestone once did.

Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of a headstone?

In understanding the purpose of a headstone, you&#;ll recognise it as a marker that stands at the grave&#;s head, bearing inscriptions that honour and memorialise your loved one.

The headstone serves several key functions:

  1. Memorialisation: It acts as a lasting tribute to the individual, ensuring their memory is preserved for future generations.
  2. Identification: Provides important information such as the full name, birth and death dates, and sometimes their relation to family members.
  3. Expression: Offers a space for a personal epitaph or message that reflects the personality or beliefs of the departed.
  4. Community: Serves as a point of connection, where family and friends can come together to remember and find solace in shared memories.

Why is it called a headstone?

Regarding the term &#;headstone,&#; it&#;s called this because it&#;s positioned at the head of a grave, symbolising the resting place of the deceased. When you&#;re honouring a loved one, choosing a headstone offers a sense of connection, knowing it marks where they lay in peace.

The names headstone, gravestone, and tombstone often refer to grave markers, but you&#;ve learned that a headstone is specifically for the grave&#;s head. This tradition helps weave the individual&#;s memory into the fabric of the community.

Although &#;headstone&#; and &#;gravestone&#; are used interchangeably to refer to these memorials, it&#;s important to you that the term you choose resonates with the tribute you&#;re creating&#;a personal testament to a life cherished and remembered.

Is It a Headstone or Tombstone or Gravestone?

You&#;re looking to honour a loved one, and whether you call it a headstone, gravestone, or tombstone, it&#;s a deeply personal choice reflecting your connection to them. They all mark a final resting place.

Why Are Tombstones Called Headstones?

You&#;re probably wondering why tombstones are often called headstones. It&#;s because they&#;re traditionally placed at the head of the grave, marking the resting place with names and dates as a personal tribute.

What Is the Difference Between a Tombstone and a Monument?

You&#;re looking at tombstones as markers for individual graves, while monuments often signify larger memorials, sometimes for multiple family members or elaborate structures like mausoleums. Both celebrate lives and carry deep personal significance.

What Are Tombstones Called Now?

You&#;re likely seeking a term for modern tombstones&#;they&#;re commonly called gravestones or headstones now, and they symbolise your enduring connection to loved ones who&#;ve passed on.


You&#;ve now uncovered the subtle distinctions between headstones, gravestones, and tombstones. Whether you&#;re memorialising a loved one or satisfying curiosity, you&#;ll recognise that headstones stand at the head, gravestones mark the grave, and tombstones once-covered tombs.

Each carries the weight of memory and history, a testament to lives lived. So next time you&#;re in a cemetery, you&#;ll see more than stone; you&#;ll understand the stories and significance each marker holds.

At Haven Memorials we create the perfect headstone to remember your loved one from our shops across the South of England and London. Download our brochure and get in touch with us today.

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